D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

The mechanism I speak of is for memorizing/praying for spells at the end of each long rest. In other words, a way to choose spells after each long rest so that only those are shown on the sheet until the next long rest. So, at the end of a long rest, the whole spell list will reopen to choose again. I would also suggest adding a button that says, "Keep spells from last long rest?" That would allow the player to skip over choosing spells after a long rest if they plan on keeping the same spells from the last time they prayed/memorized spells.

As far as Fantasy Grounds is concerned, I posted the suggestion in their forum about importing the data from your exported format. I don't know if they will contact you or not about it. I also don't know if it is possible, or if it is possible, how much work it would take to make it possible (maybe too much). But, then again, it is only a suggestion.
So you would want a separate dialog where you can select prepared spells and then have only those displayed? That is something I can make, but it is a lot of work and I am not sure about the implementation yet, so it might not be there in the next version yet.

The way I see it, it would be an option on every dialog for a caster that prepares spells to "only show prepared spells". Upon clicking "continue to next dialog" you would then be prompted to fill out all the spells you want to prepare.

I looked around for Fantasy Grounds and how they store their character data, but I came up empty-handed. I don't own an account or have ever played on Fantasy Grounds, so this is all new to me. Do you have a resource where they explain how their import/export looks like? It is a long shot, because even though it is probably possible to make a MPMB's sheet - to - Fantasy Grounds converter, that will be a whole separate piece of software that requires updates for every single tiny change in either my or their sheet. As you can understand, this wouldn't just be a small undertaking and can take a lot of time to develop, depending on how complex their system is (remember, I am only doing this in my spare time and it is limited).

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This is the Fantasy Grounds forum for 5e: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?68-5E
And this page contains user guides: http://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

But, unless you get the base Fantasy Grounds ($34.95) you probably won't be able to do anything. Since you are doing this only in your spare time, it might be years before you could do anything at all. Which is ok. Life comes first anyway. :)

And then there is Par5e (pronounced parse). Par5e is free. You can download it here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?18123-Project-Par5e

Par5e has a lot of tutorials in youtube format. It's pretty easy to learn, but hard to find errors. Just found out that the Pre-gen section (if you use Par5e, this is where you would add the exported data) of the public version isn't accurate any more. It drops some items such as inventory. This is due to a change in how FG handles PC generation. There was a complaint about this in the Par5e forum.

I'm not expecting anything right away, or even in a few months (or not at all if it can't be done).

This is the Fantasy Grounds forum for 5e: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?68-5E
And this page contains user guides: http://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

But, unless you get the base Fantasy Grounds ($34.95) you probably won't be able to do anything. Since you are doing this only in your spare time, it might be years before you could do anything at all. Which is ok. Life comes first anyway. :)

And then there is Par5e (pronounced parse). Par5e is free. You can download it here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?18123-Project-Par5e

Par5e has a lot of tutorials in youtube format. It's pretty easy to learn, but hard to find errors. Just found out that the Pre-gen section (if you use Par5e, this is where you would add the exported data) of the public version isn't accurate any more. It drops some items such as inventory. This is due to a change in how FG handles PC generation. There was a complaint about this in the Par5e forum.

I'm not expecting anything right away, or even in a few months (or not at all if it can't be done).
I tried looking around the forum before, and now again with the links you send, but I haven't found anything that would allow me to view how to import things to a character sheet. Par5e might be the answer, but everything is behind a login and I found no documentation (and don't really want to waste my time watching over an hour of youtube videos hoping they mention it somewhere).


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True that. I'm uploading a data file from one of my campaigns. Looking at it, I would say it is impossible at this moment. I was going to attach the data file I was looking at, but enworld is being wonky at the moment. So, you'll have to trust me when I say it can't be done (at least for right now). Sorry for bringing this suggestion up. I'll retract the suggestion until I know if anything changes.

True that. I'm uploading a data file from one of my campaigns. Looking at it, I would say it is impossible at this moment. I was going to attach the data file I was looking at, but enworld is being wonky at the moment. So, you'll have to trust me when I say it can't be done (at least for right now). Sorry for bringing this suggestion up. I'll retract the suggestion until I know if anything changes.
You don't have to apologize, I am honestly interested in making my sheet compatible with other media where using my sheet is not (really) an option, such as online gaming. It is just a shame that the two most popular platforms, Roll20 and FG, are so inaccessible in this regard

I incorporated the suggestions and fixed some bugs.

MPMB's Character Record Sheet v11.1 (2-5-2016) with the following changelog:
  • NEW FEATURE: Added a pop-up dialog that asks you to update the Spell Sheets when you change level that influences the Spell Sheet
  • NEW FEATURE: Added the option to have the Spell Sheet only display prepared spells (as suggested by Astromath)
  • Fixed an ancient bug (that I finally found) that could cause class features to appear at the wrong place, especially when multiclassing
  • Removed a redundancy from the code that should speed up the class feature addition


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MPMB, or anyone else who could possibly answer. :)

I had added some homebrew items to the character sheet via the 'Import user script' function. Things were working good! Now there is a new version and I'm wondering if there is a way to extract the homebrew items from the other sheet so I can put them in this one. I thought I had saved the code for them, but alas I can't seem to find it.

Any ideas? Or am I just going to have to redo the whole thing?


MPMB, or anyone else who could possibly answer. :)

I had added some homebrew items to the character sheet via the 'Import user script' function. Things were working good! Now there is a new version and I'm wondering if there is a way to extract the homebrew items from the other sheet so I can put them in this one. I thought I had saved the code for them, but alas I can't seem to find it.

Any ideas? Or am I just going to have to redo the whole thing?

Hi Subpar77,

If you still have a version of the other sheet where you put the code in and you didn't reset the sheet or delete the code in it, then you should be able to extract the code. Simply open the dialog where you can enter the code and it should show you your original code. This you can then copy and paste in a file for safe keeping. Don't just paste it into a new sheet, put keep it somewhere safe. If the code looks terrible (which it probably will after the sheet had its way with it), you can always run it through an online JavaScript beautifier.

Speaking of your homebrew code, if you can extract it could you also send it to me? I am trying to collect all the homebrew material that has been coded for my sheet so that everybody can use it. So if you don't have a problem with me putting your script in a public Dropbox, then please send me your creation(s)!


First Post

Thanks for the info! Sadly.. I must have reset the sheet or done something stupid with it.. as the code is no longer there. :(

Guess I'll have to re-enter it... and here I was all proud of myself for fuddling through javascript and figuring it out! haha.

When I do get it redone, I will certainly send it to you. Or, I could send the write up of the class to you and let you do the work? *grins*

Oh, I do have another question. I haven't been able to play with the new sheet yet, but I wonder.. is there specific coding for spell selection to a given class? Or does the spell sheet just say "Here is the full list, you choose". Because this homebrew class is restricted to two schools of magic. Wondering if I have to figure out the coding for that now too.

Thanks again!


Thanks for the info! Sadly.. I must have reset the sheet or done something stupid with it.. as the code is no longer there. :(

Guess I'll have to re-enter it... and here I was all proud of myself for fuddling through javascript and figuring it out! haha.

When I do get it redone, I will certainly send it to you. Or, I could send the write up of the class to you and let you do the work? *grins*

Oh, I do have another question. I haven't been able to play with the new sheet yet, but I wonder.. is there specific coding for spell selection to a given class? Or does the spell sheet just say "Here is the full list, you choose". Because this homebrew class is restricted to two schools of magic. Wondering if I have to figure out the coding for that now too.

Thanks again!
Too bad you lost the code. I can recommend keeping a copy in another file for safekeeping.

And as you expected, I am not going to convert your homebrew, sorry ;)

As for getting the new Spell Sheets working with your class, check out the newly improved "Homebrew Syntax - ClassList" I put up a couple a minutes ago. It is in the Dropbox folder that the FAQ links to (it is another link now).

If you can't get it to work, let me know, I don't know how clear my explanation has been in the file.

Voidrunner's Codex

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