D&D 5E Monk - Feat Creation Advice


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I just began a new campaign with a Human - Monk (Sailor background). The DM is letting me design a feat that I can optionally take at a later time. Here's what I was thinking...

Name: Ki Endurance
Effect: For 1d4 hours you are able to generate an additional amount of temporary Ki equal to half your current level rounding down. This ability may only be used once until you perform a long rest to regenerate this ability.

What do you all think?
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Sounds way too good at first blush. Ki points, sorcery points, superiority dice, are all very limited resources apparently by intent in the system. (Sorcery points much less so, but still limited.) your feat has no power up time listed, you just "turn on the tap" and get a ton of ki points - an element master monk would have a field day with being able to throw as many spells as a sorcerer in addition to his physical prowess.

I would keep it simple and follow the "Martial Adept" feat as a guide. Maybe give 1 or 2 extra ki at most (remember ki recharges with a short rest), and for non-monks it grants 1 or 2 ki, maybe unarmed damage as a level 1 monk, and some of the flurry abilities a monk gets if spending ki. As it is written, it would give a monk 50% more ki than he has now, pretty much at the time he needed it all the time. (Most big fights or the ciritcal part of dungeon invasions won't last more than an hour or two in game time) so a monk of any level would make this the first feat they pick all the time without hesitation.


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So my DM thinks my wording is too powerful. I need to rethink the way it's written. I'm currently only a level 2 and am planning to take the "Way of the Hand" tradition. My thought is to take this feat at level 4 or 8. Maybe at 4 improve my DEX to increase my AC and then take the feat at level 8. I really want to give my Monk more durability in front fighting encounters, especially in Boss encounters.

My thoughts are to write it like this...

Ki Surge

Take a bonus action or reaction, roll a 1d6 for the amount of rounds of effect. For the duration you gain an additional amount of Temporary Ki equal to half your current level, rounded down. At the end of the duration, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. This action can only be used once, to regenerate you must complete a long rest.


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You know I'm a giant fan of using Hit Dice as a resource. I'm sure others are not.

I would probably do:

Ki Surge
Prerequisites: Levels in Monk, Access to Ki
You can reach deep within yourself to channel more Ki - giving yourself a bit of respite and power. You gain the following benefits:
  • You gain 1 additional Ki Point, and gain another at 4th, 8th, 12th, and 16th level.
  • As an action, you may spend a single Hit Die but not gain the benefits as if you spent it during a short rest, to regain a number of Ki Points equal to half your Character level but not more than your maximum. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this ability again.

Oh yeah, hella more powerful than than what you're proposing, but it works as a Multi-class too and ultimately boosts the monk's ability to use Ki powered spell like abilities. But now it's also worth a full feat and is about game changing as the best touted feats like Crossbow Expert and a few others.


Did someone say feats? *eagerly sniffs the air*

Anyway my suggestion would be that feat would give less ki as suggested, but would also give something else that could be considered monky. Maybe a boost to speed? Ability to ignore difficult terrain during the round you used ki? Unarmed strike becomes 1d4?


First Post
You know I'm a giant fan of using Hit Dice as a resource. I'm sure others are not.

I would probably do:

Ki Surge
Prerequisites: Levels in Monk, Access to Ki
You can reach deep within yourself to channel more Ki - giving yourself a bit of respite and power. You gain the following benefits:
  • You gain 1 additional Ki Point, and gain another at 4th, 8th, 12th, and 16th level.
  • As an action, you may spend a single Hit Die but not gain the benefits as if you spent it during a short rest, to regain a number of Ki Points equal to half your Character level but not more than your maximum. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this ability again.

Oh yeah, hella more powerful than than what you're proposing, but it works as a Multi-class too and ultimately boosts the monk's ability to use Ki powered spell like abilities. But now it's also worth a full feat and is about game changing as the best touted feats like Crossbow Expert and a few others.

It's why I posted in the first place... thanks for the suggestion. It really got me thinking! THX!


First Post
Did someone say feats? *eagerly sniffs the air*

Anyway my suggestion would be that feat would give less ki as suggested, but would also give something else that could be considered monky. Maybe a boost to speed? Ability to ignore difficult terrain during the round you used ki? Unarmed strike becomes 1d4?

My speed is quite good right now, and it only gets better over time. Currently at lvl 2, it's 50.

Unarmed strike is currently 1d4 and also improves over time, die gets bigger.

Difficult terrain is usually not a problem either.


My speed is quite good right now, and it only gets better over time. Currently at lvl 2, it's 50.

Unarmed strike is currently 1d4 and also improves over time, die gets bigger.

Difficult terrain is usually not a problem either.

Well i was thinking for those guys who wish to have monkish stuff but not actually have monk levels.

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