New Discussion Thread

You got that right. I was in the middle of updating my LEW character for level up when the boards suddenly found themselves not there. :confused: Luckily, I had copied the whole thing over to Notepad and was making changes there so I was able to save it till this morning. :heh:

I'd gotten out of that habit since the boards seemed to be running ok, but I might need to start again, I hate losing a huge, detailed post :rant:

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Yeah, I've just gotten into the habit of hitting Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C before I post a big post ;) (Then you just have to remember to not copy anything until you know the post worked ... I've done that a few times, heh.)

I'm thinking with the additions of the FRPG and Martial Power to the allowed rules, this might be a good time to get into the second character discussion. We might be able to spread out the surge of second characters if some folks jump in now with genasi, swordmages, dark pact warlocks, and MP-enabled PHB1/FRPG characters, while others wait for PHB2.

However, I'll leave it to someone else to formally propose, as Judges can't vote on their own proposals. :)

I want to wait until PHB2, there's 8 classes right? I'm playing the Swordmage in my RL game. I love that class it's a ton of fun, nothing better than telling the DM that the marked enemy causes 8 less damage (5+con bonus)

I like the idea of staggering the new character flood...

If second characters are going to be allowed at all that is.

I will be waiting for PHB2 as well, just to much mystery for me to resist.

I think I'd be open to second characters ... though it should be understood that most of them probably won't have anything to do for a while, unless we get a big influx of new DMs/adventures too. I'd be OK with that, myself - just get the character created and approved now so that the judges aren't swamped with approvals, sort of thing.

But I'll probably be waiting for PHB2 for the avenger. I just might switch Raiyek's multiclass to avenger too, depending on the feat and such. Hopefully I don't OD on avenger, haha.

I want to wait until PHB2, there's 8 classes right? I'm playing the Swordmage in my RL game. I love that class it's a ton of fun, nothing better than telling the DM that the marked enemy causes 8 less damage (5+con bonus)

Yeah, PHB2 withh have 8 classes and 5 races (although shifter is one of the races, and it likely will have subraces).

Warden - Primal Defender
Barbarian - Primal Striker
Shaman - Primal Leader
Druid - Primal Controller
Avenger - Divine Striker
Invoker - Divine Controller
Bard - Arcane Leader
Sorcerer - Arcane Striker


I'm interested in genasis swordmages myself, but I'm likely to wait for PHB2 as well myself (even if at that point I combine something from PHB2 with PHB1/FRPG/MP material).

Alright, this is just bizarre. I can't load any page that has posts that were made later than about 2 (which was two hours ago where I am). I can load older pages, or pages with no posts since that time, but otherwise I get a database error from ENWorld.

Now, the really weird part is that if I go to make a new post, all of the posts in the thread are shown in the Topic Review ... I have no idea what to make of that. Is anyone else experiencing similar difficulties?

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