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Nyrfherdr's Mini Thread - Inspired by Pogre (NEW 3/1/07 - AFTER A YEAR!)


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Hello everyone,
I recently painted the halfling I sculpted awhile ago. The green is shown earlier.
He turned out pretty well. I learned a lot about scale and draping fabric.

Take a look.

I'll be starting another thread with sculpting tips. I'll start with my own musings and people can add as they see fit.

Game ON!

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I know that Pogre was trying to tag me first, but he's it!

Here is a Privateer Press mini... A Gobber rogue. I enjoyed painting him.

Game ON!


Oh man, you're killing me here. ;)

Oddly enough, I have a commission to paint that Gobber fig - like a lot of other miniatures he is waiting patiently. I imagine I am going to take a tag or two this week - I'm working on a massive Hirst Arts project...

yes, again.

I like the gobber a lot - makes me want to paint one - great job!


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Good morning,
Another Privateer Press Mini. This one is an Iron Kingdoms dwarf. I love the attitude on this one.


On a side note: For those of you following my Sculpting thread, my business trip last week was extended unexpectedly. I was not able to get the photos or articles done. I hope to have an update for everyone in the next couple of days.

Game ON!
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Here are a couple of Confrontation mini's by Rakham. There some kind of witch hunter/knight guys. I forget which.

Hope you like them.
(I am still working on my next sculpting article for those following my other thread.)

Game ON!


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Thanks Kane! I appreciate your comments. Keeps me posting. That's for sure.

Pogre: I like the cork bases, but I don't love them. I'm still dorking around with bases and haven't come up with perfection yet.

Here are the other two Confrontation mini's in this set. I still can't remember what they are called. They are from Rakham Miniatures.

I hope to get some more posted soon.
Also... I hope to get the next sculpting article done in the next week.

Game ON!


The overcoat on the second miniature is really excellent. I have a figure I think I'm going to try a cork base on - I'll let you know how it goes.

PS - update your thread title

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