New Dune trailer


This one gives me hope. No "Weirding Modules." No subatomic bond hair spray. The Worms are as impressive as they need to be. The cast is as young as they should be.

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I understand I am an outlier, as I did not like the first Dune. It took me years to watch it all the way through, as it kept putting me to sleep and the constant monolaguing grated on me. I get how the book had that, but the movie just....didn't feel right.
Uh, a ton of people didn't like the first Dune movie so I think you're in good company there. It didn't really find an audience in 1984 and couldn't make back it's $40,000,000 budget at the box office. I liked it but I think it helped that I saw the movie before reading the book.


I have not watched Lynch’s Dune since I was a teen. I suspect I would not enjoy it as much now as I did then.

I am looking forward to this version, though, based on these trailers.

I wonder if they will include any of the elements from the old movie, like the deliciously absurd Harkonnen heart plugs.

I always loved the heart plug scene. The 80s Dune has a great aesthetic and a wonderful soundtrack, along with a lot of memorable moments like the afore mentioned scene.

The problem is that the story of Dune is too big for 1 film, and it requires a high level of special effects to be told properly, which weren't yet possible in the 80s. Lynch's film did what it could, but without a proper intro to the setting, it can be hard to follow. It's also bad how they skip over a ton of stuff at the end of the film, as they clearly ran out of time.

I came upon a special edition of the 80s Dune once, which added a prologue to the movie that explains the setting, which fixes a lot. You can imagine my joy at seeing this fixed version of the film... and then my dismay that they CUT the heartplug scene! Argh!

I think I was at the most eight when my parents put Dune on the TV. The heart plug scene sent me running to my bedroom, where I had to read a book on dinosaurs to calm down.

I always loved the heart plug scene. The 80s Dune has a great aesthetic and a wonderful soundtrack, along with a lot of memorable moments like the afore mentioned scene.

Lynch's Dune should've been a trilogy, absolutely. A lot got shaved off, but the two-hour runtime just wasn't enough. It's got style (the costumes, the sets, the vehicles, the creatures all are quite striking) and is serviceable, but falls short of greatness.

The problem is that the story of Dune is too big for 1 film, and it requires a high level of special effects to be told properly, which weren't yet possible in the 80s. Lynch's film did what it could, but without a proper intro to the setting, it can be hard to follow. It's also bad how they skip over a ton of stuff at the end of the film, as they clearly ran out of time.

I came upon a special edition of the 80s Dune once, which added a prologue to the movie that explains the setting, which fixes a lot. You can imagine my joy at seeing this fixed version of the film... and then my dismay that they CUT the heartplug scene! Argh!


Elder Thing
My main qualm is that they changed the term 'jihad' to 'crusade.'

That change, by itself, suggests that this film will not be what I wish a Dune adaptation could be.


Once A Fool
My main qualm is that they changed the term 'jihad' to 'crusade.'

That change, by itself, suggests that this film will not be what I wish a Dune adaptation could be.
Pretty sure Herbert called it a crusade a couple of times in the text. We can’t assume it’s an actual “change” in the movie just from that. I mean, we could, but it would be an assumption lacking in sufficient supporting data.

Of course, the decision to call it a crusade in the trailer is certainly a deliberate decision, even if the actual movie uses both words at different points.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I always loved the heart plug scene. The 80s Dune has a great aesthetic and a wonderful soundtrack, along with a lot of memorable moments like the afore mentioned scene.

The problem is that the story of Dune is too big for 1 film, and it requires a high level of special effects to be told properly, which weren't yet possible in the 80s. Lynch's film did what it could, but without a proper intro to the setting, it can be hard to follow. It's also bad how they skip over a ton of stuff at the end of the film, as they clearly ran out of time.

Arguably, the real problem with Dune (1984) is that the studio said, "Hey, we need one of those Star Wars blockbusters. Let's see ... that Spielberg guy seems busy filming some sort of Indiana Jones sequel ... so how about we get the guy that did Elephant Man and Eraserhead? Kids love him, right?"

Really, think about the five movie sequence ....
Eraserhead. Elephant Man. Dune. Blue Velvet. Wild at Heart.

🎶 One of these things is not like the others ... 🎶

Voidrunner's Codex

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