Unearthed Arcana New Unearthed Arcana: Psionics!

There’s a new Unearthed Arcana article out, and it’s all about psionics! "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."

There’s a new Unearthed Arcana article out, and it’s all about psionics! "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."


In this 9-page PDF, there are also some new psionics-themed spells (including versions of classic psionic powers like id insinuation and ego whip) and two new feats.

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Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
I'm gonna have to give these comparison reads, especially to see what shifted from their Happy Fun Hour incarnations.

Biggest thing I see, and it is interesting, is that the Soul Knife moved from Monk to Rogue in this iteration.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
wizard arcane tradition? Major disappointment

I don't know. I've read it now, and it seems pretty sweet.

The only real "oddity" in the flavor of this version of a Psionicist and the historical versions is the presence of a spellbook and the lack of "always-on" subtle spellcasting (i.e. lack of verbal/somatic/material components).

I could dig this. Especially in concert with the Aberrant mind Sorcerer option presented earlier.

It's not how it used to be... but doesn't have to be like that? Dunno. I'm with @Ralif Redhammer that in 5e's world of things, I prefer subclasses over a completely new magic system I have to manage.


Book-Friend, he/him
I don't know. I've read it now, and it seems pretty sweet.

The only real "oddity" in the flavor of this version of a Psionicist and the historical versions is the presence of a spellbook and the lack of "always-on" subtle spellcasting (i.e. lack of verbal/somatic/material components).

I could dig this. Especially in concert with the Aberrant mind Sorcerer option presented earlier.

It's not how it used to be... but doesn't have to be like that? Dunno. I'm with @Ralif Redhammer that in 5e's world of things, I prefer subclasses over a completely new magic system I have to manage.

It's not an either/or proposition, to boot: last time WotC discussed Psionic plans, both a new Class and a range of Subclasses were the idea. So, we might see a full Psion in the next UA...


Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you
I'm okay with Psionics-based subclasses, but I really want Psionics to be its own system, completely independent from the class system, as I believe it was in 1E (if I recall correctly -- it's been a long time). So ideally, you could be a Fighter who suddenly acquires psionic abilities at level 7. Or a Rogue at level 12, or a Wizard at level 3... It just seemed cool that you could acquire psionic powers at any level, as any class, rather than being locked into the "Psionicist class" at level 1.


I'm okay with Psionics-based subclasses, but I really want Psionics to be its own system, completely independent from the class system, as I believe it was in 1E (if I recall correctly -- it's been a long time). So ideally, you could be a Fighter who suddenly acquires psionic abilities at level 7. Or a Rogue at level 12, or a Wizard at level 3... It just seemed cool that you could acquire psionic powers at any level, as any class, rather than being locked into the "Psionicist class" at level 1.

How would that work, balance-wise? Would it replace taking a class's next level when you level up? Because then it's basically just a new class, anyway. I don't hate the idea in principle but it seems to be totally at odds with the 5e design.


It's not an either/or proposition, to boot: last time WotC discussed Psionic plans, both a new Class and a range of Subclasses were the idea. So, we might see a full Psion in the next UA...

I do hope so. I like the soulknife, psychuc warrior seems meh, flavour-wise... and I don't like the arcane tradition. I'm aware that it's personal, but that's the way it is. I also don't like that the wizards of this arcane tradition are called psionicists or mentalists. Makes me wonder what the actual psionic class might be called (and I hope it's not 'mystic'). And the abilities... oh, well... I just don't like it.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
I'm okay with Psionics-based subclasses, but I really want Psionics to be its own system, completely independent from the class system, as I believe it was in 1E (if I recall correctly -- it's been a long time). So ideally, you could be a Fighter who suddenly acquires psionic abilities at level 7. Or a Rogue at level 12, or a Wizard at level 3... It just seemed cool that you could acquire psionic powers at any level, as any class, rather than being locked into the "Psionicist class" at level 1.

I mean a Human could do that stuff back in the day of Dual-classing, but a demi-human needed to start as a mutliclassed Psionicist/X class (based on allowed multiclassing options for your race).

I'd say that only 3.x had the ability to "suddenly become" fully Psionic at your next level up as all race/class/multiclass restrictions were effectively lifted. Don't know about 4e, never touched a book myself.

The flavor and lore of a Psionicist have always been about intense mental discipline and study. Very monastic, and very in line with the flavor of a wizard really, just with PSP instead of Vancian casting.

With 5e's Neo-Vancian structure much of the mechanical difference is eroded, especially if you use the Spell point variant.

There are two feats in this UA that are neat. Telekinetic and Telepathic that gives some of that flavor of Psionics without being fully psionic. I like them both.

I can also see a great storyline setup where there is a monastery made up of Monks/Psychic Warriors/Psionic Wizards at war with a group of Aberrant Mind Sorcerers and Great Old One Warlocks. Maybe a separate mercenary order of Assassins (Soul Knifes & Assassin subclasses) who sell their services to both sides in the conflict.

That seems really fun :)

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