Modiphius, Star Trek: The Animated Series Supplemental Guide

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Book-Friend, he/him
I suspect that the show specific books are probably better sellers than the quadrant and division books, just knowing Trek fans.
Maybe, the quadrant books were kind of an inherently self-limiting splat book structure. All of those and the Core sre multi-era, that is they give info on just to play in the Enterprise, TOS, TNG, DS9, etc. eras.

The shortlist for trad Starfleet stuff is just Alpha amd Beta Quadrant: between those and Core, you get all the Species thst have had Stsrfleet characters, and a bunch that are just mentioned as being in the Federation.

His race and the Catians were in an early book, either Alpha or Beta Quadrant.
I remember it was, I think, the episode of Discovery that was the launch for SNW. There was a scene where you had everyone face front, and then there was a glimpse of the officers on the sides that turned one by one to the camera / front. One of them looked just like an Edosian, at least to my eye.


Book-Friend, he/him
I remember it was, I think, the episode of Discovery that was the launch for SNW. There was a scene where you had everyone face front, and then there was a glimpse of the officers on the sides that turned one by one to the camera / front. One of them looked just like an Edosian, at least to my eye.
The Animated Series went a long way to really push the sci-fi boundaries, due to the lack of budget constraints.


Somewhat related in that it's to do with Star Trek, Paradox Interactive have created a grand strategy version of Star Trek releasing in a month or so (presumably using a similar engine as Stellaris). I'm going to play the hell out of that game.


Book-Friend, he/him
Somewhat related in that it's to do with Star Trek, Paradox Interactive have created a grand strategy version of Star Trek releasing in a month or so (presumably using a similar engine as Stellaris). I'm going to play the hell out of that game.
I remember when Microprose did the same thing when I was a kid in the 90's.


I remember when Microprose did the same thing when I was a kid in the 90's.
I've played a few star trek games over the years, I loved the old star trek armada games that came out early 2000s. There were some others that I can't recall the name of that had you in command of a single star ship (maybe more as you gained renown) that was pretty fun. I wanted to play that VR one that came out a couple years ago, that would be fun with a group.


Book-Friend, he/him
I've played a few star trek games over the years, I loved the old star trek armada games that came out early 2000s. There were some others that I can't recall the name of that had you in command of a single star ship (maybe more as you gained renown) that was pretty fun. I wanted to play that VR one that came out a couple years ago, that would be fun with a group.
The Interplay Adventure games with the Original Series voice vast and an Animated Series aesthetic were awesome

Voidrunner's Codex

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