I had to use the mule statblock, but yes, it was a donkey. It was even named "Donkey". And the players were always begging me to let it level up with their PCs, so by the time the campaign ended in a TPK, Donkey had an AC of 16 (chain barding), 39 hp (6d8 + 12), 14 Con and 4 Int, Multiattack with its hooves, and the Brave and Relentless traits.Are you sure it wasn't a mule or better yet, Donkey/Horse?
I had to use the mule statblock, but yes, it was a donkey. It was even named "Donkey". And the players were always begging me to let it level up with their PCs, so by the time the campaign ended in a TPK, Donkey had an AC of 16 (chain barding), 39 hp (6d8 + 12), 14 Con and 4 Int, Multiattack with its hooves, and the Brave and Relentless traits.