D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

Mark St Thomas

First Post
1) There are no mod fields for Wild Shape. You'll have to do a manual override to make it work.
2) Yes, just start with a blank form and type everything in.

1) & 2) You can create custom scripts. See FAQ for how to do that.

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First Post
1) There are no mod fields for Wild Shape. You'll have to do a manual override to make it work.
2) Yes, just start with a blank form and type everything in.

1) & 2) You can create custom scripts. See FAQ for how to do that.

Awesome, thanks for the reply. I will definitely check out script-writing the FAQ, but to follow up on 2) -- when I type in Crag Cat, it defaults to the values for Cat. When I overwrite them, and then re-order or re-calculate the list, I lose all the rewritten info... it keeps the name, but sets all the overwritten values back to Cat. Is the only way around this to create a custom script?

Hi, got a couple of quick questions. My apologies if these are answered somewhere, but I did a search and wasn't able to find anything. And the version I have didn't come with a FAQ.

I'm using the pdf version, Printer-Friendly-Redesign_v12-81. And I love it; by far the best character sheet I've used.

1) I'm playing a druid with insignia of the claws. Is there a way to reflect +1 to all attacks and damage rolls on my wildshape forms? I don't see a mod field that allows that.
2) Is there a way to add/create custom Wild Shapes? I'd like to add in the Steeders from OOTA, and the Crag Cat from SKT.
Hello Zene,

I see that question 1 has already been answered by Astromath (or Mark St Thomas as that's his alternative account). There is no mod field, but this is one of the things more people have been asking for. It might be an addition to a future version of the sheet. Over on my Patreon I post polls where people can vote on which feature(s) should be added next, and this one is on the list to vote upon.

Question 2 has been answered incorrectly by Astromath. Both the Steeders (male and female) from OotA and the Crag Cat from SKT are available in the automation of the sheet. However, they are not available in the very old version that you are using. v12.81 was released on the 25th of January. There have been at least 26 versions since then with numerous content additions, bugfixes and a lot of new features. You can get the latest version (v12.998) right now, here on DMs Guild (for free if you want, because it is 'Pay What You Want'). I really can't stress enough how much more things the latest version has to offer than the one from January.

Note that you can import your old character into the newer sheet with easy. Simply open the Import menu (by clicking the "Import" button in the 'JavaScript Window'-toolbar or by clicking the "Import/Export" bookmark). In that menu, select "Import Directly from PDF" and then follow the instructions in the dialogues that open.


I have been using this sheet since it was back on Enworld and brand new and shiny and I love it!

Would it be possible to code the Warlock's Ancient Secrets dialog to allow it to print out all rituals of the available level with check boxes? That way, I can just print the sheet out when I get a new spell level and not each time I find a new ritual spell to scribe into it.


First Post
Hello Zene,

I see that question 1 has already been answered by Astromath (or Mark St Thomas as that's his alternative account). There is no mod field, but this is one of the things more people have been asking for. It might be an addition to a future version of the sheet. Over on my Patreon I post polls where people can vote on which feature(s) should be added next, and this one is on the list to vote upon.

Question 2 has been answered incorrectly by Astromath. Both the Steeders (male and female) from OotA and the Crag Cat from SKT are available in the automation of the sheet. However, they are not available in the very old version that you are using. v12.81 was released on the 25th of January. There have been at least 26 versions since then with numerous content additions, bugfixes and a lot of new features. You can get the latest version (v12.998) right now, here on DMs Guild (for free if you want, because it is 'Pay What You Want'). I really can't stress enough how much more things the latest version has to offer than the one from January.

Note that you can import your old character into the newer sheet with easy. Simply open the Import menu (by clicking the "Import" button in the 'JavaScript Window'-toolbar or by clicking the "Import/Export" bookmark). In that menu, select "Import Directly from PDF" and then follow the instructions in the dialogues that open.

Awesome, thanks so much! I just became a patron, and got the latest version. Thanks for all your hard work.

A question on the wildshape calculations: I've read the explanation of each in the FAQ; and re-read, and re-read. And I still just don't understand it. Is anyone willing to give an example of how those methods would come to different numbers? Or I suppose, since all are potentially valid interpretations of the rules, a simpler question could just be: Which one would give the highest results in the most circumstances? It seems like it should be "Only compare based on total number", but based on the way it's worded, I'm not clear on whether there are situations where it'd take one source's proficiency bonus, and the other source's stat bonus, if that's how the highest result would be calculated.
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Mark St Thomas

First Post
The default method is the "official" interpretation (I think that question was answered in Sage Advice), so that's the one I use. I don't use the others, so I can't say if they are better or worse.

I have been using this sheet since it was back on Enworld and brand new and shiny and I love it!

Would it be possible to code the Warlock's Ancient Secrets dialog to allow it to print out all rituals of the available level with check boxes? That way, I can just print the sheet out when I get a new spell level and not each time I find a new ritual spell to scribe into it.
This is a great idea! I'll implement it in the next version for both the Book of Ancient Secrets as well as the Ritual Caster feat.

Awesome, thanks so much! I just became a patron, and got the latest version. Thanks for all your hard work.

A question on the wildshape calculations: I've read the explanation of each in the FAQ; and re-read, and re-read. And I still just don't understand it. Is anyone willing to give an example of how those methods would come to different numbers? Or I suppose, since all are potentially valid interpretations of the rules, a simpler question could just be: Which one would give the highest results in the most circumstances? It seems like it should be "Only compare based on total number", but based on the way it's worded, I'm not clear on whether there are situations where it'd take one source's proficiency bonus, and the other source's stat bonus, if that's how the highest result would be calculated.
Oh boy, the Wild Shape calculations... They have been so heavily debated and still get people questioning them that I think I'm developing an irrational fear of the Wild Shape rules ;)

Back when I made the Wild Shape pages for the sheet, I couldn't find any official sources on how the Wild Shape rules work with regards to calculating some combinations of character vs. beast proficiency. I found a lot of internet discussion about it, but no official ruling. Thus, I made the sheet handle all (logical) different ways of calculation that I could think of, so everybody could use their own interpretation. Since then, there has been a little more official information on how it should be handled (in a podcast of all places...) and it has become clear that the default option is indeed the official way of doing it (I guessed correctly, yay!).

To give some explanation about the different ways:

First off, the rules are clear that you count as being proficient in Wild Shape witall things that your character is proficient AND all things the beast is proficient with. So if your character has Str saving throw proficiency and the beast has Perception proficiency, you get both those proficiencies while in Wild Shape. However, what the rules were not clear about is what ability score and what proficiency bonus you get to add to calculate the total bonus. This is where the different forms of calculations come in.

Every calculation way fills out the ability score modifier and the proficiency bonus in its own way:

Use druid's prof. bonus if druid is prof. - the default/official way is that you have your own proficiency bonus (ranging from +2 to +6) and the beast has its own proficiency bonus (mostly +2 or +3). You use the ability scores of your wild shape to calculate all proficiencies (i.e. your Int/Wis/Cha and the beast's Str/Dex/Con). If the character is proficient, use the characters proficiency bonus. If the beast is proficient, use the beast's proficiency bonus. If both are proficient, use the highest of the two proficiency bonuses.

Use druid's prof. bonus for all prof. - this alternative way of calculation is the same as the default, with the change that you always use the character's proficiency bonus, even for things that only the beast is proficient with. Some people (still) argue that this is the right way of doing things, pointing to the fact that the text "“Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast" does not specify what is included in statistics and what isn't, and because the Monster Manual does not list Proficiency Bonus, it must not be part of "statistics of the beast".
This way offers 4 variations:
Excluding attacks and expertise - the beast's proficiency bonus is used for attacks. Some creatures in the PHB, if you do the maths, seemingly have Expertise in a skill - they add double their proficiency bonus. Now there is no way to know if this is a static bonus or it is coupled with the proficiency bonus. For example, a Giant Octopus has a Dex of 13, but +5 on Stealth. It has +2 proficiency bonus, thus it is getting another +2 from somewhere. In this variant, the sheet assumes it is a static bonus. In the example of the Giant Octopus, a level 5 character would get a Stealth bonus of +6 (+1 from Dex 13, +3 from the character's proficiency bonus, and +2 from the arbitrary Giant Octopus' bonus).
Including attacks - the character's proficiency bonus is also used for the attacks in beast form. This is (was?) debated because the beast's attacks are obviously being calculated using proficiency bonus, but Jeremy Crawford has clarified on Twitter that the beast's attacks are supposed to be copied from the Monster Manual exactly without changes, as that is the intention of limiting the power of Wild Shape.
Including expertise - the character's proficiency bonus is also used for those skills that the beast seemingly has expertise with. Using our previous example, that would thus come to a total of +7 Stealth (+1 from Dex 13, +6 from twice the character's proficiency bonus).
Including attacks and expertise - the character's proficiency bonus is also used for the attacks in beast form and for those skills that the beast seemingly has expertise with.

Use creature's prof. bonus for all prof. - this alternative calculation way works the same as the previous, but uses the beast's proficiency bonus for everything. Because now there isn't any issue with 'seeming expertise', nor any debate about whether the beast's attacks should be included or not, there are no variants.

Only compare based on total number - this way of calculation is by far the easiest, as it doesn't look at how the bonuses are made up, it just looks at the total as represented on the first page of your character sheet and what is in the Monster Manual. If your character has a +6 on Stealth, and the creature has a +5, the sheet will use +6 in the beast form.

I hope this adequately explains it :)

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