New Dune trailer

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Wasn’t Lynch being considered for Return of the Jedi at one point?

Oh yes! Lynch turned it down.

Which was a shame, because it was the weakest movie of the original three due to Lucas's meddling with Marquand.

(Weirdly, Lynch has claimed he didn't like science fiction, which makes his choice to take Dune that much weirder. Well, weird is a relative term when discussing Lynch.)

Pretty sure Herbert called it a crusade a couple of times in the text. We can’t assume it’s an actual “change” in the movie just from that. I mean, we could, but it would be an assumption lacking in sufficient supporting data.
According to Ali Karjoo-Ravary in this Aljazeera article, Herbert only uses the word crusade three times in the original six Dune books and one of those was in the glossary. But you're right, we can't assume it's an actual change in the movie as this might have been done in the trailer for marketing purposes. Karjoo-Ravary thinks the change was made because jihad is "what the bad guys do" and I think he has a point. It'll be interesting to see if the producers did anything else to remove the influence the Islamic world had on the way the series was written.

Also of note (because it's just so unbelievable-but-true), the producer on The Elephant Man was Mel Brooks.

Lynch directed and wrote the screenplay. I think that he could've managed one or the other, but was the wrong choice for both.

Don't get me wrong, I love the movie quite a bit for all its flaws. And heck, who would've thought that Toto could turn out such an awesome soundtrack?

Arguably, the real problem with Dune (1984) is that the studio said, "Hey, we need one of those Star Wars blockbusters. Let's see ... that Spielberg guy seems busy filming some sort of Indiana Jones sequel ... so how about we get the guy that did Elephant Man and Eraserhead? Kids love him, right?"

Really, think about the five movie sequence ....
Eraserhead. Elephant Man. Dune. Blue Velvet. Wild at Heart.

🎶 One of these things is not like the others ... 🎶

And heck, who would've thought that Toto could turn out such an awesome soundtrack?, of course!


Now, in the unlikely even that this plan should fail, I will turn to you, my brothers in Toto, to help me write a song so smooth and awesome that Rosanna Arquette will have no choice but to boink my brains out.

Arguably, the real problem with Dune (1984) is that the studio said, "Hey, we need one of those Star Wars blockbusters. Let's see ... that Spielberg guy seems busy filming some sort of Indiana Jones sequel ... so how about we get the guy that did Elephant Man and Eraserhead? Kids love him, right?"
Oh, man. They had a toy line for the movie! How much cocaine were they doing in the 1980s to think that kids would be interested in this movie?

Dune Toy.JPG

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