New Dune trailer

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Sting was fantastic in the part though. :D


Elder Thing
How much cocaine were they doing in the 1980s to think that kids would be interested in this movie?
Exactly the right amount, in my case. I loved the movie from the first moment 8 saw a snippet. I had the Sardaukar slow-pellet blaster, a handful of the action figures, and I lusted mightily over the spice crawler and the sandworm but never got them :(.


Exactly the right amount, in my case. I loved the movie from the first moment 8 saw a snippet. I had the Sardaukar slow-pellet blaster, a handful of the action figures, and I lusted mightily over the spice crawler and the sandworm but never got them :(.
Be not sad for you have found a compatriot! I also saw the movie in theaters at the age of 8 and I actually liked it. I won't say I had a firm understanding of the plot but I liked it. I cannot recall ever seeing the Dune toys in stores nor did any of my friends own any of them. In fact, I first learned of the Dune toys just a few years back.



This trailer felt a bit generic to me--it's heavily pushing the destined romance, heroic freedom fighters vs evil colonialists and the action over any of the deeper themes. But of course, it kind of needs to be a generic trailer with easily graspable appeal to appeal to the widest possible audience. Hugely looking forward to this movie.


I found 1984 Dune rather boring in many ways and slow moving. I felt it captured the FEEL of the books, but wasn't very accurate in it's portrayal of the story. It plodded along. I loved the soundtrack with it though, and that made the movie. The movie FELT like Dune should.

I enjoyed the SF miniseries of Dune and Children of Dune (which also incorporated Dune Messiah). It was great. In many ways, though longer, moved more quickly than the movie. It was more accurate to the books as well. I don't think it felt as much like Dune as the movie did though.

Hopefully this new one takes the best elements of both where it FEELS like the books or captures that feel, but also adhere's to the story and how it works.


In the fight scenes, they have some sort of armor that I would steal for D&D, but not sure the stats of it. I could just be mage armor for the +3 AC. It also looks a bit like some sort of psychic energy, but I would stay away from psionics in my games. It could be more of a force property added to light armor with the standard +1 to +3 and maybe give it a bit of something like protection from magic missiles.

Voidrunner's Codex

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