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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow [Recruiting Alternates]



Ready to go when you are, folks.

Do you have the characters saved, Hrothgar? I only have my very first draft on my computer. I might have more at work, but I'm not counting on it.

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Thornir Alekeg

Bobitron: I beleive what I post below is the more updated version of your character sheet pulled from the Google cache, but it looks like it is still missing those items Hrothgar mentioned. I also found the story thread in the Google cache, but only through early February. If anyone thinks we should, I can post the contents of it here.



1st level Erenlander Channeler

Age: 17
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 90
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Class: Charismatic Channeler
Level: 2
Experience: ?
Alignment: NG


STR: 10 (-2 racial adjustment)
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 14
CHA: 16 (+2 racial adjustment)

Hit Points: 13

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +2 (base +0, CON +2)
Reflex: +2 (base +0, DEX +2)
Will: +5 (base +3, WIS +2)

Armor Class: 12 (Base 10 + 2 DEX)

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Dagger (+1, 1d4 piercing damage, 19-20/x2 Crit)

Skills: (24 +8 racial)

Balance +2
Bluff* +11 (5 ranks, +3 Cha, +3 Skill Focus)
Climb +0
Concentration* +9 (5 ranks, +2 Con, +2 Master Adventurer)
Craft (Alchemy) +6 (4 ranks, +2 Int)
Decipher Script* +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int)
Diplomacy* +8 (3 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Negotiator feat)
Disguise +3
Forgery +2
Gather Information* +6 (3 ranks, +3 Cha)
Heal* +7 (5 ranks, +2 Wis)
Hide +2
Intimidate* +3
Jump +0
Knowledge (arcana)* +8 (4 ranks, +2 Int, +2 Master Adventurer)
Knowledge (spirits)* +3 (1 rank, +2 Int)
Listen +2
Move Silently +2
Perform +3
Profession (Herbalist) +7 (5 ranks, +2 Wis)
Ride* +2
Search* +2
Sense Motive* +9 (4 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Negotiator feat)
Speak Language* 1 (Norther)
Spellcraft* +8 (4 ranks, +2 Int, +2 Master Adventurer)
Spot +2
Survival +2
Swim +0

Heroic Path: Pureblood
Heroic Abilties: Master Adventurer +2, applied to Spellcraft, Knowledge (arcana), and Concentration)
Negotiator (starting feat, +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive)
Spellcasting (racial bonus feat, Enchantment)
Skill Focus: Bluff (racial bonus feat, +3 to Bluff checks)
Magecraft: Charismatic (1st level Channeler feat)
Spellcraft (2nd level Channeler feat, Conjuration)

Prestidigitation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/prestidigitation.htm)
Read Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/readMagic.htm)
Ghost Sound (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ghostSound.htm)
Mage Hand (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageHand.htm)
Charm Person (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/charmPerson.htm)
Sleep (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sleep.htm)
Obscuring Mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm)
Mage Armor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageArmor.htm)

Spell Points:
6 0 level
5 1st level

Racial Features:
Two bonus feats at first level
+2 to Cha, -2 to Str
8 extra skill points at first level, 2 extra skill points at each additional level
4 bonus ranks in Profession

Erenlander, Norther

Dagger, kept hidden in the back of her loft wrapped in cloth
Small, flat tipped knife for cutting herbs
Light blue dress, dulled by age to a flat color
Leather Apron
Belt w/ pouch
sack containing herbs worth 50vp, kept in her loft
Infused oil, 20 doses, kept in her loft (+2 Bonus to Fort saves vs. Poison)
Infused oil, 20 doses, kept in her loft (+2 Bonus to Fort saves vs. Disease)
Gnaw root, 5 (+2 Bonus to Spot checks)
Gnaw root, 5 (+2 Bonus to Listen checks)

Background: Kaela was born to loving parents just south of Erenhead in a tiny village called Farmer’s Rest. The orcs finally took notice of her father’s skill as a smith four years ago, and he was sent in chains to work, spending his days making crude implements of war for the forces of the Shadow. Kaela’s mother broke down, unable to live such a life any longer, and drowned herself in the town’s small lake within weeks of his departure. The locals didn’t take kindly to keeping Kaela, now 13, as she had a reputation for being strange. Betrayed by a member of the community, Durfen, to an orc patrol, she fled to the woods and never returned to Farmer’s Rest again. It haunts her dreams still, with Durfen’s leering face and the bleak, dark waters that took her mother’s life visiting her nightly.

After a week in the woods, living off what berries and what little she was passed on from her mother, an herbalist and natural healer, she decided to move on. Chopping off her hair and wearing a boy’s filthy clothes, she fled north, hoping to find a place far from the constant patrols of the region. After three years of travel and scrapping out an existence in the south, she reached the farming community of Caft, far to the north.

Caft has been the closest thing Kaela has to a home. While she still hasn’t been accepting by all the population, she has found a place in the small town. Honing her abilities as an herbalist and healer, she trades the oils and gnawsticks she makes from local plants for shelter in a farmer’s barn. She also trades herbs to The Plough and Stars, a small inn in Caft, to season their bland food. It gives her enough food to live without having to work the fields.

In the last four months, Kaela has discovered she holds a natural talent for spellcasting. Since unearthing her abilities, she avoids town completely when the patrols come through. While few patrols contain a legate, it’s not something she is willing to risk.

Personality: The primary reason Kaela is accepted in the town is her mild and gentle character. She is a ray of sunshine in a dark land, a friend of all people, and always holds a smile for the over-worked and repressed Dorns of Caft. She also is quick to find friends among the wanderers, refugees, and slaves that work the fields, caring for them when nobody else can spare the effort. Kaela tends to raise protective feelings in those who know her.

Appearance: A small, youthful teen with a soft smile and gentle voice, Kaela sticks out like a sore thumb among the Dorns of Caft. She has brown hair and eyes, and normally wears a blue dress torn and stained from years of use. She has a leather apron that covers the front, but only wears it when in the woods or working.


First Post
Thornir, thanks for the information. If you can post the previous contents of the story thread up until February, it would be appreciated.

Bobitron, unfortunately, I only saved the first story thread and the characters associated with the first chapter. Now I am kicking myself that I did not save more often, rather than after a chapter is complete!

However, in posts 227 and 228 of this thread, you mention the updates you made to Kaela when advancing her from 1st to 2nd level.

Thanks, Toric. Game on!

Thornir Alekeg

OK, I'll post it here so it doesn't mess with the flow of the newest posts.


elapse12-30-05, 07:15 PM
Staying within the fog, the Erenlander keeps quiet during the parlay incase it takes a turn for the worst.

OOC: welcome back bobbi!

p.s. - was anyone else unable to get to enworld for the past week or was it just me? i don't know if my isp just had its cache screwed up or what.


Bobitron12-30-05, 08:00 PM
OOC: welcome back bobbi!

p.s. - was anyone else unable to get to enworld for the past week or was it just me? i don't know if my isp just had its cache screwed up or what.

ooc: Thanks elapse! The site has been down often due to some updates.


Hrothgar01-02-06, 06:08 AM
The tall Dorn, standing by his massive mount, glares at Starhl his angry voice cutting through the sorcerous fog. The Shadow finds ways to use our own strength against us. You weilding an antique Dornish sword is no guarantee of your allegiance!

Turning to face Morn, the Dorn frowns in anger. As for that, the stranger should should declare himself first, elfling. No matter. I am Svelgaut the Falcon of House Davin. Svelgaut nods behind him. Varing of House Davin and Idra the Lithe of House Davin ride with me. We have come seeking the cause for the destruction of Caft. She is Hope for the north and we have sworn she will not fall into the Shadow's clutches. His chest swells and his nostrils flair with anger as he looks at Morn. And I would skewer your heart with my spear, elfling, if I could but find it in this long grass.

Idra, still mounted on her destrier, her spear pointed at the heart of the swirling fog calls out. Lower your sorcerous fog, witch. If you are indeed protecting the girl from Shadow, you have no fear of us! Come! First tell us your right names! And your stories. Dorns of House Davin have little patience for guile and subterfuge!


Toric_Arthendain01-04-06, 06:52 PM
Valurel stands up in the swordgrass and moves to within twenty paces of the riders. If he can make it so he appears out of the fog, he will do so for effect. If not, he will simply stand up and move to where he can speak without yelling. Not understanding the language spoken by the riders, Valurel can only guess what they are saying. The inflection in their tone would seem to indicate that they are irritated at best and outright hostile at worst. Judging by Starhl and Morn's words, the riders suspect that the group are Shadow collaborators. That suspicion needs to be put to rest if this encounter is to end any other way than with violence.

Stepping out of the fog (or out of the swordgrass), Valurel says carefully to best make himself understood, I am called Valurel Itandel of the Veradeen. We are no friends of Shadow. We have suffered many losses at their hands." He hopes they understand and he holds his hands at his sides, palms facing upward, to show he is unarmed.


Micar Sin01-05-06, 12:54 AM
Morn simply tilts his crossbow away from the figures in front of him, but keeps his silence, for to do otherwise would incite a bloodbath...


Krug01-05-06, 08:24 AM
"Me no good with words, will let others speak. But we have fought many of the Shadow," Starhl snarls, pointing to his wounds. "Shadow made you suspicious of all." he notes.

Sorry for the lack of posts. Have been away from the comp and EN World instability hampered postings.


Bobitron01-05-06, 03:42 PM
ooc: Can I drop the fog? I'm not sure if that is possible.

Kaela stands upright, careful to keep Aislinn close to her side. "If you are a foe of the Shadow, stand down and stop your posturing," she chides. "Pounding your chests is adding nothing to this meeting."

"We indeed have come from the ruins of Caft, with Aislinn in our protection. Please forgive the bolt, for we are weary and a little jumpy after the threats that the Shadow has arrayed against us." She takes a cautious step forward, raising a hand in greeting. "I am Kaela, known to those of Caft. This is Aislinn."


maddmic01-05-06, 04:08 PM
Sorry all, on vacation and time for posting is sporatic at best. I'll post something ujp when I get a chance later tonight.


Hrothgar01-06-06, 05:51 AM
Valurel glides out of the dense fog like a ghost, his footsteps silent in the long grass. Idra hisses, Erunsil!, her eyes going wide. Svelgaut and Varing astride his mount also stare in wonder. Svelgaunt voice rumbles softly, A long way from your mountain forest, Erunsil. I would not believe it if I had not seen it with my own eyes!

Varing on his horse nods at Starhl's words. The Shadow of the North lurks in the hearts of all who walk Aryth, a poison that seeks to claim us all. Cursed are we that distrust those of similar heart. Svelgaut nods. Varing is wise among the riders of the North, much like the bards of old. Your words ring true, man of the wolf. We do bear similar scars of Shadow.

Kaela emerges from the fog lithely, her words preceeding her. Aislinn clings to her arm, slowly shuffling along uncertainly. The eyes of the warrior Dorns grow wide at the sight of the blind girl. Svelgaut looks at Kaela, somewhat sheepishly, her words breaking his resolve. Kaela of Caft, a face I could find no more trustworthy. We have ridden hard over the plains night and day, daring to hope that we could find the prize that the Shadow's forces scour the northern plains for. Rumors have drifted to those that are willing to listen of a girl that can heal the sick and speak with Aryth. The Shadow's forces scurry like rats, trying the locate the girl as their master's whips flay their backs.

Idra dismounts, slowly walking up to Kaela, a gentleness evident despite her fearsome appearance. Placing her hand on Aislinn's shoulder, she looks at Kaela. Just a girl...so like my own.... Her voice breaks momentarily. We found the remains of the worgs and their riders that pursued you a day ago. We did not know if you were friend or foe, fearing that your goal was a Shadow stronghold to sell the girl for food and comfort. Worse things now stalk the land looking for you than just worgs. Thune the Widowmaker is your hunter, the Shadow's most deadly tracker. And his master, Legate Theiv also bends his will to find her. The forces arrayed against you are immense. To hope for escape on foot is folly.

Svelgaut deep voice rumbles. We do not have long. We must move fast if we are to evade the Shadow's patrols for long. If the girl is the Hope we have been looking for in our war against the Shadow, accept our help now. We must ride soon or the Shadow will claim us all.


elapse01-06-06, 04:08 PM
The Erenlander just remained quiet through it all. Standing behind his companions as they parlayed with the strangers. He didn't know what to make of these riders, or of the Erunsil they spoke of, but at least they didn't bear any ill will as of yet.

As Svelgaut suggests they quickly leave the area, Reznik makes a comment, "We have no horses", the Erenlander croaked. "But if it would aid in their safety, by all means take Kaela, Aislinn and one of the others to whatever safe hold it is you have. Otherwise prepare yourselves for a slow journey."


Krug01-07-06, 01:20 AM
"At least you can see the obvious," Starhl says. Now our numbers are larger, and we have allies, perhaps we stand a chance! the barbarian thinks to himself.


Bobitron01-09-06, 04:07 AM
Kaela steps up with her chin raised high. "I am not about to leave behind those we have traveled so far with in order to save myself. Aislinn is indeed the Hope you have been seeking. But I'm sure she will agree that our strength together is greater than the sum of our parts. We must be as One, not broken." She looks to Reznik with soft eyes. "I do appreciate what you would do for us, my warrior." There is just a hint of a tease in her voice as she uses a term few Dorns would have ever attribute to the handicapped man back in Caft. "But I won't leave you."


Toric_Arthendain01-09-06, 05:43 AM
Having no idea what is being said in the language of the north, Valurel remains silent. He can at least see that the three riders have calmed significantly over the last few minutes so something that had been said or was currently being said was having a positive impact. Valurel relaxed his posture slightly, waiting for his companions to tell him what had been decided or to tell him what had passed between the two groups in conversation.


Hrothgar01-10-06, 03:32 AM
The faintest trace of smile plays across Svelgaut's stern visage. Aye. I would not dare to disagree with you, young witch. To divide our strength only leaves us at the mercy of the Shadow. Svelgaut turns to Reznik. We only have three horses, but Dorns are hardy folk. We can walk and run. Varing dismounts at Svelgaut's words, joining Idra and Svelgaut in the tall grass. We put the slowest on the horses. Our Hope should ride. She will slow our flight the most. The rest of us march. Hard. Svelgaut glances at Starhl, Reznik, Valurel, and Morn. I do not doubt your resolve. However, you must decide who walks and who rides. We make for stony ground south of here where the Shadow's trackers will find it hard to follow our spoor. If we are lucky, we will find the way unhindered. There are things far worse than orcs that hunt us now. Once there, we decide the next course of action. Glancing up at the giant-like Herger, Svelgaut rumbles, As for you, long-shanks, you walk. I doubt even my sturdy horse could carry your great weight for long.

Idra begins to guide Kaela and Aislinn to her mount. Kaela, Aislinn, my mount is smaller than my companions, but faster, with greater range. I would be honored if you would ride her. If things go against us, spur her on. Even the Shadow's vile steeds would be hard pressed to catch her. The rest of you, quick. Decide who rides and walks. We must be off now!


elapse01-10-06, 04:43 AM
For a moment, for one brief second in eternity, Reznik almost smiled at Kaela. He chided himself for such weakness. Thankfully, Svelgaut's words quickly drew the Erenlander back to the matter at hand and reminded the displaced farmer of his new task, the murder of the Shadow. Reznik took a moment to list to himself the names of those that would die by his blade as he slowly crippled that which brought so much horror and grief to this land.

Having been one of the few to bleedduring this nightmare, Reznik defers the horse to one of the other companions. "I am fit to march". Reznik slings his bag and begins to follow Svelgaut and his warriors.


maddmic01-10-06, 08:04 AM
Herger nods at the mention that he will walk. It was true that not many steeds in the land could carry him. As the others discussed, he returned to where the group had rested just moments before and retrieved his things.

"I agree that this is the best course of action. I also think that this should assist us greatly. Not only do you have steeds that can carry those who are slower, but you also have knowledge of the area that we do not. It is sound thinking that we head to a rocky area in order to try to lose our persuers. Have we given much more thought to our destination though?


Krug01-10-06, 03:35 PM
"I will walk," says Starhl. "If need be, sacrifice myself so the rest of you can go ahead." The determined barbarian clutches his sword to emphasize his words.


Toric_Arthendain01-10-06, 04:42 PM
Not understanding a word of what is being said, but getting an idea that the three Dorn warriors are offering rides to he or his friends, Valurel backs away slightly. Not being overly fond of horses, nor they of him, he has no intention of riding one. Seeing several of his companions obviously deciding to remain on foot, he does the same. "I will walk," he says simply, moving out in front of Starhl and the giant Herger, scouting ahead of the group slightly.


Bobitron01-10-06, 05:27 PM
"Thank you, Idra. Know that my life is dedicated to the survival of this girl. And not only because she is the Hope." She lays a gentle hand atop Aislinn's head, smiling down at the girl with love. She mounts the horse, reaching out a tiny hand to Reznik for help in getting atop the sturdy mount and holding Aislinn close.

"Valurel! We ride to escape the Shadow. Are you well enough to run, brave hero?" She speaks with gratitude in her voice to the wild-looking Erunsil.


Micar Sin01-11-06, 08:42 AM
"I will walk....I can, as you say, hide in the tall grass should the shadows lackys appear" Privately Morn grimaced...His companions were too willing to trust these strangers...


Toric_Arthendain01-11-06, 05:47 PM
"Valurel! We ride to escape the Shadow. Are you well enough to run, brave hero?" She speaks with gratitude in her voice to the wild-looking Erunsil.

Embarrassed by Kaela's kind words of praise, Valurel's expression remains stoic. "I can run," he answers simply and prepares to leave when the others are ready.


Hrothgar01-12-06, 05:55 AM
Idra's mount Isa becomes agitated as Aislinn mounts awkwardly. Astride Idra's mount, Aislinn bends down, burying her face the horse's long mane. Quickly, Isa calms, standing still as Kaela gains a perch on the large horse. A small child-like laugh escapes her lips, the first laugh from Aislinn the Heroes have heard. Kaela, Isa is spirited! She says I smell like sweet green grass. She doesn't know what to think of you, though. She adds with a small laugh. It is not clear if Aislinn's comments are in jest.

Running up to Varing's horse, Fallax scrambles up, ending up facing the horse's rear before turning around. I'll ride! My old legs won't carry me with the speed we need. Let us be off before we are caught unawares.

Svelgaut nods at the others, his face grim. I do not doubt your strength, but even proud men die when tired. Since none of you are willing to ride, we will take turns to conserve our strength. Two hours in the saddle only before you are forced to walk again. Agreed?

Pressing on through a green, endless, waving sea of grass, the Heroes march south. Those on the ground alternate walking and a slow run, their pace set by the long strides of the Northmen, a stride that eats up the miles quickly. The female wolf continues to follow, staying well away from the Heroes, appearing on a rise, disappearing in a vale, only glimpses of her seen in the tall grass. Under a brilliant blue sky, the day passes uneventfully. Well into the night the Heroes march, Svelgaut unwilling to stop for rest. We can rest once we reach hard ground and a bolt hole for defense. I know a place two days march south of here. At one point, Aislinn almost falls from the saddle, sleep overcoming her. Svelgaut calls a halt at a swift flowing stream, allowing the Heroes to rest aching muscles and the horses to water. The last of Fallax's bread and pine nuts are eaten, along with dried horse meat from the three Dorns. Fatigued beyond measure, bellies grumbling, the Heroes rest, taking shifts for watch duty.

Before the sun rises the next day, the Heroes push on again under a clear, cool sky. At sunrise, the Heroes come across a broad track, the grass trampled flat by booted feet. Nearby, another track runs parallel to the first, the grass scorched and brown. Svelgaut casts a knowing glance at Varing. Not long. Maybe a day ago. We must make all haste. By mid-day the ground becomes progressively more stony, until by mid-afternoon stones and boulders begin to make travel treacherous. Passing slowly into the gray land, the ruins of a tower can be seen against a blood red sunset. Only the lower portion remains, the remaining stones of the tower strewn across the short grass and lichen covered stones. Caer Beris. A once mighty tower along the Fortress Wall. Svelgaut's voice is filled with sadness and dips until it is almost inaudible. Long did brave Dorns hold the tower against the orcs of the North, Izrador's children. As will all things, everything must end. With that dire warning, Svelgaut draws his axe. Care must be taken. We know not what might reside in Caer Beris. It will provide us with shelter and defense. And if we are lucky, food. Crossing a shallow creek, Svelgaut pushes on, his focus on Caer Beris.

Lodric Tirenn
Yes, it was foolish. What was he thinking? What would his father say? Lodric was not accustomed to rash thought or rash action. However, this surely qualified. Did he really think he could make it to Theros Obsidia across the Northlands? And what would he do when he made it there? Walk inside and take his sister home?

Lodric leaned back against the cool stone wall of the ruined tower. The rays of the dying sun poured in through the southern entryway, covering him with crimson light. That orc patrol he had seen earlier in the day had been close. Too close. And what was that thing that marched with them? Lodric shuttered. That was no ordinary orc patrol. They were looking for something? Him?

Lodric's ears pricked up. What was that? Something outside. Metal on stone. Boots. More than one. Had the orc patrol found him?


maddmic01-12-06, 11:55 AM
Herger had watched the others eat what was left of their food. It was becomming apparent to him that the goods he carried for trade would probably be better served shared among those whom he travelled with.

As they travelled and came across the strange tracks, Herger looked quizically at Svelgaut and then at Varing. 'What kind of beast makes this kind of track? Surely something under the shadows control. What do Varing and Svelgaut know?'

The giant Dorn readies his axe as Svelgaut does. He then looks at Varin and finally asks. "Tell me, what kind of beast leaves those tracks?"


Thornir Alekeg01-12-06, 02:24 PM
Lodric carefully gathers his few things and, quietly as he can, moves to where he might see who approaches. Ready to run if he needs to, Lodric realizes that after a long day of walking and the release from the fear he felt seeing the patrol and its strange attendant, he has little energy to spare. As he moves, he looks for a place where he might conceal himself, preferrably one that will not leave him trapped if found.

OOC: Move silently +4, Hide +5 (+7 vs. forces of Izrador)


Bobitron01-12-06, 03:54 PM
Kaela leans in close to Aislinn on Isa, whispering in her ear. "Dearest, I'm going to enchant you for your protection. It will be as though you wear stout armor, even though you will not feel it. The effect should last for a couple hours. If there is any trouble at Caer Beris, stay close to me, please."

ooc: Cast Mage Armor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageArmor.htm) on Aislinn.


Hrothgar01-13-06, 05:38 AM
Svelgaut hefts his axe, onto his shoulder and turns to look up at Herger. A vile giant of the Shadow's pits. A creature whose very touch burns, its mere passing leaving a scar on the land. Pray we do not meet it. Fallax leans in near Herger from the top of Varing's mount. The creature that you inquire about were common enough in Highwall. An ogre whose touch burns without flame. Fallax shudders, unbidden memories flooding his mind.

The Heroes approach Caer Beris deliberately, making their way across the stony, rolling ground. Green short grass stands between the lichen covered stones. Svelgaut was right. Tracking here would be difficult, or at least more demanding than the grassy plains to the north.

Kaela concern for Aislinn is heightened as her hand channels the power of Aryth into the young Dorn girl. Aislinn is hot. Extremely hot. Touching her cheeks and neck, Aislinn seems to be taken with a fever. Unresponsive, almost delirious, it is obvious Aislinn would fall from Isa if not for the steady hand of Kaela.

Without warning, a whine and sharp yelp sound near a shallow vale near Caer Beris. The wolf! A warning!

Gathering his stuff, Lodric makes one last attempt to peer out of the ruins of Caer Beris to see who approaches. His effort is futile, unless he dares risk exposing himself to detection. Thinking better of it, Lodric descends through a cleft in the tower's stone wall into a small, shrub-choked ravine. A perfect hiding spot. Descending into the brush, Lodric curls himself around the trunk of a shrub oak. His heart hammering, his breathing rapid, Lodric strains his ears, listening for those above. Out of the corner of his eye, Lodric sees a flash of movement in the bushes. A gray wolf! With a whine and a yelp, the wolf jumps back, having seen the man lying under the oak.


Thornir Alekeg01-13-06, 07:57 PM
Lodric silently curses to himself. The beast seems small for a goblin mount. Hopefully it is not one of the beasts sometimes seen accompanying Legates...but then again he might have a better chance talking his way past a Legate than he would an orc patrol. He quickly tries to compose himself and appear to just be a weary traveller finding shelter for the coming night, nobody important, nobody to fear. He slowly moves into a sitting position keeping an eye upon the beast and waits.


Bobitron01-13-06, 08:07 PM
Kaela looks up with alarm. "Reznik!" she hisses quietly. "Come!"

Once he arrives, she reaches out and takes his hand, laying it gently against Aislinn's burning cheek. "We need to stop. I have methods for reducing a fever, but not while we move, and she is in dire condition." She meets the warrior's dangerous eyes with her own. "Stay with us while the others make sure Caer Beris is safe. Aislinn is too weak, and I'm not sure I can protect her..."

Her voice trails off, full of doubt and a hint of fear.


Krug01-15-06, 07:34 AM
Starhl draws his sword, keeping close to Aislinn. He flicks around, trying to see who the enemy, or where, it might be.


Hrothgar01-16-06, 05:09 AM
The group moves forward, the horses trailing. Approaching within fifty feet of the ruined tower of Caer Beris, the wolf that has followed the Heroes across the North rises out of a brush-choked ravine on the eastern side. Sitting on its haunches, it looks at Starhl before turning to look back into the ravine, its eyes on something below.


The wolf peers at Lodric through the brush, its gray eyes impenetrable. Gliding silently on padded feet, it retreats up the side of the ravine and out of sight. Above, the crunch of boots on stone is heard, as well as the sounds of horses.


Toric_Arthendain01-16-06, 08:13 AM
Trusting that the beast is trying to tell them something, Valurel moves cautiously in that direction. He tries to keep to whatever cover there is between his location and the wolf, using his own heightened sense of smell to see if he can figure out what it is that the wolf has spotted.


Thornir Alekeg01-16-06, 04:18 PM
Lodric experiences a moment of surprise when the beast walks off and indecision as he hears the sound of feet and hooves approaching. Should he try and slip away unnoticed or try and talk his way out of any trouble? With horses, he knows he has little chance of outrunning whomever approaches should they spot him, and the beast already found him once so he is unsure that he can remain hidden.

Lodric takes a drink from his waterskin, then a deep, calming breath before he slowly stands up and casually moves to where he might see, and be seen by, those approaching.


Krug01-17-06, 03:07 AM
Starhl goes to where the wolf looked. He nods to it. "Fickle as any woman i've known," he mutters.


Hrothgar01-17-06, 05:13 AM
Valurel's sharp vision immediately spots movement in the ravine below. A man slowly makes his way up the ravine side, stooping to avoid the low hanging shrub oaks. His eyes are on the ravine edge and the wolf; its obvious he knows that others approach. He makes no threatening moves. As Herger and Starhl make the edge of the ravine, they also see the man standing below.

Svelgaut makes his way to stand next to Herger and Valurel as Varing and Idra move near the entrance of Caer Beris. What do you see below, elf? Giant? Foe or friend?

Fallax continues to sit on the horse. Looking down at Kaela, Fallax frowns. What is wrong with the girl? Anxiety spreads over his face. What does she say?


Toric_Arthendain01-17-06, 07:39 AM
Valurel casts a sidelong glance at Svelgaut, not understanding what the big northman is saying to him but can only assume that he is asking about the one approaching up the side of the ravine. Without taking his eyes off the stranger he says, "I don't understand the north-speech. One coming does not seem a threat, at least not now." Valurel then drops into a defensive crouch, waiting for the stranger to speak.


Thornir Alekeg01-17-06, 04:56 PM
Lodric looks at the group approaching. Men and women, Erenlanders, Dorns (look at the size of that one!) and even one that might be of the Elves. Probably not the type of group to be working with the Shadow, although its taint can be found hidden in many unexpected places. Best to be cautious.

"Good evening. I heard you approaching and thought it would not be a good idea to surprise you, especialy after your wolf spotted me. The wolf does travel with you, right?

You have little to fear from me. I am just a weary traveller looking for a safe place to rest before the darkness blankets us. Would you mind if I came up? You appear to be even more wearied than I and there is plenty of space to shelter us all up there. I would not mind some company, and I'm sure you would not mind knowing where I am this night."


Bobitron01-18-06, 04:06 AM
Fallax continues to sit on the horse. Looking down at Kaela, Fallax frowns. What is wrong with the girl? Anxiety spreads over his face. What does she say?

"I don't know." Kaela fights to keep her voice calm, betraying none of the doubt she exressed to Reznik. "She has a very high fever. We need to stop, and soon." Kaela dismounts the horse carefully, keeping her arm on Aislinn to hold her firmly in place. "Please. Help me get her down."


Hrothgar01-18-06, 05:48 AM
Fallax descends from the horse awkwardly, his white, bandy legs showing beneath his robe. Aiding Kaela as best he can, Fallax helps Aislinn descend from the horse. Aislinn's body is extremely hot, her eyes half-closed in delirium.

Standing on the ravine looking down at the newcomer, Svelgaut speaks to Herger and Starhl. I can understand what the stranger says, but my tongue cannot form the words to reply. Let him come up so he isn't skulking around our camp. I do not trust him. Lone men do not survive in this land. Get his story. The Shadow may be upon him. Svelgaut's eyes travel to the west, the blood-red sun just dipping below the horizon, dark shadows falling across the land. Let us seek the shelter of Caer Beris. I do not trust this open land. I go to secure the horses. The large northman drifts to help Kaela and Fallax.

Idra and Varing emerge from the inside of the ruined tower of Caer Beris. Varing calls out to those around. The tower is clear. Let the horses water from the stream and then come inside. Reznik, Valurel. Pigeons roost in the wooden rafters in the tower. If your aim is true, we might eat meat tonight. Idra hustles across the stony ground to help Kaela. Hope is burning up. We must get her inside. Kaela, what sorcery can you use to heal her? Idra asks, concern in her voice.


maddmic01-18-06, 01:14 PM
Herger had been trying to think about the beast that left the burn marks in the ground. How could an ogre leave those marks? What had he gotten himself into by coming to the aid of those tthat he had travelled with for a few days now? He now realized that a newcomer was talking to them.

Herger looked at the short man as he was sizing him up and listened to him speak. He then turned to Svelgaut as the Dorn spoke. Nodding, he turned back to the Erenlander. "Come up. You will stay with us this night. I am guessing that if you are a weary traveller in this land, then you surely have weapons? Noone I know travels without being able to defend himself in this land."

Herger pauses as Idra and Varing emerge from the inside of the ruined tower. At the mention of food, Hergers thoughts turn back to his precious trade goods. Something that he was going to have to give up for the good of the people he had come across. His attention was then grabbed by Idra as she ran to the girl. Herger moves to their side as quickly as possible. "I can move her if you wish. I will be gentle." Herger only moves her if the others approve.

how old is the girl, or if Herger does not have that info, how old does she look to him?


Thornir Alekeg01-18-06, 05:57 PM
Lodric begins to climb up carefully.

"Surely you have travelled in bolder company than I. I carry a knife and a simple device with which I can catch game, but not weapons to defend myself with. If I did, I would not be able to travel as I do. If find it much safer to travel without proscribed items and not give the patrols an excuse to bother me.

"As for my story... My name is Lodric. I worked for my father with his brewing trade, but I could no longer remain there. My father is content to live his life as it is; not willing to make things better for anyone but himself. I know I need more than that. The shadow is upon me only as it is upon most of the people in this land; a blanket of despair to drive away hope and the will to be free. The shadow is upon us all every day, but it is not within me. I have survived alone so far by doing my best to avoid unwanted attention and by deciding when to run, when to hide, and when to fight. I have been lucky to make it this far on my own, but it is unwise to think my luck will continue to last, so for at least this night I am glad to have some company.


Toric_Arthendain01-18-06, 06:58 PM
Valurel listens to the stranger's words, trying to make sense of what he is saying. He understands the language fine but the long speech is more complex than he is used to. He gets the general idea though that the man is no real friend of the Shadow and that he wants more from his life than to live under a cloud of fear.

He then makes a circuit around Caer Beris to get the lay of the land. Once that is done, he looks for the best place from which he can stand watch and ensure that the group isn't surprised during their rest.


Hrothgar01-20-06, 05:31 AM
OOC: Aislinn has seen thirteen summers.

Herger gently lifts the warm Aislinn and moves her into the remains of Caer Beris. Fallax moves with Herger, unsure what to do, quietly mumbling to himself as he stares around the ruined tower. Little remains of the tower of Caer Beris, its former glory faded like the heroes that once defended it. The base is almost thirty feet in diameter; inside, stone steps ring the circular interior wall as they climb upward for about twenty feet. Above this, splintered and moss-covered wooden planking and rafters hang precariously, forming a makeshift roof. The tower above this wooden ruin is no more. The crumbled remains are scattered about the base as lichen covered stones.

Within, the tower darkens as the sun fades. Herger rests Aislinn on soft moss-covered earth. She moans once and rolls onto her side, sweat forming rivulets that run down her forehead. Curling into a fetal position, her eyes closed, she shakes in the cool summer air.

Varing and Idra move within with the horses. We need light. Idra claims. The whir of wings above followed by a cooing signals pigeons. Those of you good with a bow might wing some pigeons above. We could all use some food as we rest.

Outside, Valurel prowls the surrounding stoney ground like a ghost. The shadows lengthen as pools of shadow grow amongst the rocks. Little can he find of any living thing, except a partridge bursting from cover. Still, something sets the Erunsil on edge. A feeling...something he has felt before. As he makes his way back to Caer Beris, he sees a small fire burning in the tower and a makeshift spit over the fire. Stepping inside, he turns to see a mist rising from the creek nearby. He shudders, not sure why.

As the Heroes huddle in Caer Beris, Idra sits by Aislinn, dabbing her with a wet cloth from the creek. Svelgaut and Varing sit near the fire, chewing on the charred pigeon, as they talk with the Heroes. While not enough to fill the stomach, the pigeon at least curbs the hunger the Heroes have felt. In time their hunger will catch up with them, leaving them weak and handicapped in their fight against the Shadow. Outside a wolf, the companion, emits a lonely howl, sending a shiver down the Heroes spines.

Svelgaut growls. You must decide your course of action now. You were right to hide Hope and remove her from the North. It is not safe here where the Shadow's grip is strongest. You say you journey to Highwall. That journey is hundreds of miles across Shadow controlled land. Trying to reach the Erunsil is suicide. Too far. Svelgaut looks up at Herger. I see the concern in your face, giant. You suspect what hunts you. Not just orcs. And Thune. The Shadow's tracker. Svelgaut tosses the pigeon carcass into the fire and shrugs. Highwall is a long way off. The Shadow's seat of power. If your goal was to cross the great inland sea, nearer ports exist. With friends. Our friends. We could help. Svelgaut drinks from his waterskin, water rolling down his beard. The resistence is strong in Baden's Bluff. You may find help there. My desire is to keep her, join with Roland's Raiders in the Veradeen. Again to far. I wish to see Hope safe. I am willing to get her out of the North if that must be true. She is sick and that is also a concern. The farming town of Eryn is nearby if the witch needs livestock or herbs? Unless she can conjure such things. What do you all think? Tomorrow we must move forward with a goal in mind or I fear the Shadow will discover us.


Bobitron01-20-06, 08:50 AM
Kaela's fear for Aislinn overides any concern for proper planning. With a grateful nod to those who helped her settle the youth in, she examines her carefully to get a solid idea of what is overcoming the Hope.

ooc: Heal +7, then Craft (Alchemy) +6 or Profession (Herbalist) +7 to find something to help the poor girl. :(

Sorry about my delay in posting, I'll try to post more regularly.


Thornir Alekeg01-20-06, 03:45 PM
Lodric sees the concern of everyone over the young girl. He does not understand what makes her special to these people, but thinking of his own sister, he understands the desire to keep her safe from the Shadow. When talk turns to the resistance, Lodric listens and observes everyone intently. Understanding that these people have little reason to trust him, he hopes to find a way to remain in their company when the morning comes.

He takes the bucket from his sack and wills it to fill with water. He then speaks some words and traces a pattern over the water to cool it and brings it to Idra and Kaela to use on Aislinn.

OOC: Use Heroic Path ability to Create Water, then cast Prestidigitation to cool the water.


Krug01-21-06, 06:43 AM
"How safe are these sanctuaries? Is there any guarantee that the Shadow will not come down and destroy them as well? It is ruthless," says Starhl. He looks to the others for a decision.

Whatever the outcome, Starhl ventures outside to help hunt as well.


maddmic01-23-06, 07:46 AM
Herger sits and watches as they tend to the girl. 'She is so small, so fragile. She is much like them. Could she be one? Could she? Of course not. How could a special girl such as this be related to me? Who is she and why? Why her and why us to watch over her? I wonder if my sisters are much like her. No, they are probably dead. Probably lost to the Shadow. Either dead, or slaves, but still lost. She needs my help though. It is clear that she must survive, eventhough I know little about her.'

Herger sits much like a boy watching something that has captured his full attention. His heels are pulled to his rear as he sits and watches the girl with concern. He is completely lost in thought until Svelgaut names him. Quickly he turns to the Dorn and listens. He is almost embarrassed that he had completely ignord everything going on around him, to include dinner being cooked. Withouth a word and as Svelgaut continues, he removes his backpack. He lifts open the flap and carefully rummages inside the quite full pack.

He carefully pulls out 7 wrapped packages. He opens one to reveal a one gallon jog. He then turns to the others and unwraps one 1/2lb chunk of cheese and 5 loaves of bread. He then motions to the group. "It is not much. I was using these things for barter. To find a place to stay and to get items as I needed them. I am sorry that I have not shared them earlier. Please ensure that the girl gets what she needs. I have a bit more, but would prefer to use it sparingly."

The giant breaks off modest pieces of cheese and bread to go along with any meat he might have gotten. He then takes the same amount and places it near the girl and those attending to her. He then takes his place on the ground near to the girl and looks at Svelgaut again. "If she is to be protected as best we can, then I agree that she should be moved as far from the Shadow as possible. Perhaps our best path leads to Baden's Bluff."

He will translate to those who only speak Norther if necessary.


Hrothgar01-24-06, 05:48 AM
Svelgaut waits for replies to his questions as he watches silently as Kaela tend Aislinn. Kaela nose wrinkles for just an instant as a vile vapor, a rot she has tasted before, meets her small nose before fading in the cool night air. Kaela's eyes are drawn to Aislinn's own dead white eyes. Faint traces of a whitish liquid seep from the corners of her dead orbs. The liquid seems to be the source of the smell, now very faint. Passing her hand over her body, Kaela finds an abscess at the back of Aislinn's neck, swollen and filled with pus.

Svelgaut notices Lodric's actions. If I had not seen it, I would not believe it, Stranger. A witch. And now a warlock! Will the wonders never cease? Surely, this is not mere coincidence? Turning to Kaela, Svelgaut rumbles. Treat her well, young witch. A giant. A man who talks with wolves. A witch and a warlock. Aryth herself has brought you together, and the key is Hope.

Turning to Herger, Svelgaut nods before looking around at the others. The giant speaks reason. What say the rest of you? If Highwall is your destination so be it. If my suggestions have merit, good. But, let us decide. What road would you take? Varing and Idra share some of the cheese and bread. Varing speaks. This settles a rumbling in my stomach, Giant. We thank you. Idra also speaks. Yes, Giant. You have proven your friendship tonight. And that is worth more than anything else in this blasted land.

Starhl stands near the entrance, and turns to step outside. Quickly, the wolf outside leaps past Starhl and into the tower. The wolf paces back and forth, trying to maintain her distance from everyone, but unwilling to go outside. Starhl turns to look outside to see what could have startled her so bad. Outside, a fog has risen from the nearby creek, obscuring vision beyond a few feet.

What say you all? What path will we take? Svelgaut asks warily, his eyes on the agitated wolf.


Krug01-24-06, 03:39 PM
Starhl goes to the wolf, looking around. "What is it?" The barbarian's arms curl around the hilt of Bjorn's Faith, knowing that something is amiss. He scans the area. "Be on your guard. Something wicked comes."


Thornir Alekeg01-24-06, 03:47 PM
Lodric moves a few steps from Kaela and Aislinn, concerned about the behavior of the wolf and the sudden fog outside.

Lodric speaks quietly. I would agree with the giant, but perhaps now is not the right moment to be having such a discussion. Sound can carry in odd ways through the fog and I am concerned this strange fog may be concealing unfriendly ears.


Bobitron01-24-06, 05:49 PM
Eyes wide with wonder, Kaela watches Lodric as he makes an exact motion over the water, cooling it to just above freezing with an application of magic. Nodding her thanks with a smile, the water sees good use in cleaning the infection she finds.

Taking out the small knife she keeps hidden in her sleeve, she cleans it thoroughly in the pristine water before tying Ailsinn's hair up and carefully lancing the abscess. She looks to Svelgaut as he speaks, but does not answer, concentrating on cleaning the small wound.

"Hopefully with the abscess drained, her fever will receed. We must move her carefully, though." She notices the food that Herger had placed nearby and stands up, walking over to the giant where he sits. She looks searchingly at his face for a moment, then rushes to him with arms spread wide, embracing him with warmth. "Thank you, giant. It will go far in making sure that Aislinn heals."

When she releases him from her arms, Kaela steps back to Aislinn and holds her close. "I might be able to find some herbs that will help with her heated blood. Is it safe to look now?"


Toric_Arthendain01-25-06, 04:26 AM
Valurel feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Something feels off somehow. The shadowy landscape, the mist rising off the creek, the lonely howl of the wolf. He stays near the entrance or some opening into Caer Beris, watching the surrounding area, sure that something ill will befall the group during the night, especially if someone doesn't remain vigilant.


Hrothgar01-25-06, 05:45 AM
A mixture of blood and pus flow freely from the back of Aislinn's neck as her abcess is slit. She whimpers slightly during the procedure, although in her current condition, it is not clear that her cries are fever-induced or otherwise. Quickly, the infection drains and the hot water from Lodric quickly cleans the wound. Aislinn seems to rest more comfortably, although her body is uncomfortably hot.

Starhl's sharp gaze travels from the mist to The Wolf and back out into the mist. What could be out there? The mist seems to swirl with hidden currents, despite the lack of wind. Out of the corner of his eye, a shadow moves near the ruins of Caer Beris. Turning, Starhl sees nothing. The mist further from the ruined tower parts as if some unseen figure strides across the stoney ground. Quickly turning, Starhl cannot discern anything in the thick fog.

Valurel sees the same strange currents in the mist around Caer Beris. However, his sharp Erunsil ears pick up something his companion's ears have not. A rumbling. A tramping. Of heavy booted feet. The ground vibrates at its approach.

Herger looks on as Kaela and Lodric tend to Aislinn. Uneasy, he glances around. A strange radiance from above catches his attention. Herger looks up with a strangled cry. No longer do the ruins of Caer Beris claw at the dark sky. Instead, Caer Beris stretches upward, its upper reaches a translucent green. On the smoke-like greenish floors and battlements, misty, undefined figures stand guard.

Caer Beris has awoken.


Krug01-25-06, 10:52 AM
"What is happening..." says Starhl, looking at his companions for answers.


maddmic01-25-06, 12:25 PM
The giant continued to eat and listen to what was being said. He nods to Thornir. "You speak wisely. Eventhough we need direction, perhaps it would be best to discuss this on the morrow when things do not seem so strange."


Herger does not know how to react to Kaela. As she loosens her embrace, he looks at her unsure of what had just happened. He nods to her. "I am pleased that I could help her. If she is as important as you all say, then I will do all I can to ensure her safety."


The giant watched the young lady return to the girl she watched over. As he was finishing up his meal, he noticed all of the strange movement from Starhl and Valurel. As he was going to comment, something caught his attention from above. He gasped as he stared at the eerie emerald green eminations from above. Standing, he grabbed his axe and readied it. Not taking his eyes off what was happening above and around him, he spoke in an even tone. "Svelgaut, you mentioned that our Dorn brothers held off the forces from the North long ago at this very spot. I don't know what is going on now, but I can tell you that I have never seen anything like this."


Bobitron01-25-06, 03:13 PM
"I don't know, Starhl," Kaela says simply, her voice quivering slightly and quiet. "Do we flee? Do we stay? Poor Aislinn cannot be moved in her current state for long."

She stands from where she was holding the Hope, looking up to the misty figures on the battlements. Looking to Reznik for an answer, she sees his face is blank and his mouth still. We must decide. We must do something.

Jaw set with determination, she calls out loudly. "Ho! Folk of Caer Beris! We come in peace, fleeing the evil of the Shadow!"

ooc: Is Norther the only language we all speak?


Thornir Alekeg01-25-06, 03:58 PM
Unsure what is happening and uneasy about it, Lodric quickly stretches his road weary muscles and prepares to defend Aislinn from anything that appears to be coming for her.

ooc: Valurel does not speak Norther. The only language the PCs all speak is Erenlander, but I don't believe our Dorn escorts speak it.


Hrothgar01-26-06, 05:36 AM
Svelgaut and his Dorn companions stand upright, their stern faces grim. Clutching his mighty axe, Svelgaut replies to Herger hoarsely, I don't know what is happening, Giant. Unless my own eyes deceive me, the ghosts of Caer Beris have awakened with our arrival.

Nearby, Kaela pleads with the ghostly, mist-like figures. They do little to acknowledge the lithe woman's presence, or any Hero for that matter. Walking slowly from one battlement or window to the next, their ghostly forms indistinct, almost imperceptible.

Svelgaut roars, Idra, Varing! Beware! Bridle the horses if flight is needed!

Varing and Idra spring into action, hauling the heavy saddles to their horses. The horses begin to shift uneasily and snort in panic. Dropping the saddles, Varing and Idra stand with the mounts, shielding their eyes and whispering soothing words in their ears.

Boom. Thud. Boom. Thud. A throbbing in the earth is felt first, rather than heard. Growing in intensity, the sound of roughshod boots rings across the stony fields outside the tower. A gutteral chant follows. A war chant. In the Black Tongue. A chorus of roars intermingle with the sound of heavy hobnailed boots and chanting outside. In response, the ghostly figures of Caer Beris seem to take shape, the mist and glow coalescing into ancient Dorn warriors. The dead defenders of Caer Beris.

Starhl and Valurel strain their vision outside, trying to pierce the unholy mist. The sound of chanting and marching reverberate throughout the mist. Nothing to see. Wait! The marching stops abruptly, but a chorus of barbaric roars and shouts continue. The mist and fog begins to coalesce into ghastly figures outside. Orc reavers, their bodies translucent like the Dorn defenders in Caer Beris. Roaring in savagery, the ghostly Shadow warriors charge, a massive Oruk in the lead. Inside, the ancient Dorns of Caer Beris respond with shouts and cries of their own. Ghostly arrows fly, shredding orc, leaving only vaporous trails of mist remaining. Within moments, the orcs will close, threatening to overwhelm Caer Beris like an unstoppable wave.

The Fall of Caer Beris is renewed.


Thornir Alekeg01-26-06, 03:23 PM
Lodric takes a deep breath trying to maintain control over the moment of fear and confusion that threatens to overwhelm him. Thoughts race through his mind: Where did they come from? Are they ghosts made real or just figments? Can they harm us? Can we harm them?...

Another deep breath as he sets himself to stop any of these beings that might try to reach Aislinn.

Herger, stay near! We may need your strength. Should we need to flee, carrying Aislinn would likely slow you the least.

ooc: Is there an opening away from the battle through which we could escape Caer Beris if needed?


Krug01-28-06, 04:27 AM
Starhl is fascinated by the battle, but knows that the battle has already been decided. "Ghosts... of the past.. fighting battles for eternity..." he mumbles, watching as yet another defender is downed by an Orcish axe. He hears the moans of the spirits, the cries of this long ago battle.


Bobitron01-28-06, 03:57 PM
Kaela's eyes widen with alarm as she slowly realizes what is happening, her lower lip trembling slightly as she stands and watches the advance of the orcish assault. It is hard for the young woman to disassociate the deaths she is witnessing before her with a true loss of life. These warriors have been dead for years, she thinks, but still flinches when she sees a Dorn that couldn't have been over 17 at the time of his death dropped by a cruel Oruk blade.

Crouching down beside Aislinn, she pulls the lass close in and strokes her face, trying to awaken her. "Aislinn, dear! We must be ready to move."


Toric_Arthendain01-31-06, 01:06 AM
Valurel stays low in a crouch, unnerved by the sight of ghostly warriors fighting a battle long ago decided. "What madness this?" he says unable to tear his gaze away from what is playing out before them. He scans the area of Caer Beris looking for a way to get away if it becomes necessary. He has no intention of he and his friends to become involved in a battle fought by spirits.


Hrothgar01-31-06, 02:47 AM
ooc: Is there an opening away from the battle through which we could escape Caer Beris if needed?

OOC: There are no openings in the orc forces assaulting and surrounding the tower, and the lines of orcs are deep, but not infinitely deep. The only opening large enough for Herger and the horses is the ruined gateway. The others might be able to slip out through the crack Lodric discovered.

The Heroes look on in shock and horror as the orcs smash into the tower, its very foundations reverberating with the onslaught. Near the ruined entry, a tall archway that once housed massive doors that are long swallowed by history, the fighting is most fierce. Spectral Dorns wielding massive axes and swords clash with barbarian orcs, both sides howling in maddened bloodlust. Above, ghostly Dorn archers and spearmen fight with a cold fury, keeping the orcs and their ladders at bay. Despite their determination, the Dorns are few. They will take many of their foes with them, but they are doomed to fail once again.

With a roar, the commanding urok slams into the forces holding the gate. A massive Shadow warrior, no Dorn can stand before it. Smashing and crushing with its huge war bar, Dorn ghosts are sent screaming back into Aryth's spirit world, their forms dissapating in wisps of curling mist.

In the center of the tower illuminated by the greenish blue, ghostly glow around them, the Heroes stand uncertainly. Will the orcs ignore them? Or not? Should they flee or fight?

The Dorn forces at the door begin to break, orcs screaming as they try to spill into the tower interior.


Bobitron02-01-06, 12:42 AM
Kaela looks around nervously at her companions, then goes back to her attempts to waken Aislinn. "Will they harm us? Are they even aware we are here?" She stands, supporting the girl with some difficulty. "Should we run?"

ooc: Did Aislinn respond to Kaela's attempts to wake her?


Krug02-01-06, 03:13 AM
Starhl grips his sword, eager to join the battle and turn the tide, but knows his responsibility to his others. He grips Bjorn's Faith and bites on his lip as the orc warriors continue to stream in. The massacre has happened. There is nothing you can do. he tells himself.


Thornir Alekeg02-01-06, 05:17 AM
Lodric stands his ground watching for any sign these spirits can harm the living and are intent upon doing so.

ooc: Holding, hoping we are just observers of the spirit battle. At the first indication otherwise, Lodric will begin to work towards the gateway, clearing a path for the others. Disrupt Undead +4 ranged touch attack (1d6) followed by melee attacks +2 dagger (1d4+1).


Toric_Arthendain02-01-06, 06:17 AM
Valurel continues to watch the unfolding battle. With the Orcs about to break through the Dornish lines, he figures that it is probably too late to flee at this point. Unless of course the spirit fighters can't see, hear or otherwise interact with he and his friends.

"Don't think spirit people can hurt us," he says. "Battle happened long ago." He looks from friend to friend, ready to hear an alternate opinion but hoping that he is right.


maddmic02-01-06, 09:48 AM
Herger watches as the battle unfolds. He gathers his things into his backpack and stands with his axe readied. He watches in horror as his brethern from long ago are slaughtered by the sheer might of the dark ones. The scene before him was all too real, eventhough the eerie colors and glows surrounded the participants.

In response to the others thoughts and questions, Herger moves to place himself in between the group and the phantom shadow forces. "Should they turn their attention to us, I will stand as long as I can so that you can take the girl to safety."


Hrothgar02-02-06, 06:07 AM
Three spectral orcs slip through the battle lines at the gate, their ghostly figures shimmering in the flickering firelight. Behind them, in an effort to strengthen the lines, green, ghostly figures of tall Dorns materialize to engage the orcs pushing through the gate. Still, the massive urok champion and his ghastly orc followers are felling Dorn defenders faster than reinforcements can arrive.

The three spectral orcs make for the stairs and pause, their attention drawn to the far corner of the tower. Spying Aislinn and Kaela, they roar a battle cry and charge, slipping past Svelgaut and Idra. Svelgaut, Varing, and Idra attempt to constrain the horses, but they are panicked beyond help. Varing is dragged outside by his mount and dissappears into the mist. Idra's mount follows, the Dorn warrior screaming curses in her native tongue. Only Svelgaut is strong enough to restrain his destrier, but he is pulled closer to the open gate.

Axes and swords raised, the grim spectres close on Aislinn and Kaela, seemingly drawn to these two by some unknown summons.


Thornir Alekeg02-02-06, 02:41 PM
Lodric steps between the spectres and Kaela and Aislinn. Raising his hand he speaks arcane words and a shimmering ray that evokes feelings of warmth and comfort leaps towards the orc in the lead (or center if they are abreast of each other).

"Kaela, run! Someone help her with Aislinn!"

Disrupt Undead (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsDtoE.html#disrupt-undead) +4 ranged touch attack 1d6 damage to undead


Bobitron02-03-06, 07:14 PM
After Lodric steps forward to confront the ghostly assailants with his sorcery, Kaela too begins to cast, once again calling a mist up to cover the retreat of the heroes. "Herger! Help me with the Hope! Starhl, help Lodric to slow the advance!"

ooc: Cast Obscuring Mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) centered on me, then try to get Aislinn to Herger to get things moving.



Hrothgar said:
It looks like everyon's character sheets are updated except for Kaela's - she should be second level and information about the stone she carries should also be added (if not already).

I updated my sheet in the RG, looks good except for the info about the stone. Can you repost it for me? I can't find it.

Edit: Oops! Nevermind, you just mean the glowing light thing right?
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Bobitron said:
Edit: Oops! Nevermind, you just mean the glowing light thing right?

Umm, yeah, the glowing light thing that just supposedly has some connection to a former goddess of Aryth. :)

At 1st level, the stone will emit a green radiance in a 10 foot radius when held.



Hehe, just kidding. I didn't mean to belittle the item. :)

Glad things are picking back up. I was scared for how this would hurt things.

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