D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates

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DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded 2nd Edition Art Previews #15. Sharing giant throne room set pieces again! This time it's the Cloud Giants (Count and Sorcerer) and the Hill Giants (Berserker, Chieftain, and Witch Doctor)!

Cloud Giants.png
Hill Giants.png


DM's Guild Author
These are looking so good! Is a tentative release date shaping up yet?
Hi Scottius. No exact release date yet but we are possibly looking at an early pre-final release of the PDF in late Feb or early March. This will just be a work-in-progress update, with the revised but not final statblocks. It's a work in progress because there will be a few more additional new art updates by end of March or early April (which should be the last batch). Apologies for not being able to give an exact date as I have to adapt to unforeseen art production delays caused by the pandemic. Once we've released a final PDF, expect 2-3 months before the PoD/Hardcover version becomes available. We just want to be sure we've caught all typos and errors.

On a positive note, this gives me a bit more time to adjust/make changes in the current statblocks with the updates made to spellcasters in MotM. My copy arrived just a few days ago.

I hope the art was able to convey their haughtiness, which should be their typical demeanor if they had an audience with player characters. :)
They do! I'm wanting to run a Fire Giant Duke or Cloud Giant Count in a game now, just so I can use those pictures as what the characters see.

What I really like about the Cloud Giant throneroom though is not just the very nice colors and the detail on the throne and clothes/armor, but that the perspective is as if you're looking up at something much taller than you, a sense of scale which is sometimes lost with illustrations of giants.


DM's Guild Author
They do! I'm wanting to run a Fire Giant Duke or Cloud Giant Count in a game now, just so I can use those pictures as what the characters see.

What I really like about the Cloud Giant throneroom though is not just the very nice colors and the detail on the throne and clothes/armor, but that the perspective is as if you're looking up at something much taller than you, a sense of scale which is sometimes lost with illustrations of giants.

Yes, haha. It's exactly for that reason that the perspective of the giant artwork is always at a low angle. I wanted something I could show to my players when they ever reach a giant's throne room. I expect a lot of other DMs too. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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