Harold as a Verb
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I'd allow option #2 or #3, with the corollary that the character is Nauseated for the round following the imbibing.
Justification: There's a reason these potions are carefully crafted in the dose/potency categories available, namely that all drugs - even magical - have a degree of side effect that is compensated for within it's preparation - a counterforce equal to the dose's specific potency to offset it's "upset" on the system. Forcing multiple potions down faster than was intended in their manufacture means there's an awful lot of to-and-fro-ing taking place in the effect-vs-countering_side_effects battle ... and that takes its toll, temporarily, on the character's ability to act.
I'd allow option #2 or #3, with the corollary that the character is Nauseated for the round following the imbibing.
Justification: There's a reason these potions are carefully crafted in the dose/potency categories available, namely that all drugs - even magical - have a degree of side effect that is compensated for within it's preparation - a counterforce equal to the dose's specific potency to offset it's "upset" on the system. Forcing multiple potions down faster than was intended in their manufacture means there's an awful lot of to-and-fro-ing taking place in the effect-vs-countering_side_effects battle ... and that takes its toll, temporarily, on the character's ability to act.