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New Microlite20 thread


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Thanks for the info. I'm definitely diggin' on this system, and want to support it as much as possible.

I'll be working on a simple adventure and also a location to start, which I'll upload for free download, and, depending on the feedback, I may move towards full-blown professional development, if there's a desire for it.

Thanks again!

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Over 500 copies of original 1.0 release of Microlite74 have been downloaded since it was released just over two months ago. Release 1.1 is available for download today in two different forms.

The original release of Microlite74 included variant rules based on Microlite20, a complete spell list and monster list, and a short designer's note section touching on the differences in style between "old school" and the usual style of play encountered today. Release 1.1 contains minor error corrections, information on other OGL retrogames based on early editions of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game, and new rules for morale, hirelings, and equipment.

Microlite74 Release 1.1 Standard is a six page PDF. Everything you need to play is in the fairly small print of this edition. It is a 112K free download.

Microlite74 Release 1.1 Digest is a special version of Microlite74 formatted to print as a digest-sized booklet something like those of 0e using the booklet printing feature of Adobe Acrobat. The type size is larger and there is B&W fantasy artwork, courtesy of Håkan Ackegård. This file is much larger than the standard file (2.25M compared to 112K) so the art will print with high quality. While the download is free, because of the large file size the file is stored at Rapidshare.

Downloads Available Here


First Post
How does one handle Touch Attacks and Ranged Touch Attacks for microlite20? The same as regular d20?

I've been trying to keep it simple, but let's say its not necessarily a spell, but a fighter has to make a touch attack (with an item, or a maneuver). He'd roll his attack, but would the defense be regular AC or a modified AC without the Armor?


First Post
Short answer: Do whatever you like.

Long answer: The simplest way to handle it is to just treat it like a regular attack roll, but if you don't like that, go ahead and roll against AC without the armor.

Treating it like a regular attack has the nice advantage of being faster - you don't have to recalculate AC for touch attacks or write down a Touch AC on your character sheets!


First Post
What Elephant said...kinda...

In a technical sense, m20 works in a similar manner to the earliest forms of D&D, in that there is only one AC number (and, therefore, one attack roll number); so you simply roll a regular attack vs the target's AC.

That said, one of the unspoken tenets of m20 since Greywulf first began to devise it has been, "do it however you like, as long as you're having fun."



First Post
ok well.. I'm going to try to put up my Microlite20 tweaks/houserules, etc.

this is how I'm running my game Saturday.

Books required: Tome of Battle, DMG, PHB, WoW RPG
Based off Microlite20
35 Points to split amongst STR, DEX, and MIND
Stat bonus = (STAT-10)/2, round down.
All PC's are Human, but I will include stats for the Demi Humnas in the world.
Human- Roll 1d4
1= +1 in all Skills, 2= +2 Str, 3= +2 Dex, 4= +2 Mind
Roll 1d8 then 1d4.  1= +AC, 2= +DR, 3=, +Melee Attack, 4= +Missile Attack, 5= +Magic Attack, 6= +Melee Damage, 7= +Missile Damage, 8= +Magic Damage

Elves +4 Dex, -2 Str, Low Light Vision, Improved Precise Shot
Gnomes +4 Mind, -2 Dex, Low Light Vision, Blind Fighting (Nose)
Dwarf +4 Str, -2 Dex, Darkvision 120ft., -2 to All rolls in Daylight
Orc +4 Str, -2 Mind, Darkvision 120ft., -2 to All rolls in Daylight
The classes are Fighter, Rogue, Mage, Cleric. Characters begin at Level 1. 
Fighters wear any kind of armour and use all shields. They have a +3 bonus to Physical and add +1 to all attack and damage rolls. This increases by +1 at 4th level and every four levels on
Rogues can use medium armour and bucklers. They have a +3 bonus to Subterfuge. If they successfully Sneak (usually sub+DEX, but depends on situation) up on a foe they can add their Subterfuge skill rank to the damage of their first attack, this is automatic when flanking with a Fighter. 
Magi wear no armour. They can cast arcane spells, and gain a +3 bonus to Knowledge.  They can summon a familiar or improved familiar for free. Magi may also Counter Spell/Dispel.  They may make a magic attack at anytime at a spell being cast, if they beat the DC of the spell, they absorb the SP of the spell cast and the spell disappates, if they roll a 20 the spell is turned back and they absorb twice the SP.  This can be used (Level+MIND bonus) times per day and is an Instant.
Cleric can wear light armour and use light or heavy shields.  They cast divine spells and gain +3 bonus to Communication. A Cleric can Turn Undead with a successful Magic Attack. The number rolled is the damage done. It can be single targetted for full damage or un a burst radius of 30ft. for half damage. This can be used (Level + MIND Bonus) times per day. This can also be used to heal hp by the amount of the attack to a single target or half the amount rolled to all in a radius of 50 ft.  This also heals SPs.  If single targetted the Cleric may not heal himself, if used in a radius, the cleric is healed as well.  This can be done as an Instant.  If a Druid, they gain an Animal Companion and may use their Turn Plant/Animal attempts to Wild Shape.  They must choose 3 shapes, Small, Medium, and Large.  1 Use turns to small, 2 uses to Medium, 3 uses to Large.  Druids can use all size armor (Dragonhide can be made into Platemail)
There are just 4 skills : Physical, Subterfuge, Knowledge and Communication. Roll higher than the given Difficulty Class to succeed.
All classes except Rogues must pick one skill at -3.
Skill rank = your level + any bonus due to your class or race.
Skill roll = 2d10 + skill rank + whatever stat bonus is most applicable to the use + situation modifiers

For example, Climbing would use Physical + STR bonus. Dodging a falling rock is Physical + DEX bonus. Finding a trap is Subterfuge + MIND bonus. Disabling a trap is Subterfuge + DEX bonus.

Note that there are no “saving throws” in this game; use Physical + STR or DEX bonus for Fortitude and Reflex saves. Saving against magic (Will save) is usually MIND bonus + Knowledge.
Magi can cast any Wizard spell, and Clerics any Cleric/Druid spell, with a spell level equal or below 1/2 their class level, rounded up. They have access to all spells in the SRD.  Metamagic works just as if you are casting a spell of the appropriate level.  Such as a Silent Fireball would just be a level 4 spell.
Summoned Creatures remain until they are killed or dismissed, though only one may be summoned like this at a time.  The SP's used to summon the creature may not be healed until it is dismissed or killed.  Clerics can be Priests or Druids by casting from the Cleric or Druid spell lists.

Casting a spell of any kind costs Stamina points.  They are as Hit Points but more like non-lethal damage. The cost is 1 - double the level of the spell being cast:

Spell Level	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	   
HP Cost	*	1	3	5	7	9	11	13	15	17	 

This loss cannot be healed normally but is recovered 1 point per hour per level (DM Option) and fully after 8 hours of rest. There is no need to memorize spells in advance.

Casters get extra points to cast with equal to their MIND score.

The Difficulty Class (DC) for all spells is 
10 + Caster Level + Caster's MIND bonus (May also be 2d10 rolled instead of base 10, player's option to take 10)
Spells with a save use a Magic Attack vs a Resistance check, ranged touch attack spells use a Magic Attack vs AC

Magi must use a Staff or Wand as an Arcane Focus, Clerics must use a Shield as their Divine Focus/Holy Symbol.  Spells cannot be cast without them.
Fly Spell must have a Broom, Carpet, or Bed.  Flying requries ride checks and acts as if the player is mounted.
Teleport works as a Port Key.  2 Mundane Objects must be set in certain places and must be outdoors.  It takes 10 minutes casting time to set each item (20 minutes total).  Dimension Door takes a full round action to cast and requires throwing a stone to the location wished to Dimension Door to.  The location must also be within line of effect.
DM's Option: Once a caster knows an Energy Type and a Spell Area type, they may mix and match their types to form new spells when casting Evocation spells.  This works as a "Free" Metamagic effect.  For Example a Cone of Cold and a Fireball can make a Coldball.  Casters gain the Metamagic feats at appropriate levels.
Reach weapons may be used anywhere within their range, including adjecent.
New Metals from WoW RPG can be used as well as Firearms.
Hit Points = STR Stat + hit dice/ level, max at 1st.. If HP reach 0, unconscious and near death. Further damage directly reduces STR. If that reaches 0, death.  

Roll d12 + DEX bonus for initiative order every round.  A result of 12 gives you a +2 luck bonus this round.

Melee attack bonus = STR bonus + Level
Missile attack bonus = DEX bonus + Level
Magic attack bonus = MIND bonus + Level

Add attack bonus to 2d10 roll. If higher than your opponent's Armour Class (AC).  A Critical Hit allows for double the weapon's dice damage (ex: d4 for daggers, only the weapon's damage dice are multiplied, not strength) or more depending on the weapon, ex: a Spear would be 3d8 rolled.  During a critical hit, all damage dice explode.  Spells only Critical with a Natural 20.
All Attacks, Dodges, and Skill checks are done with 2d10.  Natural 2, or snake eyes, is an automatic failure during attacks.  Natural 20 rolls on the critical hit chart. These dice "explode", meaning on a 10 they can be rolled again and add up.  An Unnatural 20, done with exploding dice, is a critical hit, but not on the chart.  20's are not automatic hits.

Roll 1d12 on the Critical Chart.  Also Add to the DC of a special combat maneuver to do a called shot. (IE -8+-12 for a head shot)
1-2 Nothing
3 - offhand is hit, can't use offhand. A shield or Gauntlet blocks this
4 - Mainhand, can't use mainhand, weapon dropped if no Guard or Gauntlet
5 - Offarm, -2 Str, Same as Off Hand, Shield and Arm Guards block this
6 - Mainarm, Same as off arm
7-8 Leg, -2 Str, -2 Dex, move at Half Speed. Leg Armor blocks this
9 - Stomach -  +5 Damage, sickened 1d4 rounds.  Plate Armor Blocks this
10 - Chest - Dazed, -2 Str, Bleeding 1 point 1d4 rds.  Blocked by Plate armor
11 - Neck 20% Death, Bleeding 5 points 1d4rds. blocked by Plate Armor
12 - Head 10% Death, -4 Mind, Stunned 1d4 rounds, +10 damage, blocked by Helmet

Fighters and Rogues can use DEX bonus + Level as Melee attack bonus instead if wielding a light weapon. Rogues can wield 2 light weapons and attack with both in a round if they take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls that round, this gives one extra attack per round. Rapiers count as light weapons, but you cannot wield two rapiers at the same time.

Add STR bonus to Melee damage, x2 for 2-handed weapons. 
Armour Class (AC) = 2d10 + DEX bonus + Armour bonus.  Defense is rolled after every attack.  When being attacked you may use an Active Defense of 2d10 plus your base AC (Dex mod, equipment, etc.)  A natural 20 allows for a Counter-Attack.  If you are in the middle of an action and an instant attack is used against you, you may not use Active Defense.  Passive Defense is a base 8+AC.
Special attacks such as Disarm, Trip, etc must be done at a -8.  A weapon that is used for the purpose gives a +4, Sai to disarm, chain to trip, etc.
Sometimes, Attacks of Opportunity are translated into Instant attacks for conversion purposes.
OPTIONAL: When you leave a threatened area, an opponent may take a free Single Melee Attack.
Doing a ranged attack when threatened in Melee must be done at a -4, this includes Magic and Missile attacks.
"Touch Attacks" are just regular attacks using either Strength or Dexterity, whichever is higher and Dexterity for Ranged Touch Attacks.  You may channel a spell through a weapon and add the weapon's damage if the spell uses a touch attack and requires no save.  This cannot be done in the same round that the spell was cast.
Touch Attacks and Flat Footed grant a +2 Attack Bonus.

Combat Options
One swift action and then the following:
Double Move
Two Attacks
Move and Attack
Cast Spell
Special Move

Move and Ready Action at -2 as an Instant (Spells and Special Moves: Standard Action Only)
Ready/Hold an Action as an Instant

Aim +2 to Ranged Attack -4 AC, can take a full round to aim at +4/-8
Charge +2 to Melee Attack -2 AC, can take another -2 AC for +2 Damage
Healing another person Know+Mind DC= Current HP.  Heals 1d4
Unarmed damage is 1d2, can fight unarmed but may not use Active Defense
Adding additional actions, such as intimidating or drinking a potion cause an additional -2 to all attacks. (Only rogues can attack 3 times, may not use to cast another spell)
Take a -4 to hit to increase crit range by 1

Level Advancement
Each level adds:
+1d6+1 to Hit Points for Clerics and Magi, 1d8+2 for Rogues and 1d12+3 for Fighters Max at 1st Level
+1 to all attack rolls
+1 to all skills

If the level divides by three (i.e. level 3,6,9,etc.) add 1 point to STR, DEX or MIND.

Fighters gain +1 to their attack and damage rolls at levels 4,8,12,etc.

Clerics and Magi gain access to new spell levels at levels 3,5,7,9,etc.
Fighters and Rogues gain access to new Maneuvers and Stances at levels 3,5,7,9,etc.
Assumed Feats
Power Attack - max of +5/-5
Combat Expertise - max of +5/-5
Summon Familiar - Magi only
Precise Shot
Whirlwind Attack at -2 - Fighter Only
Improved Shield Bash (Fighter only, does not provide another attack)
Evasion - Rogues only
Rapid Reload
Quick Draw

Damage Reduction
Medium Armor (Except for Hide) gives 1/-, Breastplate gives 2/- DR. 
Heavy Armor gives 3/- DR, Half Plate gives 4/- DR, full plate gives 6/- DR.  This stacks with all other damage reduction.
Heavy and Tower Shields give DR from spells, spell like effects, and breath weapons at a 2/- and 4/-

Exploding Drama Dice
Drama Dice are d10's that can be used for a number of options.
Submit 1 or 2 to add to any dice roll before the roll (this includes damage)
Submit 1 for an instant half action such as a single melee attack, a movement, etc.
Submit 2 for an instant full action such as a spell, or a special ability.
Submit 1 for any Dramatic Situation in which the PC's plea to the GM (including saving your life!)
All PC's recieve 5 Drama Dice per level.  They may be given as rewards or other reasons such as tough encounters or extra per session.  When Drama Dice are used for an Attack, it takes all the dice used to Explode for the critical hit chart to be used.  Ex: 3 dice, would require a 30 to be rolled on the first try.

Martial Discipline Special Moves and Special Casters
Fighters and Rogues may choose martial maneuvers and stances from the Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords.  They may perform them by spending Stamina Points in the same way as spell casting.  These sp's cannot be healed exactly like spell casting and recquire rest.  These cost the same as spells by level.  They gain a new maneuver per MIND bonus per level.  They may use each maneuver only once per encounter.

DM Option: For a lower magic world, use the chart below to increase the cost of spells and maneuvers.  Allow one spell per level to be a favorite spell which costs 1 less.
Discipline Level	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	   
HP Cost	1	3	5	7	9	11	13	15	17	19	 


Monster Creation -HP - 1, 4, 6-7, 10 / lvl.  BAB - 1/2, 2/3, 1/1.   Skills 2/3 level or 1/1 for elite, +3 if intelligent in one skill.
Monsters tend to attack player with most HP typically.
Magi and Clerics use spell books and prayer books
Alchemists Motto: Its one thing to bring magic into the world, its another thing to make it stay.  Alchemists create magic items and enchantments out of Gold.

Mithral adds 1 to crit multiplier for weapons and allows it to be used with Dex for an attack instead of Str (Fighter and Rogue Only)
Humans/Arcanite, Gnomes/Adamantine, Elf/Mithral, Barbarians/Thorium/Cold Iron
To overcome Spell Resistance casters must roll 2d10+Know+MIND
Mithral/Adamantine works as Silver, Arcanite/Thorium works as Cold Iron for DR
Your Alignment Determines your Damage Reduction for Law/Chaos/Good/Evil
Elves can use warmage spell list and cleric class abilities, instead of turn undead they gain Sudden Metamagic


First Post
Converting D20 to 2d6

20 = 2 x 2 x 5
12 = 2 x 2 x 3

Because of that you'll want to convert at the modifier level. All Die rolls are 2d6. If you're adding Modifiers to the roles then the numbers translate as:

D20 Value => 2d6 value
1 or 2 => 1
3 or 4 => 2
5 => 3
6 or 7 => 4
8 or 9 => 5
10 => 6
11 or 12 => 7
13 or 14 => 8
15 => 9
16 or 17 => 10
18 or 19 => 11
20 => 12

So instead of taking 10 on a roll, you end up taking 6. AC = 6 + Modifiers. A 20 Strength trait = +3 Modifier. General circumstance modifiers = +1 rather than +2. Etc. Crits become a little bit more rare (2.7% rather than 5%) but that's nothing compared to the 1% chance you'd get if you were rolling 2d10.


First Post
a 20 won't be the only way for them to crit. I see Microlite as all about the items and abilities (Maneuvers and Spells).

That's why I added the Metals from World of Warcraft RPG and gave Mithral another property of adding to Crit Multiplier

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