Unearthed Arcana New UA Paladin and Bard.

There's a new Unearthed Arcana in town! "The bard receives a new Bardic College feature: the College of Eloquence. Additionally, the paladin gains a new Sacred Oath feature: the Oath of Heroism."

There's a new Unearthed Arcana in town! "The bard receives a new Bardic College feature: the College of Eloquence. Additionally, the paladin gains a new Sacred Oath feature: the Oath of Heroism."

Screenshot 2019-09-19 at 10.13.40.png

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The Bard I think works for all the Lawful Good planes (Bytopia, Arcadia, and Mount Celestia), as "logic" seems to be pretty embedded in the subclass. But it also works for Sigil with all the rival factions.

Could also work well for Dominaria which is Magic's "High Fantasy" setting.

The College of Eloquence might feel lawful, but culturally it's very Greek and that screams Aborea, almost all Greek Gods in D&D live in Aborea.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
THIS is the class I want to play. Even if one of my inspiration abilities requires me to be a martyr.
Thank you! Gods imagine a feature that lets you give a really meaty, "this won't happen often and using it is dangerous so it can be a bit more wild" benefit to your whole team as a reaction when you are knocked to 0 HP? How fricken rad would that be?
Maybe both...? Grand unified Setting Theory?
I mean, that's the multiverse, one way or another. I'd prefer a classic actual multiverse rather than this single universe they inexplicably call a multiverse in 5e, but either way a planar book at this point would be outright weird if it didn't include both.


Anyway, yes, I really think we are going to get Chandra's/Nyssa's/The Gatewatch Guide to The Multi-Verse/The Planes, which will detail several MtG worlds, at least 1 or 2 classic DnD worlds, and some or all of the Planes of DnD, with rules and guidelines for playing in a multiversal campaign, as such, as well as worldbuilding advice, etc.

Minor aside, but I suspect that if we get a ($Planeswalkers) Guide to the Multi-Verse, I'm willing to guess they'll go with Karn.


Like the title says. The new Heroics Paladin and Eloquence Bard

Things I like about the Bard archetype.
• No music
• No musical instrument (!)
• The kind of Bard that I see the non-dex Charisma-Intelligence Eladrin (Sun Elf? Grey Elf?) being known for
• Easily a psionic archetype for the Bard class



I think that may have been me. Well, I know I suggested it, but I don't know if I'm who you are remembering. Anyway, yes, I really think we are going to get Chandra's/Nyssa's/The Gatewatch Guide to The Multi-Verse/The Planes, which will detail several MtG worlds, at least 1 or 2 classic DnD worlds, and some or all of the Planes of DnD, with rules and guidelines for playing in a multiversal campaign, as such, as well as worldbuilding advice, etc.

That is distinct possibility.

Ash Mantle

The Eloquence Bard is reminding me of that amazing scene in Planescape Torment where your character, the Nameless One
in one of your previous incarnations
, eloquently and undeniably convinces someone else they don't exist, and that person simply ceases to be.

There's nothing so planes-shaking in its mechanics, but the eloquence bard is excellent nonetheless. I'm really liking these UAs.

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