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New DM Screen Coming In September

It looks like we know what another of the four unnamed accessories coming this year are! As you may recall, the first turned out to be a book of character sheets; the second, it now transpires, is a new DM Screen coming out September 8th (likely the 19th for non-preferred stores' as that's the date they list for one of the unnamed accessories). This is listed as coming from WotC rather than Gale Force 9. WotC's Nathan Stewart revealed the screen, along with the following photograph -- "On sale at your FLGS Sept 8. That is the DM Screen Reincarnated" I've updated the D&D Release Schedule page accordingly.

It looks like we know what another of the four unnamed accessories coming this year are! As you may recall, the first turned out to be a book of character sheets; the second, it now transpires, is a new DM Screen coming out September 8th (likely the 19th for non-preferred stores' as that's the date they list for one of the unnamed accessories). This is listed as coming from WotC rather than Gale Force 9. WotC's Nathan Stewart revealed the screen, along with the following photograph -- "On sale at your FLGS Sept 8. That is the DM Screen Reincarnated" I've updated the D&D Release Schedule page accordingly.

The second image below (of Matt Mercer on a TV screen) shows the top edge of the new DM Screen. The third shows one side panel from the outside which displays Tyler Jacobson's art from Tyranny of Dragons.




The front panels feature Tyler Jacobson's red dragon from Tyranny of Dragons.



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Btw. I would totally buy that Mug ;)

I ordered that mug during Extra Life. The decal is a little easy to scratch, but otherwise it has been a great mug for regular use. I'd love for them to announce that they're going to have a 3rd party mass produce the mugs, and get myself a couple more for game night/display.


Zooming with MS Paint, from the right pannel:

*Description of area of effect (cone, cube, etc
*Actions in Comba: Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Dash.... can't figure last ones, but you get the point
*Can't figure out last column


*More conditions
*Setting a DC (Very Easy = 5, Easy = 10, etc)
*Tracking DC
*Damage by Level & Severity (in d10's)
*Object Hit Points
*Object Armor Class
*Skills x Abilities (Acrobatics = Dex, Animal Handling = Wisdom, etc)

*Can't figure out most of it...
*Light sources
*Food, Drink and Lodge
*Creature by Size

All in all... OK... It's not as complete as Fitz's, but I guess it'll have most of the important stuff. Since I just bought mine, I don't have the current DM Screen to compare.

However, the picture is great. I prefer a 4-pannel picture instead of the "center + sides" approach used for the campaigns.

Great post!
The lower box in the 1st panel is "Things you can do on your turn"
On the 4th panel, we also have Travel Pace, and some extra things I can't read.

It's a shame they removed the "Something Happens!" which exists in the current screen!
When I need to spice things up a bit, I just roll a D20 during whatever is going on, and adjust the result to the scene!
It has made miracles to my game!

6. A storm begins? ... the prince is getting so anxious, he starts spitting while talking to you!
7. Strange star appears in the sky? ... someone with continual light is coming from the dark corridor!
9. A tremor shakes the ground? ... you feel something activated somewhere in the dungeon!

Things like these!


The contents seem fine. I find the conditions are what I refer to most on the current screen, so I'm glad they're on the new screen.

The red dragon artwork is spectacular but not practical. If you're sitting a bit to the side of the DM, you can see what? A wing tip? Maybe the design works where everyone has plenty of room, but not all games are like that.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
The red dragon artwork is spectacular but not practical. If you're sitting a bit to the side of the DM, you can see what? A wing tip? Maybe the design works where everyone has plenty of room, but not all games are like that.

Start with just the tip. It's a DRAGON. Most people can't handle the whole thing at once.


It also serves as a hanger for initiative cards
That's a brilliant idea! Never thought of that before.

The Conditions section is actually the piece of information I use the most, i love having it in a nice layout like that.
I think the rest of the current DM Screen has useful improvisation stuff to have handy but I rarely use it... So much that most of the time I don't even bother opening the screen (I don't normally have secret papers to hide from my players, and they're not nosey)

So... I think I'm served, I won't be replacing mine.
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The current one is okay. The random stuff on the screen is handy, but honestly, I have apps and websites bookmarked for that sort of thing. Even if I didn't, it has a super finite number of uses. More rules references are much more preferable.

Honestly though, I already have an awesome one.
I took the 4e screen, stuck some plastic page protectors onto one side (with removable adhesive tabs), then printed out some pages and relevant tables:

I can write notes on it with wet or dry erasers, and changes the pages when needed for other game systems.

Still, it's nice to see them trying to make improvements.
We have character sheets and the DM Screen "announced". I can't wait to see what the other two products are.
That's brilliant, thanks for posting! Did you write it? I noticed a few typos (e.g. missing spaces between words, and the word "creature" missing in the Paralyzed condition). BTW, I too am using the 4e DM screen for my games; it's quite excellent!

That's brilliant, thanks for posting! Did you write it? I noticed a few typos (e.g. missing spaces between words, and the word "creature" missing in the Paralyzed condition). BTW, I too am using the 4e DM screen for my games; it's quite excellent!
I did make it myself. I picked it up the second 4e screen (the thicker card stock one with the Wayne Reynolds art) for my Pathfinder game. I disliked the portrait layout of the screens from Paizo, as they're harder to see over. I found some sticky pads that said they were removable and pasted on the Pathfinder rules.
When I switched over to 5e, I decided top use the plastic page holders, and was very happy that even after a couple years, the sticky tabs actually were removable.

It's been a while since I did a spelling pass. I imagine a bunch of errors slipped. I know a couple entries have different fonts and text sizes. They always manage to sneak in. I didn't give this as thorough a proofreading as other projects, as it was only planned for personal use.

There are a few binder-like customizable GM screens out there. But I dislike the break in the images where the folds are.

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