Official Kulan Q&A Thread

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Knightfall said:
Yet, Morrus is right. Besides, for the World of Kulan forum, I have moderator status. If a post needs to be deleted (or moved), I can do it.You don't need to ask anyone else.

Doh :) I feel like an idiot for not realizing that, LOL!
In the future, this won't be an issue. I will come straight to you! :)
[I don't feel the need to delete a post very often, so don't worry, heh heh.]

Tellerian Hawke


World of Kulan DM
Knightfall, this is Houston. We read you, loud and clear. :cool:
Ha! Ha!

I was just making sure that I could post after I cleared my cache and cookies. It was the stupid "replies in reverse order" thing on FB that made me clear that data. I read online that doing that could reverse the reverse order replies... that was before I found out it wasn't a bug but a change made by FB.


World of Kulan DM
Tellerian Hawke (Facebook) said:
Does Angus get an attack of opportunity vs the fleeing cultist?
No, because he doesn't have reach and the cultist didn't flee through a square that Angus threatens beyond the first square.

Tellerian Hawke (Facebook) said:
Ah, so he's withdrawing. Is it just the one, or are both withdrawing?
Just the one. And he's not withdrawing. He attacked Angus first and then fled. Angus cannot get an AoO unless he passes through a square that Angus threatens besides the first square he moved out of.

Tellerian Hawke (Facebook) said:
Not to be a rules lawyer, but there's only two ways to leave a threatened square: 5-ft adjustment, and withdrawal.


When you withdraw, it's a full round action, and you don't count the square you start in. But if he attacked me, he could still withdraw as a standard action, but he only gets his normal movement. (30')--not double move, nor run.

Also, the term "Withdraw" doesn't mean he has to leave combat entirely; it just means he disengages from melee range.

BTW, I'm not arguing with you, just trying to have an academic conversation 🙂 You're still the boss 😎
Okay, I know I've seen this detailed somewhere in the rules besides under withdrawing from combat. Maybe it was in a FAQ or errata or something. I've always considered the first square that character moves out of that is threatened to not count for triggering an AoO. If I'm wrong, I've been doing it wrong the entire time I've been playing v.3.5. That would be troubling.

Either that, or is previous games that I've played in or DMed, we just used the rule for withdrawing without actually saying the character was withdrawing. I don't know, I can't remember.

T.H. Wrote:
When you withdraw, it's a full round action, and you don't count the square you start in. But if he attacked me, he could still withdraw as a standard action, but he only gets his normal movement. (30')--not double move, nor run.
In a sense, this is what he is doing. I just wasn't aware you could Withdraw after taking a Standard Action. I have to read the PHB again. For me, Withdraw is always been a Full-Round Action, or, at least, that's how I've always interpreted it.

Tellerian Hawke (Facebook) said:
From the SRD:
Withdrawing from melee combat is a full-round action. When you withdraw, you can move up to double your speed. The square you start out in is not considered threatened by any opponent you can see, and therefore visible enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against you when you move from that square. (Invisible enemies still get attacks of opportunity against you, and you can’t withdraw from combat if you’re blinded.) You can’t take a 5-foot step during the same round in which you withdraw.
If, during the process of withdrawing, you move out of a threatened square (other than the one you started in), enemies get attacks of opportunity as normal.
You may not withdraw using a form of movement for which you don’t have a listed speed.
Note that despite the name of this action, you don’t actually have to leave combat entirely.

Restricted Withdraw
If you are limited to taking only a standard action each round you can withdraw as a standard action. In this case, you may move up to your speed (rather than up to double your speed).

That last paragraph about "restricted withdraw" is what I was referring to. But it's a little gray, because it says "If you're restricted to standard actions" which I guess was meant to deal with certain conditions (like being at 0 hit pts?) where you could still theoretically withdraw?

I am inclined to think that it's an option, regardless. Take one last swipe, and back up 30 ft., or just walk backwards a few steps, then turn and move 60 ft. You've disengaged carefully from melee in any case. But if you simply turn and run, you're gonna get clobbered. That's my understanding, at least.
He's not restricted to a standard action, so it doesn't count. So, if I'm wrong and you're right then Angus would get an AoO but that doesn't feel like the way is supposed to work. It's a gut feeling that I've seen a ruling in something official that the first square never counts when moving when determining AoOs. Maybe it was something I house ruled during my SCAP campaign to allow for more movement during combat without so many AoOs. I don't know at this point. I need to look through the main D&D FAQ again and the errata and online. But, for now, that's the way it works.

Tellerian Hawke (Facebook) said:
No no, I wasn't disagreeing with you; I concur that he should be able to take a last swing and then withdraw 30 ft. I just want to be sure that I understand how far he moved when he did so.
We'll use the rule for Restricted Withdraw for now until I've done more research. A character/creature can withdraw after taking a Standard Action but is limited to only its standard movement rate.

Well, he went around a corner, so Angus doesn't know 'exactly' how far he's moved away, but the cultists are wearing chainmail and Angus has fought enough two-legs wearing heavier armor to know how they are restricted in moving.

Tellerian Hawke (Facebook) said:
I think you're thinking of moving INTO a threatened square. You don't provoke when you move up to someone, unless you try to move more squares AFTER you've move into that first square. But moving away is a different ballgame. That's why squishies shouldn't jump into melee with fighters. 😛

The reason I ask these things is because Angus has such a profilic movement rate. I am considering trampling the remaining dude and chasing after the dude who went around the corner 😛 😎 That's the advantage of being a 2300 pound Centaur. It's FREIGHT TRAIN time!! 😃 😃
Okay, yes, there is that rule. I know it and maybe I've unknowingly expanded it to include the first square in any move, as long as the second square isn't threatened as well.

Example: So, a friendly rogue who is being threatened by an evil fighter can step out of being threatened, move around to another position to try to attack the fighter's dastardly wizard ally without having to worry about an AoO from the fighter. Now, he might not have enough movement to get to the wizard in a single move, but it wouldn't be a withdraw.

To me, that is combat tactics.


World of Kulan DM
BTW, I haven't had moderator status for the Kulan forum in some time. I have a feeling I'm not likely to get it back since the forum now exists within the archived Personal/Host Forums.

I'm just glad I can still use it! :D

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