D&D 5E MtG Adventures in the Forgotten Realms - Adventures for 5E

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Book-Friend, he/him

The Hidden Page is a Forgotten Realms Ravnica crossover adventure. Did not see that coming. I'm guess its not MtG canon, but is it FR Canon?
I mean, probably not...unless they change their mind when sales numbers come in. They really gave the impression that they were seriously considering breaking down the setting barriers between Magic and D&D completely if they felt it could lead to more money in the long-run.


Looks like it takes place in a pocket dimension and not on the High Moors like the first one. Slightly tied to the first with some medallions the PCs may have found protecting them from traps. It does talk about a NPC Tyreus and him coming back in future modules and going back to the High Moor.

I mean, probably not...unless they change their mind when sales numbers come in. They really gave the impression that they were seriously considering breaking down the setting barriers between Magic and D&D completely if they felt it could lead to more money in the long-run.

It feels like they are testing the waters for a settings merger by a more direct crossover between settiings, not just crossing settings to into different games, like AFR, GGtR, MOoT, etc...

This isn't MtG setting using D&D mechanics or a D&D setting using MtG mechanics, its a characters from the Ravnica in the MtG multiverse appearing in the Forgotten Realms in the D&D Multiverse. Its clearly dipping its toe into a merger, testing the waters like the Planeshift Articles were testing the waters for MtG D&D hardcover setting books.


Book-Friend, he/him
It feels like they are testing the waters for a settings merger by a more direct crossover between settiings, not just crossing settings to into different games, like AFR, GGtR, MOoT, etc...

This isn't MtG setting using D&D mechanics or a D&D setting using MtG mechanics, its a characters from the Ravnica in the MtG multiverse appearing in the Forgotten Realms in the D&D Multiverse. Its clearly dipping its toe into a merger, testing the waters like the Planeshift Articles were testing the waters for MtG D&D hardcover setting books.
I'm there for it.


Space Jam Confirmed
They still haven't fixed the missing map from the first adventure!

I don't think they're going to.

They're not really giving these adventures a ton of visibility, either, so it's unlikely they'll receive enough complaints to bother to fix it. It's hard to see how casual fans even know the adventures exist. There are 16 things highlighted on WotC's official D&D homepage, and these adventures didn't make the cut , nor are they mentioned on the MtG homepage. The release of the second adventure didn't even get a mention on social media.

Voidrunner's Codex

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