D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

Hi Purple, that's the thing. I did level up by adding new XP to the character sheet and it didn't detect a change to the spell sheet going from 3rd to 4th level. As a test, I added more XP to update things to level 5, and it did add the 3th level spell slots correctly, but it left the 2nd level slots at 2 instead of 3. Is this what was intended?
The real question is if you can reproduce this issue when starting from a freshly downloaded sheet. Changing the level on the sheet that already has the incorrect amount of spell slots will not 'fix' the issue, because the sheet only adds the difference in spell slots, it doesn't reset the total. You can manually reset the total using the modifier fields and your sheet should then be fine.

The fact that the sheet didn't detect a change for the spell sheet going from level 3 to level 4 is not strange, because if you are playing a class with a fixed spell list (i.e. not spells known, so Cleric, Druid, or Paladin), then you don't get any new spells to put on the sheet. The PDF will add the spell slots to the spell sheet even if you already generated a spell sheet. The spell slots are dynamic. Just go to your spell sheet page, enable the modifier fields, and see the fields appear where you can set how many spell slots are available. Whenever you level up/down and the amount of spell slots change because of it, the sheet will change the numbers in those modifier fields on the spell sheets. Something must have happened that it didn't change it when levelling up, and that is what is interesting to reproduce.

If I open a freshly downloaded sheet and make a level 3 wizard, I get the right amount of spell slots when adding a spell sheet. When I then change it to a level 4 wizard, the spell slots change on the already generated spell sheet to the right amount. If you can tell me how to get it to NOT change, starting with a freshly downloaded sheet, I can hunt down the bug causing this problem.

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Likely a more popular idea than my last, But any chance you could make another page for contained inventory. I am currently using EXTRA EQUIPMENT on page 3 as a bag of holding and OTHER HOLDINGS as a camp site supply but both are a bit small to I am always trying to condense my inventory with short hand. Of course part of that is because I have been the parties treasurer.

...So if you added a new optional Inventory page that could beak down for Bags of holding, handy haversack's, Keeps, Camps, Saddle Bags, and packs for beasts of burden maybe by just changing headers for columns, I could make good use of it. Even more so if you had a way to drop the weight of party funds into one of those using a column selection tab or something but with perhaps a column down one side to trace all the coins like the personal carried sheet. (I also find a total value in gold, counter really useful for party funds so you can easily announce to the group what they have to work with)

Then on page 3, You could go 7 down for feats so the fighter could fill up on them, go 2 high 3 across the bottom for magic items to allow 6 for the artificer class to fill up on attuned items or other classes to have 3 attuned and 3 non-attuned, and extend the notes section down because I know I am always running out of room there for multi-class builds.

--Also, I joined your patron, well worth it. As others have stated its already the best sheet around and its only getting better. Same user name.
Adding an inventory page is also on the wishlist for major additions, but something like that is not a small feat or small time investment, so don't hold your breath because it definitely won't be done before the summer is over even if it is something that is voted for on my Patreon. And welcome to the Patreon btw, I had to double check that you really pledged that much, I don't know what to say... thanks!

The Extra Equipment section was always intended as the place to put stuff from your bag of holding and the like, but I can definitely see how it can still be too little amount of space. Packs for beast of burden can also be put on the companion page, but I can understand that you don't really need a whole companion page for just a donkey carrying your parties tent and whatnot. And at higher levels you will probably put all that kind of stuff in a Bag of Holding anyway.

If you are having trouble fitting feats and magic items on the third page, why not use the overflow page? There you get extra space for both feats and magic items! Or do you mean that you have both page 3 and the overflow page completely filled? If that is the case, I don't know how to break it to you, but your character might be a hoarder... :p

Multiclass builds are indeed an issue if you take two very verbose classes. There is also the issue that almost all classes are front-heavy, meaning that the features that require a lot of text are almost always gained at the lower levels. My solution for this is to not multiclass (I have never played multiclass but I'm weird so don't listen to me), but others in my group have opted to simply copy-paste the overflowing text to a separate notes page.


Kinder reader Inflection wanted
Adding an inventory page is also on the wishlist for major additions, but something like that is not a small feat or small time investment, so don't hold your breath because it definitely won't be done before the summer is over even if it is something that is voted for on my Patreon. And welcome to the Patreon btw, I had to double check that you really pledged that much, I don't know what to say... thanks!

The Extra Equipment section was always intended as the place to put stuff from your bag of holding and the like, but I can definitely see how it can still be too little amount of space. Packs for beast of burden can also be put on the companion page, but I can understand that you don't really need a whole companion page for just a donkey carrying your parties tent and whatnot. And at higher levels you will probably put all that kind of stuff in a Bag of Holding anyway.

If you are having trouble fitting feats and magic items on the third page, why not use the overflow page? There you get extra space for both feats and magic items! Or do you mean that you have both page 3 and the overflow page completely filled? If that is the case, I don't know how to break it to you, but your character might be a hoarder... :p

Multiclass builds are indeed an issue if you take two very verbose classes. There is also the issue that almost all classes are front-heavy, meaning that the features that require a lot of text are almost always gained at the lower levels. My solution for this is to not multiclass (I have never played multiclass but I'm weird so don't listen to me), but others in my group have opted to simply copy-paste the overflowing text to a separate notes page.

So your right I never even considered using the companion page for the saddle bags and packs. Still a page for a wagon, a keep, a camp, a bag of holding and party coins would be awesome but just because I suggest something doesn't mean its a good Idea or that I would expect it in any remote future. I sometimes get an idea stuck in my head and if I don't tell someone or write it down I go a little more crazy inside and can't sleep. As a result I have a bunch of suggest posts I never get replies on and paper notes tucked around my computer I never read. Once it is out though, I relax and sleep better. SO no pressure from me. Take what ever time you need. I just needed to voice the idea more than anything. If it happens great. If not, I will be fine.

I did not know there was an over flow page.... lol.... nice. I don't really need it on my current character but I REALLY enjoy theory craft so out of the 54 (and counting) I have made that I will never play, there are one or 2 that could use that overflow page (mostly for feats since I don't give myself magic items on my unused character designs...I mean that would be silly...), though I can't think of any that need more than that. Well played sir.

I love multi-classing... if my previous paragraph did not make that clear. I have an Arcane Trickster 3, Eldritch Knight 8, Shadow Sorcerer 4, Artificer 5 character I made for fun.... I might have a problem... anyway... I ended up using the Class Features on page 2, Notes on page 3, and " allies & organizations" on page 4 to fit all the class features. Apparently, the Artificer's Wondrous Invention are my closest allies... I might name them for fun If I ever use that character idea.... Which would cause my current GM to have a stroke.

Anyway thanks your time and consideration.


First Post
You're not being dumb, everyone has different levels of tech knowledge. I'll start at the beginning, and hopefully clear it all up. :)

Adobe and Microsoft are two separate companies. One of the programs Adobe created is called Acrobat. It creates documents in a format called PDF(stands for Portable Document Format). The full Acrobat software costs a lot of money, but they also have a free Acrobat Reader program so people like us can open and view PDF files created by companies who use the format to create digital versions of user manuals, books, etc. Think of PDF as an alternative to MS Office's .doc format. Microsoft has an app called Reader which can also open PDF files, but it sounds like that app is going away. Adobe's free Acrobat Reader app isn't going anywhere though(They have a vested interest in making sure people can read the format, so businesses will keep using the expensive software to publish things as PDF files). And according to MPMB's documentation for his character sheet, it only works correctly in the current version of Adobe's app, currently called Acrobat Reader DC. The reason for that is because the sheet does a lot more than present text and graphics. There is a lot of code inside the .pdf file(mostly Javascript, I think) that enables it to do all the awesome stuff it does like auto-calculate skill modifiers, add class abilities as you level, that sort of thing. Non-Adobe PDF readers(like Microsoft's, but there are other programs too that can open PDF files, I think even MS Word) don't fully support all that advanced functionality, so if you've been using Win10's app with MPMB's sheet, some of the features may not have worked properly. IIRC, not even the mobile(Android/iOS) versions of Adobe's app handle the sheet correctly.

I don't know what the policy is about external links on here, but if you do a web search for "Acrobat Reader DC" you should have no trouble finding a link to download it, and you'll be able to keep on using MPMB's sheet just fine :)

Hey! Thanks so much to you and MPMB for the responses. Turns out I was in fact just confused about the difference between the Microsoft app and the actual Adobe Reader. Downloaded reader and the sheet works just fine, and it's truly a great resource. :)


First Post
Hey MPMB. Thanks for the awesome character sheet. I was going to write the rule set into a python script, but lost interest in doing so because yours is nearly perfect.

Any timeframe for v13?
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Kinder reader Inflection wanted
This maybe an odd question... but... I was wondering if it would be hard to add an optional PASSIVE INTELLIGENCE (INVESTIGATION) in the senses box? I ask because I have noticed since Xanthar's Guide to Everything was released my GM is using a lot more passive investigation/perception checks and it would be handy to have. Since I just have the one Devil's sight (120ft Dark vision) entry and my Eye's of the Eagle don't show up I have room on my current character. If not I can write it in. I just figured the point of an automated sheet is that its automated.

This maybe an odd question... but... I was wondering if it would be hard to add an optional PASSIVE INTELLIGENCE (INVESTIGATION) in the senses box? I ask because I have noticed since Xanthar's Guide to Everything was released my GM is using a lot more passive investigation/perception checks and it would be handy to have. Since I just have the one Devil's sight (120ft Dark vision) entry and my Eye's of the Eagle don't show up I have room on my current character. If not I can write it in. I just figured the point of an automated sheet is that its automated.
The sheet doesn't offer any options to add more passive skills. Adding that feature is not easy, because it would mean finding space on the sheet, of which there is none left, so something else would have to be removed. For now there are no plans for adding more passive skills. I personally don't find passive skill listing so useful, because it is the GM that needs it, not the player, and the GM can make a list for him/herself easily by taking the skill values and adding 10.

Add as extra specializations of the classes contained in Xanathar's: Guide to everything. Thanks for the attention and keep up the great work.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. Are you asking for the addition of the content from XGtE? Please understand that I can't add that kind of content, because it is copyright of Wizards of the Coast which I'm not allowed to distribute.

You can, however, add any content you want yourself using the "Add Extra Materials" bookmark and the syntax found on my GitHub. It is also worthwhile to visit the /r/mpmb subreddit to share content you create and find content created by others.

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