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Nyrfherdr's Mini Thread - Inspired by Pogre (NEW 3/1/07 - AFTER A YEAR!)


Wow! The braided hair on the dwarf turned out amazing! What satisfaction in creating such a fine piece and painting it to high level.
Here is the back of the Paladin from above. My apologies. I originally stated that the mini was original, but I lied. I filed off what was on the shield and painted a freehand symbol.
Filing off the original shield design seems to be a pattern... Again, I like your freehand design there. It really unifies the piece.

You have inspired me to pick up the greenstuff again. I just finished a figure I will be priming tomorrow. Not an original figure, just a massive conversion.

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First Post
Thanks Pogre!
I'm really pleased with how the dwarf turned out. I must admit I'm having fun even though my time is limited.
I'm in painting mode right now, but soon I'll yearn to finish my Dire Troll and all who see him shall despair.

I'm also about 30% complete on a mechanical insectoid. He's a brown stuff experiment. I'm really liking how he (she?) is coming along too. I would have called it a spider, but there are only 6 legs as my son pointed out. Oops. I'm too far along to add another set of legs, so it'll be an insect instead of an arachnid. That's what I get for putting aside the reference photos while creating the armature!

I'll post a couple of more paint jobs soon.
Game ON!


First Post
You asked about the wings on the Balrog a few days ago.
I used a CRACKLE medium on the Balrog!!!
It turned out very well, but it was a frustrating experience for a couple of reasons.
Here is a review of the process I went through:

1. Crackle medium is a strange beast. You need a good area to cover for the cracks to show well enough to make sense and look good.
2. You need a good contrast of colors for the underlying coat and the overcoat color that will crack.
3. It works best if the underlying color is very light and the overcoat is very dark.
4. YOU MUST EXPERIMENT before putting the crackle medium on your final work.
5. Each brand of medium reacts a little differently. Follow the instructions carefully.
6. (I used up all of the crackle medium so I don't know the brand name. I got it from a Craft store, though.)

Here are the steps I followed on my Balrog:

1. I tested on wood first (for another project)
2. I tested on plastic next (the wings of the Balrog are plastic)
3. I test on metal (because I wanted to crackled the chest and tail too).
4. I painted the Balrog in Yellow, Red and Orange - Flames, Magma, whatever. It looked goofy, but the colors were true to heated stone. Basically lighter on the inside where it was hotter and darker on the outside.
5. I covered the wings and tail with the crackle medium.
6. Following the instructions I painted black onto the figure covering the painstaking effort to recreate a magma look and feel.
7. The cracks turned out to be very subtle. I liked the effect, but wished they were more pronounced.
8. I did it again to try and get bigger cracks, but it didn't work the second time either.
9. I then carefully highlighted the black.
10. I sealed the mini. (This is probably my most upsetting mini story of all. The sealant can I used was from a bad batch. White stuff filled in all the cracks and crevices of the mini.)
11. After ruining my careful paintjob and crackle experiment, I attempted to strip the mini. I ended up stripping the metal, but somehow pitting the plastic wings. I replaced the wings...
12. I repeated steps 4, 5,6,7 and 9.
13. I sealed the mini and then added a few touch ups of color over the sealant to bring out different parts of the mini.

As is often the case, the photo doesn't do the mini justice, the Balrog did turn out quite well. I've only seen a couple of other versions that were as true to the movie in tone and effect.

I would use the Crackle medium again, but it is time consuming and sometimes the effects are out of my control, which can be frustrating.
I hope that is informative.
Game ON!


Herder of monkies
Most impressive sculpt there man. Keep it coming, you are inspiring me to do some more sculpting in my mods (no freehand yet).

And the story... oh, you dont know how I've nearly been driven to a fit of violence by a bad can of sealer. I once spent about 12 hours on just 6 minis for a game, and *right before* the game I sprayed these nicely painted guys with a can of GW matte. Completely frosted 'em in one 2 second pass with the can. I now know what those older authors are talking about when they say the phrase 'apoplectic fit'. I ranted. I raved. I turned into Dennis Miller having a crack-fit.

But that's the life of a mini-painter. Hell, I once painted a mini, spending tons of time doing some nice blending/washing/drybrushing on a cloak. The first time I showed it to some guys (*just* after I finished it but before I sealed it) someone picked it up and ran their thumbnail down the back of the cloak and said "man, this paint must be crap, it just peeled right off!". I d*mn near strangled him.


First Post
Thanks for the kind words.

Speaking of horror stories. I was at a convention playing Warmachine (one of my new passions) and a nice, sweet young lady grabbed a mini by the arm and picked it up leaving the mini on the table of course. "These sure are fragile." she was heard to state as she set the arm down and walked off. At least she left us the arm.


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Well, well, well. I'm down to my last updated photo. My time has diminished and I'm behind on all of my cool projects. The only thing I can say is, enjoy the latest. It will be awhile before I have something more to post.

Here he is... A Confrontation Dwarf. I don't remember his name, since I don't actually play the game.

Front view:

Rear view:


First Post
I have been painting in my spare time (which hasn't been as much as I'd like.)
Last night I decided to take some photos of some recent work.

The photos came out a bit darker than I wanted. I may take more, but enjoy these in the meantime.

A Spasm Warrior from Rakham's Confrontation line
Human form Front:

Human Back:

Spasm Front:

Spasm Side/Back:

Game ON!
Last edited:


First Post
Hello again... I was going to wait a day or two to post again, but couldn't wait to share.
And since I will be attempting to take better photos, it was worth it anyway.

First, some background:
Representing a character in mini form has always been a game of compromises, especially if the games are fluid. Accurate portrayal of characters was never a goal of mine.

In the last couple of years, I met players who really wanted their characters as accurately portrayed as possible. I did a couple of special conversions and sculpts to match characters. Then the character would die, change or the game would end. GRRRR.

So, I went back to sculpting/modelling what I found fun. But, the urge to represent characters came back, as I'm sure it will again.
A character in my current game plays a female gnome Druid. Hmm. Not easy to find.
I found a female halfling that was nicely done, put out by Reaper and made only a few modifications. I added shoes (of course) and a staff instead of a sling.
I like how the staff turned out. Almost as if it was meant for the figure.

Let me know what you think.

Reaper Halfing w/sling (fem): Modified by me.

Same from the back:

By the way... The character has just reached 11th level and has never used a staff! GRRR
Game ON!

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