Hi there. I’m Dannyalcatraz, and I’m a multiclassing junkie.
The majority of my PCs going back to AD&D have been muliclassed or dual-classed, so I’ve come up with some different ones over the years. Not all of them have gotten played.
Some of the more memorable ones:
1) a PC based on being a houngan. He was a mix of Necromancer & the OA Shaman.
2) a Marshal/Duskblade/Battle Sorcerer (w/Stalwart Sorcerer ACF). He was essentially an “Arcane Paladin”. Key mechanics included the Marshal Auras and the Knowledge Domain feat as a substitute for Paladin’s Smite. With all the relevant KS maxed out, that was actually more flexible than the original.
3) a Clc of Nature, (Plant & Earth Domains)/Sorcerer/Geomancer. Inspired by 1990s era Swamp Thing lore, this PC’s Geomancer Drift levels were all from the plant options list. Key mechanics revolved around the original Sacred Healing feat* which let you do an AoE healing effect by burning a Turn Undead (only, no other Turns worked), paired with Extra Turning. Despite not having the levels to turn many creatures, this feat combo allowed the character keep the party & NPCs going through RttToEE with only a few healing spells ever being cast. Practiced Spellcsster was also important. Brew Potions had him producing edible healing tubers from his flesh, and he had gaining an Earth Elemental familiar on his Feat wish list.
4) a Starpact Warlock/Psionic whose Dwarven clan was devoted to hunting and destroying Aberrations.
5) a Dragonborn Hybrid Paladin/Cosmic Sorcerer based on the Islamic scholar from The Thirteenth Warrior.
6) a Warfogrd Battlmind/Infernal Pact Warlock designed as a mix of Hellboy and a sentient LeMarchand Box from Hellraiser.
Tangent: my last 3.5Ed PC was technically a single classed Hengeyokai fighter, but between the use of templates (2-headed cryo) and Fey heritage feats that gave spell-like abilities, he had a very F/Mu type feel.
* FWIW, I contacted WotC: the later feat with the same name was NOT intended to replace this feat. Someone simply didn’t check the name agains already published material.

Some of the more memorable ones:
1) a PC based on being a houngan. He was a mix of Necromancer & the OA Shaman.
2) a Marshal/Duskblade/Battle Sorcerer (w/Stalwart Sorcerer ACF). He was essentially an “Arcane Paladin”. Key mechanics included the Marshal Auras and the Knowledge Domain feat as a substitute for Paladin’s Smite. With all the relevant KS maxed out, that was actually more flexible than the original.
3) a Clc of Nature, (Plant & Earth Domains)/Sorcerer/Geomancer. Inspired by 1990s era Swamp Thing lore, this PC’s Geomancer Drift levels were all from the plant options list. Key mechanics revolved around the original Sacred Healing feat* which let you do an AoE healing effect by burning a Turn Undead (only, no other Turns worked), paired with Extra Turning. Despite not having the levels to turn many creatures, this feat combo allowed the character keep the party & NPCs going through RttToEE with only a few healing spells ever being cast. Practiced Spellcsster was also important. Brew Potions had him producing edible healing tubers from his flesh, and he had gaining an Earth Elemental familiar on his Feat wish list.
4) a Starpact Warlock/Psionic whose Dwarven clan was devoted to hunting and destroying Aberrations.
5) a Dragonborn Hybrid Paladin/Cosmic Sorcerer based on the Islamic scholar from The Thirteenth Warrior.
6) a Warfogrd Battlmind/Infernal Pact Warlock designed as a mix of Hellboy and a sentient LeMarchand Box from Hellraiser.
Tangent: my last 3.5Ed PC was technically a single classed Hengeyokai fighter, but between the use of templates (2-headed cryo) and Fey heritage feats that gave spell-like abilities, he had a very F/Mu type feel.
* FWIW, I contacted WotC: the later feat with the same name was NOT intended to replace this feat. Someone simply didn’t check the name agains already published material.
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