D&D 5E More Details About Laeral Silverhand’s Explorer’s Kit

This press release just dropped into my inbox. Laeral Silverhand Explorer’s Kit contains dice, cards, and a map. This comes out on the same day as the as-yet unnamed D&D hardcover on March 17th, whose identity will be revealed on Thursday.


Explore the realms! Wizards of the Coast once again is presenting new dice and miscellany for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Forgotten Realms Laeral Silverhand Explorer’s Kit builds on the success of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. Forgotten Realms Laeral Silverhand Explorer’s Kit will be available in stores everywhere on March 17, 2020!

Let Laeral Silverhand – Open Lord of Waterdeep, centuries-old archmage, and daughter of the goddess of magic – guide you on your path to adventure. The new kit includes eleven dice placed in a durable, felt-lined box that functions as two dice trays. Fans can also enjoy the twenty illustrated, double-sided cards detailing Laeral’s expert insights on key characters, locations, and lore from across the Forgotten RealmsTM and a foldout double-sided map of the Sword Coast and city of Waterdeep.
  • Eleven dice (two d20s, one d12, two d10s, one d8, four d6s, one d4).
  • Twenty illustrated, double-sided cards detailing Laeral's expert insights on key characters, locations, and lore from across the Forgotten Realms.
  • A durable, felt-lined box that functions as two dice trays.
  • Foldout double-sided map of the Sword Coast and the city of Waterdeep.

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Like literally hundreds of thousands of platinum pieces.

Edit: Even for DMs who hate the Realms, you can modify any map, change the name of a town or dale and pop it into your preferred fantasy setting.

Yep. See above post. I just want them to expand their product model.

In these days youre probably right with wikis, pdfs and such but I think theres a market for it in some form.

Yeah I assume someone would buy it, I just don't find such a product exactly optimized for a plurality of D&D players, which seems to be the goal of Wizard's book development.

Yeah I assume someone would buy it, I just don't find such a product exactly optimized for a plurality of D&D players, which seems to be the goal of Wizard's book development.

I think the target demographic has changed. WotC is more than likely going after the younger gaming generation so itd stand to reason that the format in which they release products. But I want what I want.

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