D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED

4.3.20 (Lair Actions - Revisited) A crackling cord of negative energy erupts from Vecna and strikes Ezabard! He feels a chill of near death course through his veins... as if he has narrowly escaped death itself.


Ok, @FitzTheRuke let's try it again LOL. Pyre's turn on Initiative 19. :)

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I normally hate the idea of rewinding, even if a mistake is made, but in this case, it makes such a huge difference that I think we should pop back to the Lair action and see it as Ezabard having a flash of his own mortality.
Yeah, I hate it, too. HUGE oversight on my part... sigh... :(

Pyre ran until she was just behind Selossen and then stepped into the mists, appearing again beside a brazier in the big room. She looked around for Vecna. Spotting him standing in the shadows near the entrance, she lunged forward, stabbing him with her rapier.

(Man, I really should have made her a scout. She moves 25 feet to the square south-west of Selossen, TPs to the square 10 feet east of Vecna (next to the brazier), and walks the last 5 feet back to him before attacking. Hopefully she doesn't set off any traps.)

4.3.19 (Pyre) Relieved of the flesh to stone spell, Pyre races around the corner, reaching Selossen as the wall closes behind her, and steps into the mists, teleporting behind the north statue, finally lunging from its protection into the dim light and stabs at Vecna! HITS (Roll 7+11=18 vs. AC 18) for 23 piercing damage (half of 47, round down).

Nearby, Ezabard cries out in pain as black energy crackles between himself and Vecna! Ezabard takes 24 piercing damage (Roll 11+8=19 vs DC 20 CON save).

Vecna utters a dread word and Pyre is rocked for 8 necrotic damage (half 17) as Vecna teleports 20 feet away!


@Stalker0 it is now Ezabard's Turn on Initiative 12.

Ezabard will cast misty step as a bonus action.

If Vecna counterspells:

Ezabard will cast Arcane Hand as an 8th level spell (dropping concentration on prot from good and evil). I will use the clenched fist to attack vecna. No movement.

If Vecna does not counterspell:

Ezabard will misty step behind that pillar looking thing just to the southwest of vecna (goal is to be directly behind it to block line of sight between Vecna and I). Ezabard will cast Arcane Hand as an 8th level spell (dropping concentration on prot from good and evil). The hand will be cast as close to Vecna as I can (as long as its within 60 feet, which should be no problem). I will then move just enough to see Vecna and move/attack with the clenched fist.

Ruling Needed Since you can normally divy up moves when doing an action that has multiple parts, my assumption is that I can move to direct the movement of my spell (which does its move and the attack during its cast). Let me know if you disagree.
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Ezabard will cast misty step as a bonus action.

If Vecna counterspells:

Ezabard will cast Arcane Hand as an 8th level spell (dropping concentration on prot from good and evil). I will use the clenched fist to attack vecna. No movement.

If Vecna does not counterspell:

Ezabard will misty step behind that pillar looking thing just to the southwest of vecna (goal is to be directly behind it to block line of sight between Vecna and I). Ezabard will cast Arcane Hand as an 8th level spell (dropping concentration on prot from good and evil). The hand will be cast as close to Vecna as I can (as long as its within 60 feet, which should be no problem). I will then move just enough to see Vecna and move/attack with the clenched fist.

Ruling Needed Since you can normally divy up moves when doing an action that has multiple parts, my assumption is that I can move to direct the movement of my spell (which does its move and the attack during its cast). Let me know if you disagree.
This won't work. You can't cast two leveled spells in the same turn one has to be a cantrip. Bigby's Hand and Misty Step are both leveled spells.

ah yes I forgot. Ok instead of misty step, I will just step back into the hallway to block line of sight, cast the clenched fist, and then move back to my original spot and attack vecna with the clenched fist. I will need the ruling outlined in my 2nd spoiler.

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