• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 4E New Year, New 4e


What I would like in 4e is to make it simpler in the Daily, Encounter and Utility uses. instead of having 25 different powers to utilize at the highest levels...make it simpler. Have you select an encounter or daily power...and let you use it how ever many times you could use the daily or encounter powers. So if you would normally have 3 daily powers...perhaps you could choose to have ONE daily power that does 3 [W] + (Ab mod) on a hit + whatever special it had...and you could use it 3X a day.

What I find is that players develop favorites and that they tend to rest when those favorites are out anyways...so lengthen out their day by making the low level encounter powers count (they DO seem to use ALL their powers in a major BBEG fight, but when able to limit their encounters they'll rest once they've used their favorite powers typically). Basically trade in the lower level powers for the higher level ones with multiple uses.

It does reduce tactics overall, but the simplification would be one I'd prefer. They did address this to a degree with essentials, but I'd like to see it pushed further for certain classes such as the fighter...or implemented period for classes such as the monk. (maybe I missed them doing it with the monk, so maybe they did essentialize the monk already)

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Staff member
Me? I like options. Variety add spice. It makes my Dwarven Starlock mine.

In fact, one of the things I do when designing 4Ed PCs is see how I can maximize the number of powers my PC has as long as they make sense within the context of the PC- even if this is less than optimal.

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