New 13th Age 'Escalation Edition' Coming Next Year!

There's a new version of 13th Age coming! Pelgrane Press announced at Gen Con that the 13th Age 'Escalated Edition' will be coming to Kickstarter next year. It will be backwards compatible with the current game. They'll be starting a playtest program very soon, which they are inviting game groups to join. 13th Age was released in 2013, designed by Rob Heinsoo (D&D 4E) and Jonathan Tweet (D&D...

There's a new version of 13th Age coming! Pelgrane Press announced at Gen Con that the 13th Age 'Escalated Edition' will be coming to Kickstarter next year. It will be backwards compatible with the current game. They'll be starting a playtest program very soon, which they are inviting game groups to join.

13th Age was released in 2013, designed by Rob Heinsoo (D&D 4E) and Jonathan Tweet (D&D 3E), and is a 'variant' of D&D.


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Rob Heinsoo's blog said:
Each class gets +2 additional pages: Classes like the ranger and paladin that were always quite simple now have talent options that can make them more interesting for experienced players. Classes like the sorcerer get more spells with a greater range of effect. Most of the classes are getting quite a bit more than 2 pages; so far it’s only the rogue that hasn’t grown beyond that.

Well that does suggest the dead-simple Paladin or Ranger is now a 2nd class citizen. :(

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Well that does suggest the dead-simple Paladin or Ranger is now a 2nd class citizen. :(
I think that Rob implied more options, not that old defaults are gone - that would go against backward compatibility. Hopefully, there will be more to come.

Let's not expect too much for now. Playtest phase is about finding out if the new ideas are sound.

By the way, since we're at the wishful laundry list stage, here are my favorites:
  • Eastwood's Man with a Gun: I want to be a monster hunter who shoots first.
  • Cloud's Ridiculously Heavy Sword and Wuxia mobility in 3D.
  • an Immortal Paragon with Flying Swords chasing dragons (Wuxia style).
  • Garret the Thief setting.
  • support for more levels. 10 ain't enough.
  • retraining, so that people can rediscover their characters.

And a few others.
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Follower of the Way
Well that does suggest the dead-simple Paladin or Ranger is now a 2nd class citizen. :(
The quote implies that it's opt-in, not opt-out. So presumably there will be some nice, clean, super-simple options for people who want those, and some complicated, intricate options for those who want that too.

Which I see as being pretty much purely a win. Especially if there's a "quick-build" guide for each class that gives a solid, functional character with minimal bells and whistles, and says, "This is the streamlined basis. If you find yourself hungry for more options, consider changing out some of your talents for other, more-complex options."

Plus? The inherently dead-simple Paladin was honestly underpowered compared to other classes. It needed a rework either way. Why not simultaneously make the simple option stronger and offer alternatives for those who want them?


13th Age playtest package is up. It's pretty much a full book, so digesting it will take time regardless of helpful highlights.

Loving it so far, though admittedly I am biased in favor of 13th Age.

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