D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates


DM's Guild Author
It's nearly 2022 so instead of another MME 2nd edition preview, I'll just share the new cover for MME II 2nd Edition! Lolth the Queen of Spiders graces it once again in all her demonic glory! This time she's unleashing her wrath at a party of adventurers from a campaign I ran 8 years ago. This gorgeous piece was painted by amazing WoTC artist Joshua Raphael!

MME2 Cover.png

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I'm not the messiah, I'm just a very naughty boy!
It's nearly 2022 so instead of another MME 2nd edition preview, I'll just share the new cover for MME II 2nd Edition! Lolth the Queen of Spiders graces it once again in all her demonic glory! This time she's unleashing her wrath at a party of adventurers from a campaign I ran 8 years ago. This gorgeous piece was painted by amazing WoTC artist Joshua Raphael!

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Hi quality as usual Nixlord.
I zoomed in to see all the detail better. Like the top right warrior, the snake headed whip, the spider and cocooned knight. Lloth is a serious bad opponent to go head to head with.


On that cover, I particularly like the top left detail where the Rogue is leaping at Lolth to deliver the mother of all Sneak Attacks in the history of Dungeons and Dragons itself.


In this version, will you be adopting Wizards method of Spellcasting? Basically having a few utility spells and one attack? Or will you be keeping the traditional spellcasting?


DM's Guild Author
In this version, will you be adopting Wizards method of Spellcasting? Basically having a few utility spells and one attack? Or will you be keeping the traditional spellcasting?
Yes, that is part of the second edition changes, as mentioned in the first post of this thread. In fact, MME3 already has these changes set. Although not all casters have one special magical attack.


DM's Guild Author
It appears I have totally forgotten about posting a preview last week so you'll get to enjoy two batches this week!

Monster Manual Expanded 2nd Edition Art Previews #13. Turning up the heat this week with the Fire Giants (Forgecaller, Duke, Captain) and the Nessian Warhound! Now you've got something to show to your players if they ever reach the throne room of a fire giant lord!

Fire Giants.png
Hell Hound.png

Voidrunner's Codex

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