D&D (2024) New One D&D Weapons Table Shows 'Mastery' Traits

The weapons table from the upcoming Unearthed Arcana playtest for One D&D has made its way onto the internet via Indestructoboy on Twitter, and reveals some new mechanics. The mastery traits include Nick, Slow, Puncture, Flex, Cleave, Topple, Graze, and Push. These traits are accessible by the warrior classes.

The weapons table from the upcoming Unearthed Arcana playtest for One D&D has made its way onto the internet via Indestructoboy on Twitter, and reveals some new mechanics. The mastery traits include Nick, Slow, Puncture, Flex, Cleave, Topple, Graze, and Push. These traits are accessible by the warrior classes.


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I think where they missed on Druid is that they were focused too much on the wants of people who don't play the class instead of those who do (which goes against their stated design philosophy).

I think the problem with that is that, like you note, the Druid is the least popular class and dominated by a single subclass at moment. Catering to the people who already play the class is just going to stifle solving the problems the class had.

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D&D isn't the game for everyone and that is OK. It seems to be doing fine. I get that you don't like it, but it seems a lot, and I mean a lot, of people do.

Personally, the D&D 5e we play is different from what most people play. We have a page of house rules that we use to make the game fit our play style a bit more. And honestly, we have had more fun playing this version of D&D than any other, and we continue to have a blast. Our 2nd favorite edition is 4e, so I wouldn't necessarily call us traditionalist, but who knows - I am not the one making up those groups!

I don't personally want 5e to change much if at all, so I am happy with what I have seen for 2024. I like the idea of small incremental modifications every 5-10 years. Keep D&D at thing, and then let other games fill the other roles.

I mean there are lots of other D&D games out there that may fit you better (like PF2e), so why not enjoy those and let those who enjoy 5e enjoy it?
I like 5e. I just feel 5e D&D could be better.

  1. More Classes
  2. Better Races
  3. Better Monsters
  4. Actual thoughtfully made variant rules for
    1. Weapons
    2. Spells
    3. Skills
    4. Magic Items
WOTC wants everyone in this diverse audience's money but doesn't want to provide diverse rules. It suggests playstyles then doesn't support them. It suggest character concepts but does them weakly.

I have a page of houserules too. Unfortunately most don't translate to D&D but I make due. Nor can't I DM for everyone anyway. So the fighter fan who wants than weapon choice be a meaningful choice well move to NYC and maybe I can fit you in to join my game. I have sympathy for all the people who have desires the game says it supports but doesn't.

And if the designers solved these issue or have houserules for the missing bits, they should share them. At least in the playtest when we can say, "Nah. I don't what". And if they don't, the company can't be upset if I give 3PP money for it.
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I like 5e. I just feel 5e D&D could be better.

  1. More Classes
  2. Better Races
  3. Better Monsters
  4. Actual thoughtfully made variant rules for
    1. Weapons
    2. Spells
    3. Skills
    4. Magic Items
That is not necessarily better, just different.

That being said, we make a lot of those custom so I get your point. However, I don't want WotC 5e to change that much. I love that you can get all of that and more on the 3PP market.
WOTC wants everyone in this diverse audience's money but doesn't want to provide diverse rules. It suggests playstyles then doesn't support them. It suggest character concepts but does them weakly.
No, they want and need 3PP to provide for the diverse audience. They want the biggest pie in the middle.


That is not necessarily better, just different.

That being said, we make a lot of those custom so I get your point. However, I don't want WotC 5e to change that much. I love that you can get all of that and more on the 3PP market.

No, they want and need 3PP to provide for the diverse audience. They want the biggest pie in the middle.
Eventually the reliance on the GM to collect assemble & create house rules for correcting entirely foreseeable gaps & self inflicted problems in the core rules becomes an unreasonable expectation thrown upon GMs in the name of streamlining & simplicity. The 5e core books are well past that line
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I not saying that D&D can't be a game for new and casual players. I'm staying that official D&D shouldn't only be for new and casual players.

ESPECIALLY if WOTC gets mad that veteran players give their money to 3pp for advanced and alternative content they refuse to publish.

Again, I'll agree. But the more advanced rules should be optional advice, supplement books, not the core rules. The core rules have to remain simple.

And frankly, I don't care it WoTC gets angry that I buy 3pp content. They can be as angry as they want, doesn't mean I still won't buy good products I want to buy.

Eventually the reliance on the GM to collect assemble & create house rules for correcting entirely foreseeable gaps & self inflicted problems in the core rules becomes an unreasonable expectation thrown upon GMs in the name of streamlining & simplicity. The 5e core books are well past that line

Yeah, we've reached the point where "streamlining & simplicity" actually starts making things more complicated rather than less.


That is not necessarily better, just different.

That being said, we make a lot of those custom so I get your point. However, I don't want WotC 5e to change that much. I love that you can get all of that and more on the 3PP market.
I'm not even saying to change much. Not even to make it core.

Justt eventually add more to the game and fill in the gaps.

WOTC wants us all to use their VTT and will do everything they can that they are allowed to suck most of the community into it.
And I heavily doubt my houserules and homebrew will be supported.

So I want WOTC to provide official optional mechanics to make choosing between the longsword, battleaxe, and warhammer matter. Whethers its core or not. It doubt that wish is a niche desire. I'm pretty sure that the majority of the community wants that.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
The 5e smite spells also requre concentration, which is what really moves them into the "trap choice" category. Except in weird edge cases where the smite spell rider can decide a fight, a paladin is much better off trying to concentrate on something like Bless or Shield of Faith, and just using standard divine smites for damage.

The 1D&D smite spells are a big improvement, I can actually see them being a worthwhile addon to the paladin's toolbox.
Bless is great, but so is imposing frightened, and eventually banishing on a hit.

Some smite spells are not great, and I’m glad they’re reworking them for 2024, but it’s hardly accurate to call the whole lot trap options.


Eventually the reliance on the GM to collect assemble & create house rules for correcting entirely foreseeable gaps & self inflicted problems in the core rules becomes an unreasonable expectation thrown upon GMs in the name of streamlining & simplicity. The 5e core books are well past that line
I just disagree, for me and my group. We (my group) work on house-rules together, it is not all on me (the DM). Also, the meat of our house-rules are something that most people don't want. We don't have any issue with or need to fill the "foreseeable gaps & self inflicted problems" that you see (most likely). I think that is precisely why it a good idea to let the 3PP handle it. Now. I would have any issue with WotC release supplements that variant and additional rules. However, I don't need WotC to do that, i am perfectly fine with the 3PP market providing those. To me, that is no different than WotC providing them.


I just disagree, for me and my group. We (my group) work on house-rules together, it is not all on me (the DM). Also, the meat of our house-rules are something that most people don't want. We don't have any issue with or need to fill the "foreseeable gaps & self inflicted problems" that you see (most likely). I think that is precisely why it a good idea to let the 3PP handle it. Now. I would have any issue with WotC release supplements that variant and additional rules. However, I don't need WotC to do that, i am perfectly fine with the 3PP market providing those. To me, that is no different than WotC providing them.
The difference is that many people now play with DNDB and eventually VTTs.

If the variant rules aren't integrated with PC creator software and TT software, a lot of variant rules wont be used. Meaning the only things you can use are simple stuff like dice bumps (flex), extra attacks (cleave), DOAM (graze) or knockdowns (topple)

That was half the reason why 4e died. It wanted companion software that didn't exist and that limited play options and play speed.

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