D&D 5E My Review of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes is Live will also answer any questions

So do we now have an elf race for every stat? Because we need an elf race for every stat. Humans get to be all alike but we can be racists against elves because elves don't exist.

I think Strength is still missing.

Sea Elf - Constitution
Shadar-Kai - also Constitution (at least, according to Giant in the Playground.)
High Elf - Intelligence
Wood Elf - Wisdom
Drow/Eladrin - Charisma

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You said yesterday that your nerd rage was subsiding...let it go man..let it go.

You dont need to go to every thread mentioning the new book to say exactly the same thing. You could say ''crap, D&D doest not support my ideal of the elven race''. It destroyed nothing. The rules in the DMG espicially allows DM and players to come up with their own race. Its supported in the rules.

The fact that the Raven Queen is now a elven godess irks me, but it didnt destroy D&D, because D&D is what my table and I decide it is to us. You created a nice spell list for psionic like character, with a new take on ''schools'' of magic, you didnt feel constrained in that case by the lack of psionic support or by previous description of the spells that doest fit psionicism. You just refluffed the spell effect, ignored the ''school'' part of the spell and made your list.

Dont let printed words in a yet-to-come book ruin your fun in game.

Actually having her as an Elven Goddess would be an improvement over what they did to her, she's not even a God anymore (no domain), she more like a Demon Lord or Archfey, but for the Shadowfell. She got demoted hard.

Actually having her as an Elven Goddess would be an improvement over what they did to her, she's not even a God anymore (no domain), she more like a Demon Lord or Archfey, but for the Shadowfell. She got demoted hard.

That's sad. She never was my favorite godess, but I think her backstory deserved more than ''powerful being from the Shadowfell''. Anyway, if I still play in Nentir Vale I'll keep using her as a goddess, if not I'll see what I do with her. Maybe a powerful Netherese archmage? A Shade or Shadovar? The consort of Larloch who was banished to the Shadowfell by him when she grew too powerful?

[MENTION=6785442]SharnDM[/MENTION], what can you tell us about the Oinoloth? Is it true they made it into a type of Yugoloth, rather than an individual title? If so, what's their basic story? Is there any mention of Anthraxus personally? And what is their CR?

That's sad. She never was my favorite godess, but I think her backstory deserved more than ''powerful being from the Shadowfell''. Anyway, if I still play in Nentir Vale I'll keep using her as a goddess, if not I'll see what I do with her. Maybe a powerful Netherese archmage? A Shade or Shadovar? The consort of Larloch who was banished to the Shadowfell by him when she grew too powerful?

The DMG still has her as a Goddess at least for Nentir Vale so maybe the version of her in that setting still is.

That's sad. She never was my favorite godess, but I think her backstory deserved more than ''powerful being from the Shadowfell''. Anyway, if I still play in Nentir Vale I'll keep using her as a goddess, if not I'll see what I do with her. Maybe a powerful Netherese archmage? A Shade or Shadovar? The consort of Larloch who was banished to the Shadowfell by him when she grew too powerful?

Honestly I have no idea how or if the Ravenqueen fits into FR lore, that could have at least used a side bar. Honestly I think AL will need to release a document helping players using MTOF figure out how it fits with FR because not only does it contradict previous lore and new things, but it seems at odds in some ways with the SCAG especially the afterlife.

The decision to have *one* multiverse that contains *all* settings, means, there is no escape from unwanted 5e lore. If the mechanics bake in the undesirable flavor into the core rules, then even more problematic.

And how exactly do the mechanics bake in undesirable flavor regarding reincarnation and the Seldarine? How does any of that have to do with Dark Sun, Eberron, or your home campaign setting?

The only thing I see here as an issue would be Shadar-Kai as part of the Elf chassis when some people wanted Shadar-kai as their own race (and might tie them closer to Humans, re: 4e lore) – as some other posters have commented in this thread. It's not idea in that case, but it's also easily fixable: the elf chassis is very basic and can easily be swapped out for similar but generalized features that are slapped on alongside the Shadar-Kai subrace features in your home-campaign.

That is, if you were even talking about Shadar-kai. You seem to be referring to Eberron's Elf lore. But that lore is nowhere reflected in the mechanics, to the best of my knowledge. The lore of this book, as Chris Perkins said in a recent D&D Beyond video, is there to provide a baseline for players and DMs that need it. If you can refluff, or have ANY previous Eberron elf material from 3.5e or 4e, then you really don't need this lore either, and can toss it out while using what you like. No reason to toss the baby out with the bathwater, though.

Honestly I have no idea how or if the Ravenqueen fits into FR lore, that could have at least used a side bar. Honestly I think AL will need to release a document helping players using MTOF figure out how it fits with FR because not only does it contradict previous lore and new things, but it seems at odds in some ways with the SCAG especially the afterlife.

I mean, I'm glad I'm not playing AL; it must be stressful to have your stuff make sense one day and when you show up to the next game, your character background and mechanics have changed.

But there's thing: are Drows now unaffected by Ressurection spells? If so, that a big mechanical effect that may ruin a character.

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