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Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


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greywulf said:
Dropping into the Macropedia, with minor wording changes here.

I'll playtest this too - it might work very well for Conan-style "against the hordes" style games, in particular.

I've changed the wording to make this a melee only option until I've playtested it - I'm not sure of the idea of a guy with a longbow being able to drop infinite goblins in a single round :)

Oh yes, silly me. It MUST be a melee only option, for many reasons.

1. Missile fire = little risk to archer. Melee fighter is toe-to-toe in a struggle for a bath of crimson death!

2. The idea of "cleave" is that the momentium of your blow has not only cloven through one enemy, spraying ichor and blood about, but has passed quickly into a strike upon another encroaching foe!

3. Conan says kill 'em by the horde!!!

4. In old style D&D (I hear the "here we go again" sighs, ;) ) a fighter had multiple attacks equal to his level, against foes with less than 1 HD. Though mechanically different in M20, this option closely resemble the "fighting sweep!"

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Greywulf, one note, this clipped from the Macropedia:

If the melee attack bonus is +6 and the attacker drops or slays a foe, he is granted one additional attack against another opponent in melee weapon striking distance that round. If the bonus is +11 or better (or +6 for fighters), as long as the combatant is dropping foes, he can continue attacking others until one does not fall to the might of his weapon.

I don't know if you meant to leave out the other text about the fighter getting this at first level, but the text presented above does provide an interesting take.

+6: for all but figther = one addtional cleave attack //// fighter = unlimited
+11: unlimted for all.

I have to think about it. At first I was going to give as optionally stated, the fighter cleave at 1st level so they could stand out. But, I will give this idea a thought.


First Post
Range bands. Oh, that idea is so stolen from Traveller, circa 1977! The thieves! Give them back! :)

Heh. They do work though. I'll give some thought into how this could work with M20.

I've also modified the text a little for cleaving:

If the melee attack bonus is +6 and the attacker drops or slays a foe, he is granted one additional attack against another opponent in melee weapon striking distance that round. As long as the combatant is dropping foes, he can continue attacking others until one does not fall to the might of his weapon.

In the spirit of zen simplicity, let's just say anyone can keep on hitting so long as they're more than +6 to hit, and there's foes around. That'll keep the barbarians happy too. Bear in mind that Fighters get a plus one, and are usually high STR too, so that all adds to their to hit tobonus start with - it's quite likely they'll be at +6 at first level already.

Watch out for those times the Monsters do the same thing to the players though.......:evilgrin:

Oh, and I've put up some rules on the Macropedia for Mass Combat Made Easy . Approach with an open mind. It works, I promise! I think the examples explain the rules better than the rules do, as ever.
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Yep. Memory served me right.

I present exhibit One:

This is from Traveller Book 1:Characters and Combat, 1802 edition (or thereabouts):

And exhibit Two, from the WoTC site :


I love it when Good Ideas in Role-playing get re-discovered. It works very well for starship combat where the "ranges" can be thousands of miles apart, so I'm pretty sure it'll work well enough for bows'n'arrows too.

Yeh, this would work well in M20 for those times range really was critical.


WSmith said:
WAIT A SECOND!!! That might be one of the best ideas for a M20 house rule that I have seen yet!
Glad I was finally able to contribute something helpful, as so far I've most just kind of lurked on this thread, while watching it carefully, because I am such a fan of the idea of Microlite 20.

I've been trying to think of a simplified version of Sanity rules for a Microlite 20 CoC, so far all I've come up with is a new variable stat that makes you more or less likely to attack a friendly target in any given round. Simple, but I don't know. Thing is, I would like to make it so you could use d20 stats (including Sanity Loss) for monsters and mythos threats right out of the book, with little or no real conversion, just like other d20 monsters in Microlite 20.

It's neat watching this process.


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Mmmmmmmmm.......Sanity............... :)

I'd use MINDx5 as your starting SAN, then run SAN checks by the book. That's one mechanic that's soooooo Call of Cthulhu even the d20 version didn't dare fiddle with it. I'd be inclined to agree with them, just this once.

Darn. Now I have an urge to run an adventure involving a Migo.

To put everyone in the impending Christmas spirit, I offer up this page: Cthulhu Christmas Carols


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greywulf said:
I love it when Good Ideas in Role-playing get re-discovered. It works very well for starship combat where the "ranges" can be thousands of miles apart, so I'm pretty sure it'll work well enough for bows'n'arrows too.

Indeed! Awesome catch! Thats funny how similar they are. I was thinking about using range bands with my tabletop players, but they are so into minis its not funny. In fact, they make me draw out the ENTIRE dungeon on a piece of plexiglass or battlemat-sheets. I've tried to switch to minis for combat clarification only, but no deal. Its really annoying. My 6 year old loves playing with just her immagination and dice, yet the 35+ year olds want to push lead and plastic figurines around the table all night. Its like playing f-ing pictionary.


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bytor4232 said:
Its like playing f-ing pictionary.

LOL!!!! I know what you mean. I hate miniatures and dungeon floorplans with a passion. Imagination is cheaper, more flexible and better painted than miniatures can ever be.

Each to their own though, I guess. :)

There are a few updates at the Macropedia. First, and most noticeable is the new theme/layout/stylesheet. Hope you like it! It'll be up until WoTC chews my ass. Consider it a homage to a certain set of books. It's a layout I've been wanting to create for a while :)

My good friend Alex Schroeder is working on a German translation of the Core Rules, which is great - and he'll be happy for any other German speakers to help him out.

Meantime, please feel free to drop your own contributions in too - the more, the merrier! Just type a page title into the New/Edit Page box at the top right. Use CamelCaps (ie, bunch the capitalized words together) for the title and I'll be Very Happy with you. See How To Contribute for more details.

If anyone has additional downloads I've missed, add them to the Microlite20Downloads page too - I'm sure you'll be able to work out how to add URLs.

That's it for now. I'm working on the next part to my Chicken Royale modern spy spoof/adventure, scheduled for airing next Wendesday.

UPDATE: http://home.greywulf.net/m20 now goes straight to the Macropedia. Ah, the joys of .htaccess.
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First Post
I like the wiki site. My only suggestion, and its a nitpickey one, is to make the front page a little more consolidated with the core stuff. I came to the website looking for a the core stuff and suppliments, and it wasn't clear I landed in the right spot. In other words if this is going to be the main site for Microlite20, then the home page at least should promote the system. I'd hate for a potential user of Microlite20 to be turned away because they didn't read the first couple of paragraphs.

I know I'm nit-picking, sorry. Just a thought. Its kinda clear that if your looking for Microlite20 you've landed at the right page if you read a few paragraphs, but some people may not look past the title.
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