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New Discussion Thread


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Ah, thanks JRYoung, I am currently finishing up a proposal to submit for a new adventure which I'd like to try to get up and running for the 15th. So if you guys are interested I'll be entering with an NPC once its approved, etc.

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Hmm, I thought it might be ok to prod again about L4W getting promoted to full subforum alongside the other three living worlds.

There seem to be a couple new adventures on their way (Halford, Voda Vosa, possibly renau1g, and possible me), and I think exposure as part of the main EN World boards would give us an influx of players to fill out those games.

So... any news about an official response?


First Post
Basic Proposal for the contents of the play "Years of Steel."

Narrated by the Devil Invidius, set during the Years of Steel when there was a strong anti-magic movement coupled with increased racial rejudice and persecution of the non-human races in Daunton.

Counciler Sirus Varn was the Cities most influential man and the leader of the Sons of Steel. His son Restin is one of the main protagonists, having fallen in love with the Cambion Cleric of Peresefa Elira, daughter of Arga the Black. Restin is also considered to be Daunton's greatest warrior and has recently come to be reguarded as a great hero.

Much of the plot is unfolded in conversations between Arga - who is watching events unfold, but has apparently promised not to intervene - and her tempter and Elira's father the devil Invidius. Invidius and Arga have a contract which apparently entitles the Devil to one chance to corrupt his daughter free of Arga's interference.

The play begins with a soliluquay(sp?) from Invidius and moves into a love scene between Restin and Elira. Elira's faithful servant girl is revealed - to the audience only - to be the succubus Aranna.

We then see Sirus Varn presiding over a meeting of the Sons of Steel, in which he incites the group against magicians and non-humans telling them that these freaks have had power over decent god fearing men for too long, etc. As the meeting ends Aranna arrives and speaks to Sirus alone, after Sirus threatens to kill her and insults her, she tells him of restin and Elira's tryst.

The next scene features Arga and Invidius and their conversation reveals that Aranna is an agent of Invidius, that Invidius and Arga are Elira's parents and the details of the contract. Arga is sitting by a mirror and Invidius sits in a comfortable chair within a magic circle. There is also a passing reference to Arga's recent battle with a Blue Dragon.

Elira is then depicted bowing before a statue of Peresefa and expresses her sorrow over tearing Restin away for his father. She bemoans the inevitable failure of their love because of her infernal ancestory and petitions her goddess for aide. The statue responds and tells her that events are in motion with which she, the goddess, may not intervene, but that she can give her one piece of advice - which the statue whispers to Elira.

Sirus confronts Restin as they spar and as they exchange blows he insults Elira calling her filth, etc. Restin easily disarms his father and holds his blade to his throat telling him that he is a bigoted fool, etc. Restin the storms away.

Invidius and Arga argue about the fate of mankind. Invidius argueing that mortals will end up destroying one another. Arga counters that mortals, though less powerful, have far more potential than devils and will ultimately dictate their own fates whether for good or ill.

Restin comes to Elira at the Temple of Peresefa and asks her to run away with him. She tells him that she cannot, that they have a duty to the City to remain and show them that it is what a person does that matters not where they come from or who their parents are. Restin agrees and proposes to Elira - this is seen by Aranna, who flies off and tells Sirus.

A maddened Sirus leads the Sons of Steel to the Temple of Peresefa - in classic mob fashion. Sirus denounces Peresefa as a false goddess a demon in disguise, etc. As the temple burns Restin defends Elira from a mob of Sons of Steel. Sirus comes forward and demands they surrender so he can burn the infernal harlot. Restin refuses, and tells his father that livge would not be worth living without Elira, and that to kill her he must kill him. Restin then exposes his throat and drops his sword stepping forward.

Sirus stabs him and Elira grabs Restin's sword and holds it across Sirus's throat. At this point Invidius arrives and urges her to kill the one who took her true love. Elira resists the urge and instead goes to Restin's body. Arga appears and tells them that they are all fools she then freezes them all - insert high level badass Wizard power effect - and takes Restin and Elira to her sanctum.

Restin is restored with the help of Peresefa and they embrace.

When his mob flees Sirus gives an impassioned soliluquay in which he regrets his actions and then kills himself. Invidius then appears and ushers the old mans soul away to the hells telling him that prejudice and hatred will ever be the tools of devils.


Sounds fun. The only thing that raises a slight yellow flag for me is the suggestion that Arga the Black had a daughter with a powerful devil. Is that canon? I confess I haven't checked. If it is, no worries. If not, when was this play written? Was Arga around at the time? What has her reaction? What was Mauros' reaction?


First Post
What we "know",

  • The play Years of Steel features Arga the Black prominently.
  • It was written approx. 100 years ago.
  • Mauros dabbled in Necromancy.
Whilst Years of Steel is supposed to be a vaguely historical piece it undoubtedly contains a great deal of supposition and a good many things added for dramatic flare.

There is nothing about Arga the Black associating with Devils. The reason I like this is because the relationship is not fixed in stone and many consider it to be the playwrights invention. I would like to suggest that Arga certainly had a relationship of somekind with the Cambion Elira, many having supposed her to be her daughter.

This is designed to cast Arga as a hero who dealt with devils out of some percieved necessity and managed to come out ahead.


Is there any detailed info on the Empire of Jade anywhere? All I can find is the mention of it in the Isle of Opposition entry and the Dragonborn races entry. Is that all there is so far? If so, is it just assumed to be a generic Oriental setting for the most part?
I have a lot written up off wiki and/or in my head.

I have a bit of Japan familiarity. I tend to think of Japan's culture, etc as being path dependent. (i.e. it is was it is because of how developments happened in a particular order.

I've absorbed a some key developments in Japan's history into the background)

The wiki is pretty weak.

Here's the gist.


The empire was ruled for a long time by the royal family, who were connected to great elemental lords and were "stewards of the land".

The "blessing" took the form of their genasi-ness. Interbreeding of second and third (and 10th) children with other noble families meant that the genasi touch was ulimately transfered to the rest of the noble class. Until genasi=nobel (after a few hundred years of course).

The genasi were "eastern" elements. So their are "wood genasi" and "metal genasi". The royal family are "jade genasi".

They presided over a great land, and developed a very ornate culture.

They focused on swordplay and magic; actual military matters (logistics, armies, etc) were handled by dragonborn, who served them as loyal warriors, a permanent military class.

Over time the genasi became decadent and corrupted; ostensibly by a force called the shadow (though whether the shadow is an independent entity or a reflection of the corruption is unclear). The emperor himself was ultimately corrupted completely and betrayed his people to the forces of the shadow.

Most of the empire fell, a vast tainted empire ruled by the forces of darkness.

The remainder of the Jade Empire, now called the Jade Kingdom reconsituted itself under the brilliant leadership of a dragonborn. The first Iron Shogun.

The touch of the shadow was so strong that corruption was a constant threat. The dragonborn, with their asetic lifestyle, seemed to be most immune. The Iron Shogun would ulimately propigate a universal aseticism, a sort of religion of soticism.

So they're a kingdom ruled by dragonborn for at least 100 years (who claim to be temporary rulers and have generally done a good job) there are decadent genasi and reformed genasi nobles, a human underclass and an upsurge in teiflings (one of the side effects of the shadow).

The "Japanese" culture

  • oriented toward art,
  • minimalistic beauty
  • appreciation of life in the midst of death
  • capacity for savage violence
  • expectation that you'll avoid demonstrating excessive emotion
  • very clear social structure*
  • emphasis on martial prowess in the service of a strict chain of command
  • idolation of the ideal death

*=with the caviate that you've got a significant, displaced noble class floating around

is broadly accepted (it's not just an affection of the class -- everybody is supposed to paticipate in some way, if for no other reason than to stave off the taint)


Thats how I have it anyway. Like everything else it's supposed to be a start point. To be developed (or changed) by the community.

I'd prefer not for developments not be "pure erasure" (i.e. "no iron shogun, or dragonborn, it's still ruled by genasi") but that's just a personal preference.


Is there any detailed info on the Empire of Jade anywhere? All I can find is the mention of it in the Isle of Opposition entry and the Dragonborn races entry. Is that all there is so far? If so, is it just assumed to be a generic Oriental setting for the most part?
I have a lot written up off wiki and/or in my head.

I have a bit of Japan familiarity. I tend to think of Japan's culture, etc as being path dependent. (i.e. it is was it is because of how developments happened in a particular order.

I've absorbed a some key developments in Japan's history into the background)

The wiki is pretty weak.

Here's the gist.


The empire was ruled for a long time by the royal family, who were connected to great elemental lords and were "stewards of the land".

The "blessing" took the form of their genasi-ness. Interbreeding of second and third (and 10th) children with other noble families meant that the genasi touch was ulimately transfered to the rest of the noble class. Until genasi=nobel (after a few hundred years of course).

The genasi were "eastern" elements. So their are "wood genasi" and "metal genasi". The royal family are "jade genasi".

They presided over a great land, and developed a very ornate culture.

They focused on swordplay and magic; actual military matters (logistics, armies, etc) were handled by dragonborn, who served them as loyal warriors, a permanent military class.

Over time the genasi became decadent and corrupted; ostensibly by a force called the shadow (though whether the shadow is an independent entity or a reflection of the corruption is unclear). The emperor himself was ultimately corrupted completely and betrayed his people to the forces of the shadow.

Most of the empire fell, a vast tainted empire ruled by the forces of darkness.

The remainder of the Jade Empire, now called the Jade Kingdom reconsituted itself under the brilliant leadership of a dragonborn. The first Iron Shogun.

The touch of the shadow was so strong that corruption was a constant threat. The dragonborn, with their asetic lifestyle, seemed to be most immune. The Iron Shogun would ulimately propigate a universal aseticism, a sort of religion of soticism.

So they're a kingdom ruled by dragonborn for at least 100 years (who claim to be temporary rulers and have generally done a good job) there are decadent genasi and reformed genasi nobles, a human underclass and an upsurge in teiflings (one of the side effects of the shadow).

The "Japanese" culture

  • oriented toward art,
  • minimalistic beauty
  • appreciation of life in the midst of death
  • capacity for savage violence
  • expectation that you'll avoid demonstrating excessive emotion
  • very clear social structure*
  • emphasis on martial prowess in the service of a strict chain of command
  • idolation of the ideal death

*=with the caviate that you've got a significant, displaced noble class floating around

is broadly accepted (it's not just an affection of the ruling class -- everybody is supposed to participate in some way, if for no other reason than to stave off the taint).

--> this means you can have characters with poorer backgrounds who've absorbed all or part of the culture.


Thats how I have it anyway. Like everything else it's supposed to be a start point. To be developed (or changed) by the community.

I'd prefer not for developments not be "pure erasure" (i.e. "no iron shogun, or dragonborn, it's still ruled by genasi") but that's just a personal preference.

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