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No! No! Baaaaaaad Marvel Comics!

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
is proven wrong by a very clear image from a trailer. Not only that, but we have Avi Arad speaking up in the last week saying that "We will see much more than just a cloud" when it comes to Galactus.

With that little fan tantrum about Galactus being a cloud was proved to be so very wrong, I can't help but think the rest are just stretching to find SOMETHING wrong so people can hate it before its even come out.


Having just seen the film, I was pretty disappointed by the fact that in the film Galactus is nothing more than... a cloud. The 'very clear image from a trailer' might have looked a little like the shadow of Galactus head, but in actual fact turned out to be... just a cloud.

I'd heard people mention 'a shape within the cloud', but I was looking very carefully and I wasn't able to see anything other than a cloud.

There were also a number of problems (especially in the last part of the movie) which are probably being dealt with over in the spoiler thread right now...


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fusangite said:
Yeah -- it's really important that I not take this opportunity to oggle Jessica Alba because some detail whose thematic impact you can't even explain was changed.

Oh, amen brother! Like I'm going to pass up oogling Jessica Alba because of some thematic changes in a comic book I haven't read in 25 years? Bag that noise, I'm seeing it!


First Post
Dannyalcatraz said:
Discussing creative medium is seldom foolish, but if you wish to leave the playground, feel free.

This isn't discussing creative medium in any sense of the word. This is one guy who is dead set on nit-picking the minutest details of a summer sction movie in an attempt to chastise the creators of said movie for daring to do whatever the hell they wanted with their own property.

Marvel doesn't OWE you anything. If they decide the Thing is now purple, there's not a damn thing you can do about it except come here and whine.

I left the schoolyard some years ago BTW...shame I can't say the same for everyone involved in this.


First Post
This is the thread that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends.

Some people, starting posting it, not knowing what it was, and they go right on bumping it forever just because:

This is the thread that never ends...



Staff member
This isn't discussing creative medium in any sense of the word.

Sure it is.
This is one guy who is dead set on nit-picking the minutest details of a summer sction movie in an attempt to chastise the creators of said movie for daring to do whatever the hell they wanted with their own property.

Tell me...how much info do you need before you decide not to watch a movie or read a particular book?

Does it take you more than 1 or 2 clips before you cross a movie off your list?

Or more than word-of-mouth opinions or the cover blurb of the book?

If it does, I'll take your critique as valid.

If it doesn't, then you're guilty of the same kind of behavior you seem to find so distasteful in my decision making process. Until then, I'd expect you to pay your money, go see the movie and walk out demanding a refund, or trying to return a book from which you've read a few chapters (or spend more time with library books).

My problem with the film is that there were all kinds of ways already established within the Marvel Universe they could have pulled the power switch without mucking with the SS.

Again, I reiterate: just because something is a genre film doesn't mean it can't be well written.

If I'm guilty of anything, its asking for better scripts in genre films. No different than Noah Antweiler (Gamer's Rant on Movies in KotDT), or Kathy Maio and Lucius Shepherd (both established sci-fant authors & movie reviewers for The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction).

And, for what its worth, this isn't exactly nit-picking. According to the spoilers posted elsewhere, its precisely the power-switch that drives certain elements of the plot along. IOW, it is a plot-point, not a nit.

A nit would be pointing out that Alba isn't a blonde, or that Mr. Fantastic isn't as old vis a vis Invisible Girl as was depicted in the official Marvel Universe.

Marvel doesn't OWE you anything.

I'm a fan. They owe me what I paid for. They owe me in the sense that I helped build the underlying brands that the studio found worth dumping $100M+ into.

IOW, the same as was owed to the fans of X-Men, Batman, LotR, The Scarlet Letter, etc.

No more, no less.
If they decide the Thing is now purple, there's not a damn thing you can do about it except come here and whine.

In a sense, you're almost correct.

I can actually do 2 things: I can vote with my dollars by not going, allocating those entertainment $$$ to something I'd find more enjoyable and I can express my discontent- which I wouldn't categorize as whining- in order to convince others to avoid the film as well.

Expressing discontent is Consumer Empowerment 101.

I found an element of the movie displeasurable- I let people know about it, and my reasons for it. If you don't agree with them, you can go spend your money on the movie- more power to you.

If, OTOH, someone hadn't seen that particular clip (for whatever reason), and agreed that my problem with the film would be a problem for them as well, they might be influenced much as I was, and refuse to see the movie.
Last edited:


Dannyalcatraz said:
Again, I reiterate: just because something is a genre film doesn't mean it can't be well written.

Given the fact that my niece and her friends (all ages 10-12) have been running around the house FOR DAYS reciting lines from the movie and acting out scenes from it, I contend the movie is well written.

It did something I didn't think possible: it made the FF cool to a new generation.

As for why things had to be different from "canon", it's a movie. It's not part of the Marvel U. It makes it's own reality.

The Marvel Universe is a comic book construct, that has been rebooted dozens of times. This movie isn't part of that.

And violating canon doesn't automatically mean it's badly written.

I think it's awesome that the movie has given my niece and her friends that visceral wow reaction that the comics gave me when I was her age.


John Crichton

First Post
Dannyalcatraz said:

I can vote with my dollars by not going, allocating those entertainment $$$ to something I'd find more enjoyable and I can express my discontent- which I wouldn't categorize as whining- in order to convince others to avoid the film as well.
And there it is. It's the one thing I agree with you in this thread. You don't dig something? The only way to truly vote is with your cash. I don't back any of your other points but the smart move is to not spend a single penny on it if you feel that passionately about perceived problems.

Kudos and kudos again.


Staff member
As for why things had to be different from "canon", it's a movie. It's not part of the Marvel U. It makes it's own reality.

The Marvel Universe is a comic book construct, that has been rebooted dozens of times. This movie isn't part of that.

Actually, the FF canon has been remarkably stable as comic books go.

Changing that canon "just because we can" is bad writing, since it removes the thing further from its roots in an arbitrary fashion.

I might have been able to stomach it if there had been a good reason for it, and the reactions of the characters involved been more believable.

I think it's awesome that the movie has given my niece and her friends that visceral wow reaction that the comics gave me when I was her age.

I can think of several ways to retain the power-switch plotline without mucking with the SS and still attaining that viceral wow reaction.

I don't back any of your other points

You don't think its my right as a consumer to let others know there is an aspect of a movie I don't like, and let them decide for themselves?

Attempted persuasive speech is not OK?


John Crichton

First Post
Dannyalcatraz said:
You don't think its my right as a consumer to let others know there is an aspect of a movie I don't like, and let them decide for themselves?

Attempted persuasive speech is not OK?
That's not a point that I was referencing, just something you are trying to do. And it's okay that you do it I just don't agree with it. There simply isn't anything in a film I can think of that would make me actively try and get others to not see it.

All I'm saying is that it's the right way to go: voting with your dollars.

As for the rest, it's a solid meh. It's a movie (that was actually pretty entertaining). Lighten up. Your whole argument boils down to basically not liking a book for its cover. Hence, the meh.


Staff member
As for the rest, it's a solid meh. It's a movie (that was actually pretty entertaining). Lighten up. Your whole argument boils down to basically not liking a book for its cover. Hence, the meh.

Actually, I'm judging a movie from a sample of its actual content, not the mere cover art & title of the proverbial book. Up until I saw the power-switch clips, I was actually looking forward to seeing this movie.

And I'll ask you the same question I asked Tarthalion above: how much info do you need before you decide not to watch a movie or read a particular book?

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