D&D 5E No One Plays High Level?


I played DnD 3.0 and Pathfinder each to 20th level - plus 10 mythic levels in Wrath of the Righteous. I played 4E to high levels, somewhere in the mid twenties. Currently at level 10 in 5E. It works, as long as no-one is overly cheesy. None of my players were going for Simulacra or other power options. I tended to double monster hp just to make fights last a little longer, but not much else except in Mythic Pathfinder where martials required me to buff monsters' attack bonus and quadruple hp.

Interestingly enough, we never felt that much of a caster/martial divide even at these levels. Part of this is the above-mentioned lack of cheese, but I am also quite stringent on things like monsters hearing spellcasting. My casters also spent a lot of spell buffing their martials.

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In my experience it was more DMs not wanting to deal it. Usually because thier ego's didnt like player putting important things to the plot i to the game. Or just not wanting to deal with follower's, income, etc
As a longtime DM I want my players to have impact on the world and they often do. Sometimes in ways I never expected, which is awesome.

I've never done domains because they've never been anything my players asked for and we'venever had a good system for it. It's insulting to DMs everywhere to imply we don't want to give players nice things or that we're all control freaks. It has nothing to do with "ego".

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Thanks for that. What kind of stuff does the stronghold feat do? Does it grant a power to the character or allow some action in the domain? Is it an active power (one that the player activates) or a passive power? And do followers do anything beyond staff the stronghold. Is there a whole subsystem for followers?
Generally it grants a power to the character. And yes, followers are a whole subsystem, which can be engaged on its own without the stronghold system, but your stronghold provides a new source for specific followers depending on what kind of stronghold it is.


As a longtime DM I want my players to have impact on the world and they often do. Sometimes in ways I never expected, which is awesome.

I've never done domains because they've never been anything my players asked for and we'venever had a good system for it. It's insulting to DMs everywhere to imply we don't want to give players nice things or that we're all control freaks. It has nothing to do with "ego".
Did I say all DM's. You can be insulted but there are a lot of DM's like that out there. I've played with a few over the years. If talking about them insults you the problem isn't what I said look within.


Did I say all DM's. You can be insulted but there are a lot of DM's like that out there. I've played with a few over the years. If talking about them insults you the problem isn't what I said look within.
I've had plenty of DMs over the years, good and bad. None of them made restrictions based on ego.

But you did not state "some" DMs, you said it's "usually" because of their egos. That means it applies to the majority.


I've had plenty of DMs over the years, good and bad. None of them made restrictions based on ego.

But you did not state "some" DMs, you said it's "usually" because of their egos. That means it applies to the majority.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you understood In my experience to mean I had played with the majority of DM's, Nice to know you think I"m so popular.

"In my experience it was more DMs not wanting to deal it. Usually because thier ego's didnt like player putting important things to the plot i to the game. Or just not wanting to deal with follower's, income, etc"


Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you understood In my experience to mean I had played with the majority of DM's, Nice to know you think I"m so popular.

"In my experience it was more DMs not wanting to deal it. Usually because thier ego's didnt like player putting important things to the plot i to the game. Or just not wanting to deal with follower's, income, etc"
Blaming choices you disagree with on "ego" is insulting. Even if you were only insulting a handful of DMs.


Generally it grants a power to the character. And yes, followers are a whole subsystem, which can be engaged on its own without the stronghold system, but your stronghold provides a new source for specific followers depending on what kind of stronghold it is.
Thanks that was illuminating, I do not know if I would like this in practise or prefer it to the Bastion system, but I would find it more useful than the MCDM Strongholds and Followers system.


Or acc
Blaming choices you disagree with on "ego" is insulting. Even if you were only insulting a handful of DMs.
or accurate observation. The problem with being insulted by other people's observations is you are insulting them by assuming they were wrong and doing so while throwing a narcissistic fit over whether or not you know what I experienced better than I do. But flame away my skin's thick.

Voidrunner's Codex

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