D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools


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I sent you the code for the homebrew class. Hope it checks out ok! :)

Regarding the new features, and this may have been mentioned already... a couple things I think could be helpful.

In the spell selection window, it cuts off the 'spells available' section. Where it tells you how many cantrips/spells etc. Also, it'd be awesome if it showed how many spells of a given level you can choose. And lastly, is there a way that the spell list can be limited to levels available? It took me a minute to figure this window out, as it says my character has X number of spells, and the spell list allows you to pick from any level.

Regarding the syntax for this feature, it was fairly easy to figure out thanks to you samples and such. The only thing I couldn't find an explanation for was your syntax for spells per level and bonus spells.

For example:
spellcastingKnown : {
            cantrips : [0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
            spells : [0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9],
Figured this was cantrips and spells known by level. But it didn't match up with the table for Arcane Trickster. (which is what my subclass is based on). However, after a bit a study and some intense thinking I figured out you're subtracting the 'any school' spells given at 3, 8, ... from the above table. So that plus this:
name : "From any School",
		class : "sorcerer",
		times : [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4],
		level : [1, 4],
Equals out to the table given for Arcane trickster in the PHB. Makes perfect sense, there was just no explination to this in your syntax lists (or not that I saw at least). So took a minute to figure it out. :)

As always, an awesome job on these sheets! Thank you so much for your hard work. :)
(hope all that made sense)

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Hmm. I can't seem to get the spell sheet to activate for the latest two versions. I've tried adding a spell-casting subclass and clicking on the flame icon but nothing new seems to pop up. I'll try starting at level 1 and building one level at a time but are there any known issues?
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I sent you the code for the homebrew class. Hope it checks out ok! :)

Regarding the new features, and this may have been mentioned already... a couple things I think could be helpful.

In the spell selection window, it cuts off the 'spells available' section. Where it tells you how many cantrips/spells etc. Also, it'd be awesome if it showed how many spells of a given level you can choose. And lastly, is there a way that the spell list can be limited to levels available? It took me a minute to figure this window out, as it says my character has X number of spells, and the spell list allows you to pick from any level.

Regarding the syntax for this feature, it was fairly easy to figure out thanks to you samples and such. The only thing I couldn't find an explanation for was your syntax for spells per level and bonus spells.

For example:
spellcastingKnown : {
            cantrips : [0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
            spells : [0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9],
Figured this was cantrips and spells known by level. But it didn't match up with the table for Arcane Trickster. (which is what my subclass is based on). However, after a bit a study and some intense thinking I figured out you're subtracting the 'any school' spells given at 3, 8, ... from the above table. So that plus this:
name : "From any School",
		class : "sorcerer",
		times : [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4],
		level : [1, 4],
Equals out to the table given for Arcane trickster in the PHB. Makes perfect sense, there was just no explination to this in your syntax lists (or not that I saw at least). So took a minute to figure it out. :)

As always, an awesome job on these sheets! Thank you so much for your hard work. :)
(hope all that made sense)
Thanks for sending it, I added it to the Fan-made Additions on Dropbox.

I am not sure what you mean that is cut off, but if it is the text in the dialog you are talking about that is cut short, that is because your machine is enlarging the fonts because you are running at higher than 100% DPI. This is something that the Acrobat dialogs are not good at handling and I can't change it.

With 'the amount of spells of a certain level you can choose', do you mean to pre-calculate the spell levels for if you create a higher-level character? I think doing something like that would limit the options for people who don't want to follow those limits. Also, there is not really any room to put something like that.

I could limit the spells to just the levels that are available, but again that would limit people that use homebrew rules. Is it really an issue even thought the drop-down menu shows the spells grouped by level?

The window is indeed not so logical if you make a higher level character from scratch. I could maybe add information on the highest level of spell that can be cast. Unfortunately that will then not show up in your dialog, as it will most likely be cut off because of the DPI enhancement.

As for the syntax, bonus spells are indeed something that I still have to add. I quickly wrote the stuff you found because you were asking about it, but I didn't have time to completely finish it.

Hmm. I can seem to get the spell sheet to activate for the latest two versions. I've tried adding a spell-casting subclass and clicking on the flame icon but nothing new seems to pop up. I'll try starting at level 1 and building one level at a time but are there any known issues?
Could it be that you are importing data from an older version of the sheet? I haven't tested any of the new Spell Sheet functions with imports. And because the new feature to add a Spell Sheet is less than a week old (including tests) there are not yet any 'known issues' so please let me know of anything that goes wrong. Can you retrace your steps as what caused the "Spells" button to stop functioning. Also, does the button not give a pop-up menu? Or does nothing happen when you click on "Generate Spell Sheet"? Was your character high enough level to be able to cast spells? I will need some more information to be able to recreate what happened that made the Sheet malfunction.


First Post
You are right, the issue with it cutting off text must be DPI settings. I loaded the sheet on my work computer and it had no issues. Sorry for that.

As for the spells known by level. After further review I guess this isn't needed so much. I was thinking that the spells by level should be indicated so that people knew how many 1st, 2nd, and so on spells they can choose. But I keep forgetting 5e doesn't work that way. A character may be able to cast 5th level spells, but for some reason has chosen all 1st level spells.

As for limiting the spell list, the only reason I mention this is because if a character can only cast up to 2nd level spells, being able to choose 3rd level spells or above can be confusing. Limiting the spell list to a level you can cast makes it quick and easy. It's not a huge deal, just thinking it may be something to simplify choosing spells.

The window makes sense, especially now that I can see the whole thing! LOL.. I can't speak for others, but what I've been doing when making a higher level character is simply doing a level or 2 at a time. For me, the sheet sometimes locks up, or missing items if I go from say, 1st to 14th or some such. Doing it level by level may be slower, but I've yet to have an issue with it calculating things.


Could it be that you are importing data from an older version of the sheet? I haven't tested any of the new Spell Sheet functions with imports. And because the new feature to add a Spell Sheet is less than a week old (including tests) there are not yet any 'known issues' so please let me know of anything that goes wrong. Can you retrace your steps as what caused the "Spells" button to stop functioning. Also, does the button not give a pop-up menu? Or does nothing happen when you click on "Generate Spell Sheet"? Was your character high enough level to be able to cast spells? I will need some more information to be able to recreate what happened that made the Sheet malfunction.

I did try importing data first time round but I've also tried from scratch. I think my problem is caused by the macros not running to completion. The dialogue box that pops up bottom right to implement class features seems to be hanging without completing.
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First Post
I just found something that could be fixed dealing with the equipment list. I had an item in the left hand column contained in a backpack (item is preceded by a dash ("-")). I then moved it to the right hand column that does not have a container. The dash came with it. I did not expect that. It would look funny if I moved the rope and now it looks like it is contained in a non-container such as a dagger. Here's an idea: when moving equipment, have it check to see if there is a container above it, then a popup would ask if you would like to put it in that container. If yes, add or keep the dash, if not, delete the dash if any.

The other thing that seems to be still there deals with thrown weapons. Example: I have a dagger in the list. Then I have 2 daggers in the ammunition section. The auto-add feature adds both instances of the dagger to the equipment list. In other words, the equipment list has a line for 1 dagger, then right below that is a line for 2 daggers.

I think it might be better if there was a way to indicate the number of thrown weapons in the list instead of the ammunition section. Something along the lines of Dagger (x2) would indicate 2 daggers or Javelin (x10) to indicate 10 javelins (however, still keep them in the ammo list, or better yet, have the weapon and the number auto add to the ammo list). Then let the auto-add feature skip the instances of thrown weapons in the ammunition section.

I just thought of something else. Suppose you have more than 2 ranged weapons with ammunition. The ammunition section can only handle 2 types of ammunition. I propose that the third instance be part of the property field of the weapon. Maybe something along the lines of checkboxes that are right justified in that field. I never needed more than 2 types of ammunition, but maybe somebody does.

Another thing, I have a player that has more weapons than there are weapon lines on the front page. My suggestion is this: With the Character Background being so large, you could add a java box that asks if you need more weapon lines and how many. It would then adjust the background section to make room for the extra weapon list.

You could do the same with feats. The fighter has the possibility of getting 7 feats as that is how many ability improvement scores it has. All other classes can have a maximum of 5 feats if the player so chooses. 4 feats are normally enough, but what about those who take more than those 4?


First Post
I just thought of something else. I decided do a new post rather than editing the old one.

Would it be possible to generate a "DM Sheet"? What I mean would be a sheet showing only the essential information that a DM would require. Examples: Player Name, PC Name, Race & Class (& level), Dex score, Initiative modifier, hp, passive perception, etc. The DM don't need the whole sheet. It doesn't even need to be pretty.

You might want to poll the DMs out there what they would like to see before doing this. Heck, this could even be a half a sheet, or formatted for a 3x5 index card. The same would go for companions, but not wild shaped beasts.


First Post
One quick thing about spells. Those races that have "innate" spells, such as the Tiefling. Their spells will never show up on the spell sheet because why produce a whole sheet for just one or two racial spells. My solution/suggestion, reserve a couple of lines in the notes section on page 3 for racial spells and format them similar to that on a spell sheet. I say similar because the notes section is only half as wide as the full length of the spell sheet.

You are right, the issue with it cutting off text must be DPI settings. I loaded the sheet on my work computer and it had no issues. Sorry for that.

As for the spells known by level. After further review I guess this isn't needed so much. I was thinking that the spells by level should be indicated so that people knew how many 1st, 2nd, and so on spells they can choose. But I keep forgetting 5e doesn't work that way. A character may be able to cast 5th level spells, but for some reason has chosen all 1st level spells.

As for limiting the spell list, the only reason I mention this is because if a character can only cast up to 2nd level spells, being able to choose 3rd level spells or above can be confusing. Limiting the spell list to a level you can cast makes it quick and easy. It's not a huge deal, just thinking it may be something to simplify choosing spells.

The window makes sense, especially now that I can see the whole thing! LOL.. I can't speak for others, but what I've been doing when making a higher level character is simply doing a level or 2 at a time. For me, the sheet sometimes locks up, or missing items if I go from say, 1st to 14th or some such. Doing it level by level may be slower, but I've yet to have an issue with it calculating things.
It is very unfortunate that Adobe hasn't made the custom dialogs compatible with DPI scaling, but there is nothing I can do to fix it...

I do still think that adding a "maximum level spell you can cast" to the spellcaster dialog is a good idea. Now I just have to find space for it ;)

I hope adding this information will prevent the need for limiting the spells to only certain levels.

Can you tell me what error you get if you just enter a class at the high level immediately instead of incrementally .... Hmm never mind I found a bug in the changes I made from v11.05 to v11.1 that screwed over a class if it was entered at higher level and it asked for the subclass. Did you already have this problem with a sheet of v11.05 or before? If so, can you tell me exactly what you are doing when class features are not showing up where they should?

I did try importing data first time round but I've also tried from scratch. I think my problem is caused by the macros not running to completion. The dialogue box that pops up bottom right to implement class features seems to be hanging without completing.
If the progress dialog on the bottom right hangs, than the code has definitely thrown an error. I would like to find this error and solve it. However, without more information I can't do it, so I need your help!

Can you please tell me exactly what you are doing when the error occurs? As in, what class/subclass are you adding, and at what level is it. What does the dialog box say when it hangs?

Also, it would be really helpful if you could give me the error code that is produced. You should get the JavaScript console to pop-up with the error code when an error occurs. If you don't get this pop-up, then error handling might be off in your Adobe Acrobat. You can turn it on if you go to [Edit >> Preferences (Ctrl+K) >> JavaScript] and check the box that says "Show console on errors and messages".

Lastly I would like to know which version of the sheet you are using (version number and A4 or Letter), and what software you are using (Adobe Acrobat Reader/Pro, version, and on what operating system).

Thank you in advance for your help in finding the error!



First off, loving the sheet changes since the last time I posted. I am probably a special case since I am using a government computer, but I cannot get the spells option to do anything after the spell sheet addition. I am using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Version 11.0.15 on a government system. When I click the option for spells, no macro seems to engage, however any other option continues to work as normal. Also, I noticed that the Extra Features (Add-on Tools) are not loading automatically anymore since version 11 of the sheet as well. I now have to click show extra features so I can see them in the tool bar. Anyways I love the sheet, and if you need any other information from me, I will get you whatever I can.

Thank you!

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