New 13th Age 'Escalation Edition' Coming Next Year!

There's a new version of 13th Age coming! Pelgrane Press announced at Gen Con that the 13th Age 'Escalated Edition' will be coming to Kickstarter next year. It will be backwards compatible with the current game. They'll be starting a playtest program very soon, which they are inviting game groups to join. 13th Age was released in 2013, designed by Rob Heinsoo (D&D 4E) and Jonathan Tweet (D&D...

There's a new version of 13th Age coming! Pelgrane Press announced at Gen Con that the 13th Age 'Escalated Edition' will be coming to Kickstarter next year. It will be backwards compatible with the current game. They'll be starting a playtest program very soon, which they are inviting game groups to join.

13th Age was released in 2013, designed by Rob Heinsoo (D&D 4E) and Jonathan Tweet (D&D 3E), and is a 'variant' of D&D.


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Golden Procrastinator
The rules for relationships with Icons have been changed, but I'm not sure about how do they work when you have multiple points with a single icon. Do you roll one die for each point at the start of the day to establish the connections?

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The rules for relationships with Icons have been changed, but I'm not sure about how do they work when you have multiple points with a single icon. Do you roll one die for each point at the start of the day to establish the connections?
Icon mechanics start at page 187.

When you create your character, you gain select three icons you're connected to.
At the beginning of each day, you roll for your icons to find out which icon you can call upon on that day. Unused calls disappear at the end of the day.
When you call upon an icon, you roll d6. On 3-6 you can narrate something advantageous to you in line with your relation and the icon. On 1-2 GM gets to add their complication to the narration (the GM has an option to poll other players for complication ideas).

There is a rule variant on page 193.


Golden Procrastinator
Yes, all of this is clear to me. My question is about having more than one point with a single icon. Do you roll more dice at the start of the day? Do you roll more dice (and pick the highest one) when using the connection? Something else? I think it's the first one, but I'm not sure.


Yes, all of this is clear to me. My question is about having more than one point with a single icon. Do you roll more dice at the start of the day? Do you roll more dice (and pick the highest one) when using the connection? Something else? I think it's the first one, but I'm not sure.
Page 35: "relationship mechanic lets you roll one d6 per point invested in a relationship when you’re trying to leverage your connection to the icon"

So, I assume that the leveraging one's connection means trying to roll d6s trying to get the story to work in your direction.


Golden Procrastinator
That seems reasonable. I wonder if the player rolls two dice and picks the best when leveraging the connection if they can leverage twice per adventuring day.

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