D&D (2024) Next playtest speculation


Any speculation on the next playtest?

Monk seems like a hit, so I don't expect another pass.
Any other classes need more love?

I could see spells. Similacrum still needs fixed.

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If this thing's getting published by GenCon in August, don't you think the time for PHB playtests has passed?

I don't know if they have said they're going to playtest the DMG or the MM, but since those books come later, my speculation would "some material from those".


Laws of Mordenkainen, Elminster, & Fistandantilus
If this thing's getting published by GenCon in August, don't you think the time for PHB playtests has passed?

I don't know if they have said they're going to playtest the DMG or the MM, but since those books come later, my speculation would "some material from those".
I recall an interview with Todd Kenreck where this was an indication from Crawford that there would be at least one playtest for both the Monster Manual and Dungeon Masters Guide.

I have been very surprised and delighted at how elegant and fun D&D 5th edition has been. I was beyond skeptical when they were preparing it around 2012-2013 that they would be able to come up with a version of the game that would bring people together as it has.

For that reason, I did not want to see yet another new edition of the game in 2024 because I find the endless tinkering with the rules after fifty years to be tedious. I prefer to see new stories, new options, new settings, and stuff like that.

That being said, I have been pleasantly surprised with the revisions so far revealed (and, for the most part, very happy with where they have pulled back--giving the paladin a smite option for ranged weapons seemed very off to me in terms of color...I apologize if that steps on anyone's joy, don't want that, but I'm glad they pulled back from it)...and just over the moon that they are moving forward with 5th edition in terms of settings and stories and regarding this as a revision to the three core books. For some that may be mere semantics, but for me it is an important shift in thinking that demonstrates a synergy of creative thinking, desire to draw from a decade of play experience, and yet a desire to build upon the foundation that has been established going forward.

Anyway, I think there will be a UA for each of the other core books. There may yet be one more PHG UA. 2024 should be a fun year.

Happy role-playing, everyone!


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I am not sure it will be as clean as a UA devoted to MM and a UA devoted to DMG. Playtests have been kind of a hodge-podge of a main thing and then some minor things that are unrelated sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if we get, for example, some monsters, a couple magic items, and some spells in one UA. And then another with another hodge-podge mix from 2 or 3 books.


I'd expect some sample monsters, mainly a mix of new ones and NPCs, especially if there are any changes in how a statblock is formatted or such.

I'd also hope for a second pass at the bastion system.

Given the PHB is supposed to be out in May, if we don't see any material for it this month, I doubt we'll get anymore test material. We may get "here's a sample/preview of the PHB".


Given that they deleted every mention of May from WotC socials, I think the May date can safely be dismissed - whether it was a mistake or a leak or the date got pushed, (I lean towards the first), it's not happening now.

I think we'll see Spells. I'm less sure that we'll see anything class-related; maybe some of the classes that last appeared in Packet 6 and need updating to reflect the return to class spell lists? I hope that we'll see a revised Feats, since that stuff was super-early and a lot of it needs updating to be compatible with more recent packets.

I have a gut feeling that as part of the transition from the PHB to MM/DMG UA, the next packet or two might be more like the Bastions packet and mix some stuff from the PHB that's not extensive enough to make a full packet with stuff from the MM/DMG. For example, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some of the PHB monsters as a way to lead into the MM UAs.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
The avalanche has begun; it is too late for the pebble to vote.

I would be somewhat shocked (and more than a little alarmed) if there is anything major left to playtest at this time. Given the upcoming publishing schedule, if they don't have a firm idea of what they want already ... and they are asking US for further input ... well ....



Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
The avalanche has begun; it is too late for the pebble to vote.

I would be somewhat shocked (and more than a little alarmed) if there is anything major left to playtest at this time. Given the upcoming publishing schedule, if they don't have a firm idea of what they want already ... and they are asking US for further input ... well ....


We do not have their publishing schedule beyond "2024."

Voidrunner's Codex

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