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Morrowind: Best Computer RPG. Ever.


I must say, I recently bought the "game of the year edition" of Morrowind, which includes the Tribunal and Bloodmoon disks, and it's without a doubt the finest computer RPG I've ever played, eclipsing a game I thought would wear the mantle for MUCH longer (Fallout II).

It's literally everything I loved about EQ (a vast world to explore in three dimensions, an interesting skill and experience system that allows you to level by dungeon crawling, training in a guild house and/or gathering materials and practicing crafting) but loses everything I hated about EQ (not enough quests, too much waiting for creatures to spawn to level).

And there's a TON to do, over 250 hours of gameplay Im guessing. And when you factor in that you can play it in three VERY different ways (fighter, mage and thief) with 30 classes inhabiting those roles and hybrids, and the ability to make an infinite number of your own classes if you desire...

Well, like I said, simply the best. I had heard of this game but I am simply shocked it's as good as it is.


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I didn't enjoy it much, myself. I found large parts of it to be tedious, and frankly, it was pretty easy. I don't think I ever came close to losing a fight after the first hour or so unless I did something really stupid out of boredom or frustration. I also thought the artwork was pretty bland -- it gave Quake a run for its money in uses of shades of brown.

I think computer RPGs have to strike a balance between plot and open-ended exploration, and the Elder Scrolls stuff (for me, anyway) is too much of the latter. Morrowwind was better in that regard than Daggerfall, which was better than Arena, so at least they are moving in the right direction. I've not played Oblivion yet, though, so maybe they've finally hit the sweet spot.

The mechanics were very good, though, and they did some nice things in immersing you in the environment.


Well, like with any game, you give up something for everything you get.

Morrowind is SO big (in terms of all the things you can do) that I think it would be really overwhelming without a hint guide of some sort.

Since those are free to come by online at sites like banshee and gamefaqs though, this isn't a problem for me :)

If I get bored, I'll scan the quest lists in one of the walkthroughs and see what looks good.

It's like being at a really good buffet.



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Rodrigo Istalindir said:
I think computer RPGs have to strike a balance between plot and open-ended exploration...

Sounds like the Ultima games to me, well 6-7pt2 and UW2 at least. There was definitely a strong plot, but you still had quite a bit of freedom to go wondering about and accomplishing things as you saw fit.


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I also found it mostly boring and tedious. Not even close to the top 10 of the best computer RPGs ever in my opinion. Now Fallout... that's a great game! :D

But if you like it, which is cool, of course, then Oblivion might be worth a look for you as well. It's the Morrowind successor and has some pretty cool features. I didn't like it much either, but that doesn't have to mean anything, obviously.



Hehehe... If you like Morrowind, Oblivion will blow you away.
I personally wasn't a huge fan of Morrowind. It was just too drab and awkwardly controlled for me, I guess. But Oblivion improved on both of those aspects significantly. But I still managed to waste quite a bit of time on it.


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I loved Morrowind as well, an awesome game which I played for a long while. That and NwN remain some of my fav RPG computer games. Oblivion looks amazing as well, and also far too demanding for my PC unforntunately!


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I remember Morrowind. The controls were awful and when I finally got someone to give me a quest I had to walk for almost a half an hour in real time to find a bugged door. I think that was the one and only time I ever bothered to play it...it was awful.

Oblivion was much better, but as soon as I found out nearly every single story quest is "go kill the demons and bring me their magic rock" it got boring in a hurry.

Steel_Wind said:
There are hundreds of NWN mods, any one of which is more fun to play than Morrowind.

Best EVAR.? I beg to differ.

Apples and oranges. 'CRPG' is a big umbrella, and comparing a wide-open world simulator with a 'module' focused game like NWN (or a plot-focused game like Fable, or a party focused game like BG) isn't terribly useful.

If you're looking for what Morrowind offers, you're unlikely to find most NWN modules appealing, and vice-versa. Mercifully, the CRPG genre limps along well enough to still produce titles that fit most niches. Pity the poor strategy gamer that wants a turn-based game, or those who like classic adventure games and have to live on one big release a year if they're lucky.

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