Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

Modiphius Announces Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

There is a blog post that gives a bunch of info: A First Look at Star Trek™ Adventures Second Edition
I'm just hoping for more clarity in the rules. The core book feels as clear as mud in spots and a cleaner presentation would be helpful.

And also black text on white paper would definitely help with the presentation. So I'm happy to see that's on their list. I get what they were trying to do with the book and making it look all Next Gen, but my eyes are getting old and the formatting just gives me eyestrain.

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I'm just hoping for more clarity in the rules. The core book feels as clear as mud in spots and a cleaner presentation would be helpful.

And also black text on white paper would definitely help with the presentation. So I'm happy to see that's on their list. I get what they were trying to do with the book and making it look all Next Gen, but my eyes are getting old and the formatting just gives me eyestrain.
This may be a moot point since you're expressing an interest in moving to 2e anyways, but I just wanted to point out that you can already buy a better organized version of the rules with black text on white pages. In print, I only own the Rules Digest (same rule book that was included in the Tricorder box set) and the Player's Guide. I own the original Core Rulebook in PDF and IMO the Rules Digest is better organized, easier to read with black text on white and the presentation is good. I recommend it with the one caveat that its content such as species and starships are based on TOS era. There's also a Klingon Empire Core Rulebook, which the Rules Digest inherited much of its design from and it also has black text on white and the presentation is IMO off the charts.

If you already own the original core rulebook, the Rules Digest is low cost and despite being a smaller softcover (same size as my Savage World Deluxe explorer rule books), is still comfortable to browse and read and the binding is good. KE CRB on the other hand for its Klingon content, is about as close as it gets to a must-have publication for the STA series. So its a good rule book choice if its content is something you'd want in your campaign. The Player's Guide is also black text on white, but despite its title it doesn't contain the core rules. You can still use those sections of your original CRB that contain the Next Gen content.

I'm fairly new to STA and I'm currently running half my sessions online via an adaptation to a VTT. So if I do move to STA 2e anytime in the near future, it'll only be after its made it to 1 of my 2 VTTs and its proven to be stable.
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I'm just hoping for more clarity in the rules. The core book feels as clear as mud in spots and a cleaner presentation would be helpful.

And also black text on white paper would definitely help with the presentation. So I'm happy to see that's on their list. I get what they were trying to do with the book and making it look all Next Gen, but my eyes are getting old and the formatting just gives me eyestrain.
I'll be curious to hear your reaction to the look and feel of the 2e quickstart.

I'll be curious to hear your reaction to the look and feel of the 2e quickstart.
I actually just started reading it last night and so far I think it's much better. Both in the layout and the organization - I feel like everything is much more straightforwardly outlined as to how to actually play the game. If they keep that for the core book I'll be happy.

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