Mike Schley's MASSIVE Forgotten Realms Map From SCAG!

Cartographer Mike Schley has posted the enormous map of Northwest Faerûn from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. It's poster sized (10,200 x 6,600 pixels, or a 34-page PDF) or you can get the Artists Print version shipped to you in the form of a poster map. "This new absolutely massive map of D&D's Sword Coast and Northwestern Faerûn was commissioned by Wizards of the Coast to accompany their 5th Edition D&D game supplement Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. lead your adventures through his exhaustive map of The Forgotten Realms' most Iconic lands and make sure to let it inspire some truly fantastic storytelling."
The print version ($10-$54, depending on size) is here, and the digital version ($10) is here.



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I'm on my phone right now, but I don't think it's quite as big as the full version you can buy from Mike. Will have to double check later.

Also, I note that they corrected the spelling of Elversult, but they didn't put the missing city icons on this map (like they did with Mike's corrected version) and Marsember is still where Suzail should be (which is another thing that got fixed on Mike's map).

So there are now three versions of this map: the cropped one in the book, this one, and the (mostly) corrected version* you can buy from Mike.

*Elversult is still misspelled on Mike's version. And yes, I know this is picayune stuff, but I can't help but notice discrepancies like these. I don't even go looking for them. They just jump out at me. WotC really ought to hire me as a proofreader/map-checker. :P

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I'm on my phone right now, but I don't think it's quite as big as the full version you can buy from Mike. Will have to double check later.

Also, I note that they corrected the spelling of Elversult, but they didn't put the missing city icons on this map (like they did with Mike's corrected version) and Marsember is still where Suzail should be (which is another thing that got fixed on Mike's map).

So there are now three versions of this map: the cropped one in the book, this one, and the (mostly) corrected version* you can buy from Mike.

*Elversult is still misspelled on Mike's version. And yes, I know this is picayune stuff, but I can't help but notice discrepancies like these. I don't even go looking for them. They just jump out at me. WotC really ought to hire me as a proofreader/map-checker. :P

Photoshop puts it at 10,200 x 6600 pixels or 141 x 91 inches.

I just downloaded it. Great map, clocks in at 25.9mb and it's a jpg file. I really like it a lot, maybe a few too many circles though :). I'd like a physical copy too... someday maybe.

I really like it a lot, maybe a few too many circles though :).
By too many circles, do you mean too many cities marked on the map? I'll agree that there a few areas where it feels like there are too many named locations - the Purple Rocks spring to mind (it feels like they must have something planned for that location) - but I also feel like there are some places that are missing that really should've been included. They could've at least put Athkatla on the map, since it's the capital of Amn, for instance. And it would've been cool if they'd marked all the starter towns from the adventures - Greenest, Red Larch, Phandalin, etc.

I'd like a physical copy too... someday maybe.
To be honest, while I could probably get an A2 or A1 print through a friend easily enough, I really don't know what I would do with it. I haven't got the storage space, for one thing, and I think it's just easier for me to show people the map on the computer. I can zoom in on the relevant sections as needed or pop it up on the big screen TV.

By too many circles, do you mean too many cities marked on the map? I'll agree that there a few areas where it feels like there are too many named locations - the Purple Rocks spring to mind (it feels like they must have something planned for that location) - but I also feel like there are some places that are missing that really should've been included. They could've at least put Athkatla on the map, since it's the capital of Amn, for instance. And it would've been cool if they'd marked all the starter towns from the adventures - Greenest, Red Larch, Phandalin, etc.

There are circles everywhere dude. In the hills, grasslands, etc... I agree that it would have been a nice touch to have things like Red Larch and Phandalin marked on the map too.

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