OD&D 4 me (April Fools)

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Hypersmurf said:
If it were up to me, I'd probably put the thread back in the 4E forum - I think that the comparison between OD&D and 4E is at the heart of what Rel is saying. But I like my job too much, and I'm not going to risk sticking an oar in right now.
Maybe Rel would be happy with a 4E OD&D conversion? If so, this could go in the little-loved Conversions subforum.

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Nikosandros said:
I'm currently running an AD&D game. Except for a player that has 2e experience all the others came from a 3e background and things are working just fine for us.

But are you ruling more or less according to what 3e would do anyway? And if you added a new player that started with 4e, how would he adapt?

The problem with DM arbitration for everything is consistency of expectations on the part of the player. Not saying it can't be done, just that it gets harder and harder. And it's one of the things that they've tried to avoid with 3e and moreso with 4e.


Liquid Awesome
Rodrigo Istalindir said:
Hmmm. I logged in from home and I can post just fine. That was a quick three days.

So let me continue the discussion.

No, let's NOT continue the discussion. Obviously I was distracted and must not have entered the ban correctly. I'm going to to sort out whatever technical issue I bungled but I'd appreciate it if you would respect the "spirit" of the ban and not post any further for right now. ESPECIALLY in this thread.

In fact you posting that rather than e-mailing me about it is pretty disrespectful and I'm going to lengthen your ban to 7 days. I really expected more of you, Rod.


Xath said:
Even supposedly "fantastic GMs" would be hard pressed to get a serious, story-driven campaign out of that system.

Let's not confuse ourselves here. Rel isn't after a 'serious, story-driven campaign'. He said 'fun'.

Poles apart.


Rex Blunder

First Post
Grazzt said:
No good. Rel's not going to 4e. Need to rewrite this in OD&D terms.

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Demon Lord
Rex Blunder said:
MODS: Mods can move this thread to a new forum, once per post. Mods cannot be affected by normal missile fire, but silver-tipped arrows will score normal damage, and magic arrows will score double hits upon them. Posters banned by Mods become Mods in 1-6 days.

Not bad. :) Close to how I would've done it as well. And since it's OD&D, I can easily house rule it without tearing apart the rest of the system. Well done.


Golden Procrastinator
Rodrigo Istalindir said:
But are you ruling more or less according to what 3e would do anyway?
Not really. I'm really playing it more or less fast and loose with things like movement. We normally use individual initiative with speed factors (a house rule), but during the last time, since the were a lot of combatants between monsters, PC and hirelings, I just switched in the middle to group initiative. None of the players had a problem with such an "inconsistent" ruling.


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this thread=


If there's one thing I learned over the years it's to play what your players want. Trying to make guys play a game they don't like leads to fail. If they're cool with OD&D, you're golden. If not, expect a lot of frustration on both sides.

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