New Dune trailer


Once A Fool
In the fight scenes, they have some sort of armor that I would steal for D&D, but not sure the stats of it. I could just be mage armor for the +3 AC. It also looks a bit like some sort of psychic energy, but I would stay away from psionics in my games. It could be more of a force property added to light armor with the standard +1 to +3 and maybe give it a bit of something like protection from magic missiles.
Are you talking about the shields?

If they’re accurate to the book (and if my memory serves), they repel faster forces (particularly ballistics), thus the need for a melee fighting style with intentionally slowed-down strikes. The downside being that a lasers hitting them will trigger a nuclear reaction.

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Solitary Role Playing
Today is the big day.
Dune will be shown on the big screen at the Venice Mostra festival. 12h45 ET.
Fingers crossed!


The reviews of the Venice screening that I've seen have been uniformly positive. Sounds like this might be the version we've been waiting for our whole lives. Has anyone seen it at one of the early screenings?

Damn, those ornithopters look great!

Just saw the movie. I went in with super high expectations and was still blown away.

I love how convincing everything looks, and how the director takes his time to show that off. I did not see a single effect that didn't look real. He takes his time to tell the story and lingers on fantastic vistas.

There's a lot more to say, but I don't want to get too much into spoilers.

For book fans, if you are curious how well this movie treats the source material in contrast to the film from the 80s:

Yes we do see the weirding way, however brief, and no more sonic weapons. There is a lot of exposition, cleverly disguised as Paul's training. They don't explain mentats, but they are present and portrayed accurately.


Just saw the movie. I went in with super high expectations and was still blown away.
So stoked to hear this. Been a Dune fan since the 80's, and while I'm one of the rare cats that loves Lynch's version in all its badness, this sounds like the big screen version I've been waiting for my entire life.

Voidrunner's Codex

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