D&D 5E Most unique, fun multiclass (2 classes)


Currently playing an Artificer (Battle smith), with a one-level dip into Forge Cleric to double down on the theme.

For the next campaign, I’m brainstorming a Bard/Warlock combo. The concept would be a musician who struck a deal with an otherworldly entity for greater power/talent (a la Paganini or Robert Johnson).

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Honestly the only time I ask someone to think it through is if they want to play a wizard and have never played. Then we coach them about staying alive and let them run.

Otherwise if you pick literally any subclass you can have fun.
Yeah, the only way to build a flashlight-dropper inn 5e is to dump your primary stat (ie a paladin who maximizes wisdom and intelligence).

One of my favorites was a Goblin named Zaryx the shining that was Warlock (Hexblade 2)/Bard (lore 10). Loved poaching paladin spells (a couple of smites, find greater steed for a Saber-toothed tiger mount, destructive wave) and burst spells. He tended to split time either as a front line fighter or AOE damage dealer and preferred self buffs since they also buffed his tiger.

Also as @jmartkdr2 mentioned I have a human druid (8)/barbarian (4) named Pellix that I love. This character uses the rules from Level Up though and has taken the untamed feats so there's a better meld of Wildshape and Rage.


From the pit of the 9th
One of my favorites was a Goblin named Zaryx the shining that was Warlock (Hexblade 2)/Bard (lore 10). Loved poaching paladin spells (a couple of smites, find greater steed for a Saber-toothed tiger mount, destructive wave) and burst spells. He tended to split time either as a front line fighter or AOE damage dealer and preferred self buffs since they also buffed his tiger.

Also as @jmartkdr2 mentioned I have a human druid (8)/barbarian (4) named Pellix that I love. This character uses the rules from Level Up though and has taken the untamed feats so there's a better meld of Wildshape and Rage.
Fun name and choices!


First Post
It's certainly not optimal or anything, but psi knight fighter 5/soulknife rogue 9/aberrant mind sorcerer 6 would hit a lot of subclass features all based around psionics and not be awful at combat.
How would the psionic dice from the psi fighter and soulknife rogue stack i wonder?

How would the psionic dice from the psi fighter and soulknife rogue stack i wonder?
Depends on whether you consider sub-paragraphs part of the feature.

If yes, they are two distinct features and you therefore get both but they don't intermingle. Two separate pools of psi dice.

If the paragraphs are separate features, you get one pool based on proficiency bonus and use the die size from whichever class gives you the bigger die bases on each class's levels.

If you want something that makes sense, you could just add the two classes together and use that for die size.

Edit: actually the weirder bit is that the soul knife does not work with Extra Attack. Read literally, it precludes striking more than once with it as part of a single action.
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Monk / Druid 2 (badger) and mobile feat.

45' burrow speed. Pop up, attack, go back under ground.

Not the most accurate attacks with 0 Dex, but fun none the less.

Do druid 8 and Flying snake gives you 60' fly speed, don't provoke opportunity attacks, and 18 Dex. Super fast tiny monk.


Follower of the Way
Too bad it's only two classes.

My favorite MC build uses three.

Rogue 1: Character starts off as a child thief because family is dirt poor. Gets taken in by a merchant who sees her potential, and pays her way through...
Bard 3: College! She joins the College of Lore, insatiably curious about everything. Every skill, every spell, every scrap of lore. And her devotion does not go unnoticed by...
Cleric 1: The church! Specifically of the god of knowledge. But she quickly finds that the church, despite loving knowledge, has pretty fussy, moralistic standards. They disapprove of the knowledge she has from her thieving days. So...
Bard+N: She leaves the church behind, but not her faith, and sets out to understand ALL the things.

Came out of an exercise in trying to see if one character could have both a cohesive story and get proficiency in all skills. And the answer is yes! But the last few really aren't worth it, so it's better to just know almost everything and let JOAT take care of the rest. Between Rogue, Knowledge Cleric, and Bard, you also get 8 hits of Expertise, meaning you really are an expert at a lot of things. The price you pay is slightly delayed spells, but honestly that's pretty well worth the major advantages.

Voidrunner's Codex

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