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D&D 5E Next (3rd book of the year) endless speculation thread


No they haven't. Both Mordy and Tasha are clearly reference Oerth as their home several times and nothing about the Realms. Further, PotA and ToA are inspired by the classics and come from the era pre-Ravnica when individual setting books weren't quite a thing. Greyhawk isn't Forgotten, it's just not a high priority to get a campaign guide out for a setting that can be run perfectly using just the PHB. Maybe a SCAG style book might come from it, but Greyhawk has seen more love than Dragonlance Birthright, and Dark Sun at this point.
Yes but in canon Mordenkainen now lives in the realms as I already linked. I didn’t say they were from the Realms. They’ve been transplanted to the Realms in the novels and the adventure modules aka ToA, POTA and specifically Descent into Avernus... as I quoted and posted. Mordenkainen lives in Waterdeep after his injuries and is healing under the watch of Elminster and Laeral. Ravnica would have nothing to do with it at all. These are storyline facts and canon.

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What you've chosen to ignore is both of those characters have a past that directly connects them to Oerth or Greyhawk so there is a link regardless of your efforts to ignore that fact.
Now as unlikely as it seems Greyhawk sounds more likely than Mystara.
Not so sure about Dragonlance though.
As much as I'd like a Feywild book it could easily be a Planescape setting encompassing the various planes instead.
So shall we move on instead of trying to pigeon hole something that clearly cannot be pigeonholed?

The psionic races are the ones from 3.5 Expanded Psionic Handbook: dromites, elans, xephs, maenads or from other source, for example the synads from the complete psionic.

* We haven't seen a book about monsters since Moderkainen's tome of foes. After Tasha's book is too soon for other sourcebook about "crunch", and the first book for 2021 is almost modules/adventures compilation. A monster compedium about undeads, a new Libris Mortis? But a new Draconomicon would be right if Dragonlance comes back soon this year.

*If it is a new M:tG setting then the candidates are Eldraine, Kaldheim, Innistrad and Stryxhaven. Innistrad is too close to Ravenloft.

* The Hollow World fro Mystara is perfect to create a setting with a style of Hyrborian adventures (Conan the barbarian and company)

* If there is a reboot of Ravenloft then others are possible, even Planescape, where the Faction War didn't ended in Sigil, or at least it isn't allowed openly.

* The planes are too dangerous hazards for low-level players. This may be a handicap.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
The psionic races are the ones from 3.5 Expanded Psionic Handbook: dromites, elans, xephs, maenads or from other source, for example the synads from the complete psionic.

* We haven't seen a book about monsters since Moderkainen's tome of foes. After Tasha's book is too soon for other sourcebook about "crunch", and the first book for 2021 is almost modules/adventures compilation. A monster compedium about undeads, a new Libris Mortis? But a new Draconomicon would be right if Dragonlance comes back soon this year.

*If it is a new M:tG setting then the candidates are Eldraine, Kaldheim, Innistrad and Stryxhaven. Innistrad is too close to Ravenloft.

* The Hollow World fro Mystara is perfect to create a setting with a style of Hyrborian adventures (Conan the barbarian and company)

* If there is a reboot of Ravenloft then others are possible, even Planescape, where the Faction War didn't ended in Sigil, or at least it isn't allowed openly.

* The planes are too dangerous hazards for low-level players. This may be a handicap.
do any of the psionic races really feel like they have something other than psionics like what do they sell themselves on?

a good monster book is needed maybe dragons, fey and something else?

planescape is likely to return in some fashion maybe make it super high magic so stuff than will stop you from dying cost like 2 gold?

look it is more if no one can really describe what it has to sell people on it then it is just going to fail, plus it has not a whole lot in common with the witcher other than multiple races and things not being sunshine and rainbows it was just the default but it lost that places so what does it have that justifies bringing it back?
I think there is a demand for a grittier, more grounded, low magic, human-dominated campaign world. Something closer to the real world in the 14th century but with magic on the periphery. You could make it Greyhawk, but then you would have to move away from being a "core rules" setting and have rules that support it. Greyhawk was a grittier, more grounded, lower magic, human-dominated setting because it used 1st edition core rules, and 1st edition AD&D was grittier, more grounded, lower magic and human-dominated. If you run Greyhawk using 5e core rules it becomes just like any other core rules setting.

WotC might be better starting from scratch with a new purpose-designed pseudo-historical setting. But personally I think as a toy company Hasbro are more interested in targeting the younger market.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I think there is a demand for a grittier, more grounded, low magic, human-dominated campaign world. Something closer to the real world in the 14th century but with magic on the periphery. You could make it Greyhawk, but then you would have to move away from being a "core rules" setting and have rules that support it. Greyhawk was a grittier, more grounded, lower magic, human-dominated setting because it used 1st edition core rules, and 1st edition AD&D was grittier, more grounded, lower magic and human-dominated. If you run Greyhawk using 5e core rules it becomes just like any other core rules setting.

WotC might be better starting from scratch with a new purpose-designed pseudo-historical setting. But personally I think as a toy company Hasbro are more interested in targeting the younger market.
or more likely we get both a setting for kids and a more mature dark setting as Hasbro knows Multiple Demographic Appeal makes them money but they will try to play the mature one safe to avoid a damning scandal. (a big fuss might still sell no bad publicity or something)


So when did MtG settings become "classic settings" because as far as I know they aren't.
Could be just wordplay and all of this discussion is meaningless as ultimately they will go with what they think is popular, but given recent events how reliable is what they consider popular?
Would Nentir Vale be considered a classic setting for example?
And what about Blackmoor?


I crit!
Who said mtg is a classic setting? Did someone in this thread? Must have missed it.

And no, I dint think Nentir Vale counts. As good as it is I’m pretty sure they meant classic from the list they ranked what responders said was most popular. Someone needs to find that list.


Jedi Master
They haven't started filming yet, it will be at least two years before it is released, probably 3.
It's slated for May of 2022. Post production on big FX films doesn't take 2+ years anymore. Most Marvel movies, for example, go from start of principal photography to screen in less than 12 months now, largely because of the pre-vis process that allows the FX to be worked on before and during shooting.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Requoted for EMPHASIS

In the Year of the Scarlet Witch, 1491 DR, Mordenkainen, still suffering from bouts of madness, was in Waterdeep, where Storm Silverhand and Elminster were helping him to recover from them.[1]

And then three years later, in your very quote, it states that he's back to traveling the multiverse with the Tower of Urm. I don't see why Mordenkainen convalescing in Toril for a year suddenly means this is his permanent home... that's like saying his new home base is Earth when he debates Elminster in Ed Greenwood's living room!

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