D&D 5E [OCC] Against the Slavelords PBP


[roll0] Does aid another still work the same way in 5e? I vaguely remember something about giving advantage. Kelvyn is woefully under qualified to make the primary roll.

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First Post
Well this assumes the party wants to go back outside the city wall and look around (for an hour or two). You would have found an ok place within a few hours so...

You scouted out the north part of town and found a good spot that you think you could hide all the horses and the pack mule in, but because Naeris is not happy in the city...
You and Kelvyn head back outside and scout around to find a fairly secure and hidden spot where you can keep the horses and Naeris.

If you wanted to do this you would get back into town around midday (noon). Just want to be sure that is the plan before I update the IC


First Post
Does Levanna and Tirion want to do anything while Kelvyn and Alegast are out looking for a hiding space? You could go to the bars, or ask around at the market place or the docks or around where the stables are... or you could walk around or just hold up where you are.


I'm comfortable either way...sounds like Quellathe will be heading out with Kelvyn to search out a good hiding place for the horses and Naeris outside the city....if I understand others' assent correctly?

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