D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates

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DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded 2nd Edition Art Previews #2. Today, it's those angels that succumbed to their dark side, the abyssal Shaytans.

Shayatin Angels.png

I hope that the new WoTC sourcebook on dragons doesn't go too contrary to your well designed Dragons (Brown, Purple, Grey, etc) in the MME series.
Looking back on this now that Fizban's has been released, I think it should be OK. The Deep Dragon and the MM3 Purple Dragon are similar (especially sharing the psychic damage breath), but different enough that it could be revised as saying that the two are close relatives. The Elder Brain Dragon and the MME3 Illithidragon are pretty distinct on how they are created and what they can do, while the Ghost Dragon and the MME3 Spectral Dragon are are definitely different with the latter being a template, plus their breath weapons are completely different.

Hopefully the MME4 will have his added age categories for gem dragons!


DM's Guild Author
Looking back on this now that Fizban's has been released, I think it should be OK. The Deep Dragon and the MM3 Purple Dragon are similar (especially sharing the psychic damage breath), but different enough that it could be revised as saying that the two are close relatives. The Elder Brain Dragon and the MME3 Illithidragon are pretty distinct on how they are created and what they can do, while the Ghost Dragon and the MME3 Spectral Dragon are are definitely different with the latter being a template, plus their breath weapons are completely different.

Hopefully the MME4 will have his added age categories for gem dragons!

Yeah, I didn't do many changes except a bit in the descriptive texts mentioning the deep dragon and the dracohydra. I updated a few statblocks to make them a bit more aligned with the new changes in certain abilities (change shape, legendary actions, etc.).

Funny thing about the Aspect of Bahamut. It has a mythic ability called "Celestial Shield (Costs 2 Actions). The aspect manifests seven spectral ancient gold dragons around himself that protect him; he gains 77 temporary hit points until the start of his next turn." But no spectral dragons in Fizban's. Probably a typo they should have said ghost dragons? That or they missed referencing MME3. ;)

And yes, it's possible the gem dragons (in MME age categories) will appear in MME4. We'll see.

Voidrunner's Codex

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