Mission 3, Day 1, Encounter 1, Round 21.
There is an audible hiss as the airlock to the Black Knight slides open.
Worm #6
Worm #7
Worm #8
Worm #9
FT 1: Bishop relieved to be free from the constricting grasp of the slicer worm that was wrapped tightly around his legs reaches over with his left hand and grabs the slicer worm attached to his right shoulder by the throat. He gives it a mighty tug, (Bishops grapple check roll of 12 vs Slicer worm #7’s grapple check roll of 14, Bishop spends an action point and raises his roll by 5 to 17, success), and rips the foul creature from his arm! The slicer worm falls at his feet and immediately raises up it’s toothy head. Carl takes only a 5’ step East to avoid the snapping jaws of the slicer worms and lights up his tinderbox spraying the area in front of the door with burning liquid. The liquid is going to burn for another 1 round.
FT 2: Cyrill takes a 5’ step East and brings up his Hawkeye after yelling a warning at Bishop to remain still, squeezing the trigger as he goes, (Modified ranged attack roll of 10 + 9 (AB) +1 (PB) – 0 (Precise Shot) = 20, (Random roll to see who was the target due to grapple, indicated worm was shot at), a hit doing 10hp (Swift strike roll of 2hp) damage!). Cyrill shoots at the wounded worm clinging to Bishops boot, the slug punches right through the back of the worms head, ripping the creature clean off Bishop’s boot and is sent flying to the ground 5’ further north. Worm #6 is dying. Jacob surveys his handy work in the kill zone he has set-up.
FT 3: Dave looks at Mel and says, “I think there is going to be trouble.”, while pointing at the civilians now storming towards the exit. “Ok, I will go help Jonass, try hold it here.”, he says and moves north to try and control the civilians. Mel judges the distance to be 120’, a bit far for a good throw. She checks the grenade in her hand and remembers that the staff sergeant said by turning the detonator anti clockwise without pulling it will arm the grenade in proximity mode… that’s right it was a 10’ radius she told herself.
FT 4: Jonass yells, “LET’S GO!”, to the civilian as he hears the airlock cycle in the other room and begins ushering the civilians out of the room. The civilians now simply loose it at the prospect of escaping and all seem to storm for the exit at the same time. A smallish woman (C12) is knocked prone by the rush of people as she was about to enter the holding room. Zane yells, “THAT IS THE LAST OF THEM!”, as the last civilians pass by him.
Sarge storms into room just beyond the airlock and yells once more into his helmet comm, “Mel what is the status?”.
Worm #6: Is dying.
Worm #7: The slicer worm snaps at Bishops feet, (Modified melee touch attack roll of 10 vs Defense of 12 (Normally 16 – 4 for being prone), a miss), but narrowly misses him!
Worm #8: The slicer worm sails towards Cyrill and attacks, (Modified melee touch attack roll of 15 vs Defense of 18, a miss), but fails to find a target as it bites past his leg.
Worm #9: The slicer worm waits outside the door angrily hissing, but not wanting to enter the flames in front of it.
Squad actions please.
OCC: Swift strike stricktly applies to only flat-footed targets but I think targets denied their dexterity bonus keeps with the original rogue’s sneak attack ability.