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[OCC] Stargate SG-1 – Confrontation – OCC Thread

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I aim to misbehave

In Spycraft, a scientist gets an ability at first level called 'Phd' In game terms, it allows a scientist to have many more ranks in an Intelligence based skill that normal for a character of that level (character level + 10 in ranks in fact). I've been struggling to give Lorelai a specific Phd in a Knowledge. Computer Use, Knowledge skills, Search, (even forgery ;)) are just some of the Intelligence based skills which could apply.

As stated previously, I'm using the knowledges from D20 Modern (or rather their groupings) so that there is some simplification to the number of skill points needed.

What do you think you'd want for Lorelai's Phd?


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I aim to misbehave
For Kitana's Eyes only: What Lorelai remembers from school on the legendary nagas and salamanders . . .

Race: Naga
Location: India
The dragons of India were thought to live in a place beneath the earth's seas called Patala. However, some nagas were said to live at the top of Mount Meru, where they had luxurious palaces with gems that granted wishes, sweet-scented flowers, wonderful music, and beautiful companions. Some looked like humans, although in place of their legs they had a long serpent tail, much like a snake. Other nagas look like giant, multi-headed serpents, with the number of their heads ranging from seven to eleven. One famous Indian dragon was Ananta ("the ruler of all snakes"), who was described as a giant snake with hundreds of smaller snake heads. He was also said to be at the center of all creation, which would tie him closer to the gods and to other nagas.

Another similar naga was Makara, who was the steed of the water god Varuna. Together, they represented the mystical forces of water. Nagas are endowed with magic powers, and were beneficial creatures that were linked closely with the gods. However, underneath all their elaborate trappings, the life of a naga was far from easy. They had to endure many kinds of suffering: the naga's delicious food turns into toads when brought into the mouth, a naga's beautiful companions turn into serpents when embraced, and the scales on a nagas back lie in reverse direction, so that when sand, pebbles or dust land between them the naga endures agonizing pain.

Also, giant golden birds called garuda enter the lairs of these nagas and devour their children and destroy their elaborate palaces.

Like the Ancient Chinese Dragon-Kings, there were also Naga Kings, eight of these in total. These eight Naga Kings, like the Ancient Chinese Dragon-Kings, lived in splendid jeweled underwater palaces. These palaces were also often found beneath the earth.

Race: Salamander
Location: Europe
The salamander is untouchable by fire, and will often seek out flames in the forges of blacksmiths, and they often live at the foot of volcanoes. This small, four footed dragon, though diminutive in size, is very strong. The salamander is usually spotted, and is so cold flames go out at it's touch- which is why it continually seeks fire. This dragon can produce "salamander's wool", a fire-resistant fabric that is spun into clothes; because of this, Marco Polo once argued the salamander was not an animal, but merely a substance.
The salamander is associated with witches, and the crackling of fire was once feared to be the sound of a salamander casting a curse over people and their land. Salamander's also leak a thick, white liquid from their skin and mouth, which causes people to lose their hair and their skin to rash should they touch the liquid.

When a salamander climbs a tree, it's poison leaks from it's skin and as the liquid seeps into the tree, the poison will infect the fruit and kill those who eat it; similarly, a pig infected by the same substance will live a normal life, but anyone who later eats the pig will grow sick and die.

The salamander was believed to be a physical representation of the playful nature of fire to alchemists, and this dragon was a recurring image in heraldry as a symbol of true courage.


First Post
Keia said:

In Spycraft, a scientist gets an ability at first level called 'Phd' In game terms, it allows a scientist to have many more ranks in an Intelligence based skill that normal for a character of that level (character level + 10 in ranks in fact). I've been struggling to give Lorelai a specific Phd in a Knowledge. Computer Use, Knowledge skills, Search, (even forgery ;)) are just some of the Intelligence based skills which could apply.

As stated previously, I'm using the knowledges from D20 Modern (or rather their groupings) so that there is some simplification to the number of skill points needed.

What do you think you'd want for Lorelai's Phd?


Which knowledge area would best work for her so that she can figure out how alien devices work? Think Captain Carter.


First Post
Keia said:
For Kitana's Eyes only: What Lorelai remembers from school on the legendary nagas and salamanders . . .

You could have just emailed me and posted to check email on here, goofybucket.



I aim to misbehave
KitanaVorr said:
You could have just emailed me and posted to check email on here, goofybucket.


'Course I thought of that after I posted . . . Sigh :rolleyes:


First Post
From Jeremiah's studying of the blue prints and dsata on the Star Gate would he now to ask for the address?


I aim to misbehave
Calim said:
From Jeremiah's studying of the blue prints and dsata on the Star Gate would he now to ask for the address?

I guess whether he would or not is up to you, however, he does understand that an address would be needed to send them home.



I aim to misbehave
Starting with the next post, I will be posting the characters in Stargate SG-1 RPG in Spycraft format as alluded to earlier.

Any questions can be directed here and I will answer them. The character posts do not have attacks detailed (ie weapon attacks and stats) nor do they have history and background stuff.



I aim to misbehave
First up - Rylee Fallon (repost with corrections)

Rylee Fallon
Soldier 1 / Explorer 1 / Scout 3

Non-Comm [Army Macro/ Ranger Micro]

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 132 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Short Blonde
Skin: lightly tanned

Nationality: Irish
Current Residence: Somewhere in the Catskill Mountains
Current Work: Survivalist
Religion: Formerly Catholic
Allegiance: None

Action Dice: 3 (d4)
Inspiration: 7 [2 Wis + 5 Level]
Education: 7 [2 Wis + 5 Level]
Experience: 11,000 xps [Need 15,000 for 6th]

STR: 14 +2
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 16 +3
INT: 16 +3
WIS: 14 +2
CHA: 10 +0

Hit Dice: 12 + 1d10 + 3d10 + 15
Vitality: 57 Wounds: 16
Defense (Armor): 14 [10 + 2 Dex + 2 Natural + 0 Armor]
Defense (Class): 19 [10 + 2 Dex + 2 Natural + 5 Class]
Initiative: +7 [2 Dex + 5 Class]
BAB: +3
Melee: +5
Ranged: +5
Speed: 30’

FORT: +8 [5 Base + 3 Con]
REFL: +6 [4 Base + 2 Dex]
WILL: +6 [4 Base + 2 Wis]

Save Conditionals: +2 vs. environmental hazards

Rifle 1 +5, 1dX (20)
Rifle 2 +5, 1dX (20)

Attack conditionals: +1 Att/+1 Dmg w/in one range increment, +2 Dmg from a readied action, +2 att vs. opponents with partial cover.

Class / Specialty Abilities:
‘Army’ Macro: +1 Damage +1/4 lvls as a result of a readied action
‘Ranger’ Micro: +1 Class Bonus +1/4 lvls to Move Silently and Survival
Accurate (Soldier Core): When spending an action die on Attacks, Str or Con checks, use 2 dice instead of just one.
Direction Sense (Explorer): +2 Class bonus +1/4 Explorer lvls to Navigate.
Stalker (Scout): +1 skill point per Scout lvl for Survival only.
Rough Living (Scout): +2 Natural Armor bonus to AC (+4 at 11th), +2 to environmental saves.

Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Combat Instincts (Army Core): If foe misses melee attack by >5, make immediate return melee attack as a free action.
Point Blank Shot: (Soldier Bonus feat) +1 to attack and damage within one range increment
World Traveler: (Explorer Bonus feat) +2 to Culture, Language and First Aid checks and critical range for those skills is now 19-20.
Outdoorsman: (Scout Bonus feat) +2 to Survival and Handle Animal checks and critical range for those skills is now 19-20.
Track: (Scout feat) As PHB
Precise Shot: (Character 1st) As PHB
Sharp Shooting: (Character 3rd) +2 to hit vs. opponents benefiting from partial cover.

Skills (Total Bonus [# of Ranks + Modifiers] Crit Range):
Climb +3 [1 rank]
- Pharmaceuticals +6 [3 Ranks]
Demolitions +4 [1 rank]
Hide +10 [8 Ranks]
- Current Events +5 [2 Ranks]
- Earth and Life Sciences +7 [4 Ranks]
- Tactics +7 [4 Ranks]
Listen +10 [8 Ranks]
Move Silently +12 [8 Ranks + 2 Class]
Search +11 [8 ranks]
Spot +10 [8 Ranks]
Survival +14 [8 ranks]
- Mountains +8 [4 Ranks +2 Class +2 Feat, +2 Navigate only] (Crit 19-20)
- Forests +8 [4 Ranks +2 Class +2 Feat, +2 Navigate only] (Crit 19-20)
Treat Injury (first aid): +8 [4 Ranks +2 Class] (Crit 19-20)

Languages: English (Native), Gaelic (Native), + two more (Native)

Winchester 94
First aid kit
Multipurpose tool
Backpack: Standard
Binoculars: Standard
Flashlight: Standard
Tactical Map
Mesh vest
Sleeping bag
Trail rations
50 .444 shells
50 .22 bullets

Stargate Standard Bundle:
Standard fatigues (3 sets in your choice of terrain colors), combat boots, caps, load bearing harnesses, magnetic compasses, canteens, flashlight, 5 days MRE’s, tactical deployment vest, tactical radio, and FN P90 with a standard sling and 150 rounds of ammo, and a weatherproof seabag.

Survival Bundle:
The survival gear includes a climbing kit with tools, survival kit, binoculars, 100 ft rope, 5 glow sticks, survival knife, Standard side arm (Berretta 92F)

Description: .

Personality: .

History: .
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I aim to misbehave
Next - Jeremiah Grayson (updated)

Jeremiah Grayson
Explorer 2

Non-Comm [Diplomatic Corps]

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Short Brown
Skin: Darkly tanned

Nationality: American
Current Residence: Choctaw, Ok.
Current Work: Code Tinker, Tinker AFB
Religion: Agnostic
Allegiance: Friends

Action Dice: 3 (d4)
Inspiration: 4 [2 Wis + 2 Level]
Education: 4 [2 Wis + 2 Level]
Experience: 1,000 xps [Need 3,000 for 3rd]

STR: 14 +2
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 18 +4
WIS: 14 +2
CHA: 20 +5

Hit Dice: 12 + 1d10 + 4
Vitality: 22 Wounds: 14
Defense (Armor): 12 [10 + 2 Dex + 0 Armor]
Defense (Class): 13 [10 + 2 Dex + 1 Class]
Initiative: +4 [2 Dex + 2 Class]
BAB: +1
Melee: +3
Ranged: +3
Speed: 30’

FORT: +4 [2 Base + 2 Con]
REFL: +5 [3 Base + 2 Dex]
WILL: +4 [2 Base + 2 Wis]

Save Conditionals: none

Pistol 1 +3, 1dX (20)

Attack conditionals: none.

Class / Specialty Abilities:
Diplomat core: Diplomacy is always a class skill
Diplomat core: +1 Class Bonus +1/5 lvls to Cultures and Diplomacy
Diplomat core: Bonus skill points of 4 + 1 per level
Diplomat core: Gain Persuasive feat.
Obsessive (Explorer Core): When spending an action die on Intelligence check add ¼ Explorer class levels to threat range.
Direction Sense (Explorer): +2 Class bonus +1/4 Explorer lvls to Navigate, also don’t need to spend an action die to activate a critical for such checks.
All over the World (Explorer 1st): Gain World Traveler feat
Bookworm (Explorer 2nd): Reduce research time of 5 minutes or more by 50%.
Rough Living (Scout): +2 Natural Armor bonus to AC (+4 at 11th), +2 to environmental saves.

Armor Proficiency (light,)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee, Handgun)
Persuasive (Diplomat Core): +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks and critical range for those skills is now 19-20.
World Traveler: (Explorer Bonus feat) +2 to Culture, Language and First Aid checks and critical range for those skills is now 19-20.
Outdoorsman: (Scout Bonus feat) +2 to Survival and Handle Animal checks and critical range for those skills is now 19-20.
Unlocked Potential: (Character 1st) Increase maximum skill ranks for one skill (Languages) by three.

Skills (Total Bonus [# of Ranks + Modifiers] Crit Range):
Bluff +9 [2 ranks + 2 feat] (Crit 19-20)
Computer Use +8 [4 ranks]
Cryptography +9 [5 ranks]
Cultures +4 [0 ranks + 2 feat] (Crit 18-20)
Diplomacy +11 [4 ranks + 2 feat] (Crit 18-20)
First aid: +4 [0 Ranks +2 feat] (Crit 19-20)
Gather Information +9 [4 ranks]
Intimidate +7 [0 ranks +2 feat] (Crit 19-20)
Hide +10 [8 Ranks]
- History +9 [5 Ranks]
- Philosophy / Theology +8 [4 Ranks]
Languages +14 [8 ranks +2 feat]
Listen +6 [4 Ranks]
Sense Motive (cc) +4 [4 (1/2) ranks]
Spot +7 [5 Ranks]

- Native: English, German, Romanian, Swahili, Iraqi
- Fluent: Cheyenne, Gaelic, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Latin, Sumerian, Cuneiform, Arabic (Egyptian)

Personal Equipment:
- Contractor's field bag , 4 lbs
- Portable digital video recorder , 7 lb
- Notebook 0.5 lbs,
- Scanner (2) 1 lbs (0.5 each)

Stargate Standard Bundle:
Standard fatigues (3 sets in your choice of terrain colors), combat boots, caps, load bearing harnesses, magnetic compasses, canteens, flashlight, 5 days MRE’s, tactical deployment vest, tactical radio, and Beretta 92F with a standard side holster and 45 rounds of ammo, and a weatherproof seabag.

Survival Bundle:
The survival gear includes a climbing kit with tools, survival kit, binoculars, 100 ft rope, 5 glow sticks, and survival knife

Description: .

Personality: .

History: .
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