Omega Pathfinders Game Thread


First Post
Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

[OT: f I get it right Cyrill can't open the doors from outside. If there is a chance to override the manual override he will try it with computer use. If not: ]

Cyrill starts to search the slingshot for emergency exits or other ways inside (using perception/investigation).

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First Post
Jacob Marcrat

Melara, hold this guy Jacob will move up to the door and give cyrill a hand with the door/searching the ship for another entrance


Mission 1. Round 14.

Warrior bugs race closer to 200'. Plasma remains at 1880'.

Trooper #2 (Fort save of 1 + 3 = 4 vs DC 20, fail) does not stabilize this round and looses a hp.
Trooper #4 continues dragging Trooper #2 and moves to W-17.
Rudy falls back to T-17, he yells at Carl, "Get back here trooper... you don't want to be left behind!" and takes a shot at bug #4, (Modified ranged attack roll of 7 + 7 (AB) - 2 (range) = 12, a miss).
Trooper #5 tries to dive past the star marshal towards the door hoping to unlock it, however moving the 10' provoked an attack of opportunity from the star marshal. The star marshal being quite well trained in hand to hand combat brought up his right leg to deliver a mawashi geri to the troopers midriff... (unarmed attack so trooper #5 can try and counter..., Trooper #5 draws his peacemaker and takes a shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 11 + 3 (AB) = 14, a miss), shooting into the back of Robert's seat as the kick from the star marshal, (Modified melee attack roll of 13 + 9 (AB) + 2 (feat) = 24, a hit doing 6hp non lethal damage), slams into his side knocking his wind out but he makes it to the door, moves to Z-22.
Kate leaves the controls and rushes to try and help trooper #5, moves to Y-23. Still having her peacemaker in hand she takes a shot at the star marshal, (Modified ranged attack roll of 5 + 4 (AB) - 4 (melee with trooper #5) = 5, a miss), missing as she tries to avoid hitting the trooper.
Robert (Fort save of 6 + 3 = 9 vs DC 20, fail) does not stabilize this round and looses a hp.
Carl who is practically hugging the bugs now takes a shot at bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 5 + 6 (AB) = 11, a miss).
Jacob moves to AA-23 and tries to find another way in...
Cyrill continues searching but he knows that the only way that door is opening without the manual unlocked is by breaching it with explosives...
Sergeant Lawson rips the closed bay door to the launch open and rushes inside, he shoves the body of the other star marshal out of the way as it was slumped over some storage crates. He is surprised to see as the body rolls over that the star marshal's throat had been cut! Lying where the body was is a makeshift blade! Sergeant Lawson thinks to himself, "That explains it! That star marshal switched clothes! The prisoner must have planned an escape and used the crash as a good time to stage it. Now what is inside these crates?"
Mel moves to W-28 to cover the sarge.

Squad actions please.

Squad status:
Name Ammo Current HP
Jacob 30 18
Cyrill 12 10
Carl 21 19
Mel 23 18


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First Post
'Open the damn door!' Jacob will yell in anger over the radio, and ready for when it opens. if it does he will rush in and make sure the door stays open.


First Post
Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Radio:"We need something to blow that doors open! Sir, did you find something useful in the crashed ship? I don't think that my HE-grenade will do the trick and by the way I know sh*# about explosives...Kowaltzki over."

Frustrated, Cyrill moves to AC-19 and fires a shot at the closest bug.


Mission 1. Round 15.

The Warrior charge past Carl?? (He does not understand why they would not go for him as he is on his own) and head for the slingshot... .
Plasma remains at 1880'.

Bug #1 flanks left and moves to Z-13.
Bug #2 flanks right and moves to L-23.
Bug #3 races towards Rudy and then veers right heading to Q-20.
Bug #4 bounds over the ridge where the squad were taking cover and moves to U-14.
Trooper #2 (Fort save of 9 + 3 = 12 vs DC 20, fail) does not stabilize this round and looses a hp.
Trooper #4 shocked to see the bugs closing in so fast stops dragging Trooper #2 and fires a shot at bug #4, (Modified ranged attack roll of 5 + 3 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 9, a miss).
Rudy can't quite understand why the bugs are behaving so strangely... usually they would simply try and rip through the closest trooper but now they seem to be far more coordinated in their attack? He doesn't care though and shouts into his intercom, "We have company sarge!", and fires a shot at bug #4, (Modified ranged attack roll of 20 + 7 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 28, a hit (Confirm critical of 18 + 7 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 26, confirmed) doing 16hp damage!), causing the bug to squeal in pain as the slug rips into its carapace.
Trooper #5 can't understand why the fake star marshal has a fiendish smile developing but reaches out for the manual lock none the less… and manages to turn the latch!
The impostor draws his sidearm, a colt .45, (Modified ranged attack roll of 18 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 25, a hit, doing 5hp damage!) and presses it into Trooper #5’s back pulling the trigger… the slug rips through Trooper #5’s power suit slowing somewhat but still causing him a great deal of pain! Trooper #5 falls to the ground and is dying…
Kate sees that Trooper #5 was able to switch the manual lock off before he fell to the ground bleeding so she dives to the front of the slingshot and opens the bay door.
Robert (Fort save of 15 + 3 = 18 vs DC 20, fail) does not stabilize this round and looses a hp.
Carl sees the bugs race past him without even slowing down but as they do so he takes a shot at bug #2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 6 + 6 (AB) = 12, a miss).
As Jacob sees the bay door sliding open he can see the impostor standing just in front of him with Trooper #5 lying at his feet. No wanting to be locked out again he moves to AA-22 and secures the door open.
Cyril moves to AC-19 and takes a shot at bug #1, (Modified ranged attack roll of 13 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 20, a hit doing 4hp damage!).
Roger that Rudy”, says Sergeant Lawson as he cracks open one of the 4 crates lying in the downed launch… inside he can see what appears to be canisters filled with large worm larva. “What the… what are those?”, remarks Sergeant Lawson.
Mel continues to cover the sarge but is weary of the approaching bugs.

Squad actions please.

Squad status:
Name Ammo Current HP
Jacob 30 18
Cyrill 11 10
Carl 20 19
Mel 23 18


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First Post
"Sarge, the slingshot's open!" Melara yells as she moves to W26 and fires a quick burst of five shots at Bug #3, using the corner of the launch as cover from the inevitable bug counterattack.


First Post
Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Radio: "Fire in the hole!"

Cyrill tosses his last HE-grenade at X 11, trying to catch bug #1 and #4 in the blast. He then moves to AA 23.


First Post
Jacob Marcrat

Jacob will level his rifle at the star marshall while growling at him 'Move and you die, sir'

[sblock] jacob readys vs the marshall moving anywhere, be it attempting to stabalize a downed trooper or an attempt to fire upon his fellows [/sblock]


Mission 1. Round 16.

Plasma remains at 1880'.

Trooper #2 (Fort save of 20 + 3 = 23 vs DC 20, success) does stabilize this round will not loose anymore hp.
Kate seeing an opportunity while at the controls once again yanks on the yoke and tips the slingshot and moves 5' sideways... causing the fake star marshal, (Ref save 4 + 3 = 7 vs DC 15), to loose his footing and since he failed to grab hold of anything he goes tumbling out of the slingshot to AB-22.
Jacob being ready for any event fires a shot as he sees the fake star marshal coming towards him, (Modified ranged attack roll of 11 + 7 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 19, a hit doing 10hp damage!), hitting the fake star marshal in the left shoulder.
The fake star marshal seems to be deep in concentration when he stands up from prone.
Cyrill tosses his last HE-grenade at X-11, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 6 (AB) - 10 (range, OCC: I have taken the range increment as 10' as per D20F rules) = 13 vs 10, a hit doing 10hp damage!) trying to catch bug #1 and #4 in the blast and he does! He then moves to AA-23.
Mel moves to W-26 and fires a 5 round burst at bug #3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 7 (AB) - 4 (Burstfire) = 20, a hit doing 21hp damage!), punching several holes through the bug!
Bug #4 shifts 5' to T-15 and full attacks Rudy, (Modified melee attack rolls of 7 + 9 (AB) - 4 (non lethal) = 12, claw miss, 5 + 9 (AB) - 4 (NL) = 10, claw miss, 7 + 4 (AB) - 4 (NL) = 7, bite miss).
Rudy knows he is in trouble trying to fire his rifle being so close to a bug but he still takes a shot after stepping away 5', (Bug #4 gets free attack 10' reach, Modified melee attack roll of 13 + 9 (AB) - 4 (NL) = 18, claw miss), (Modified ranged attack roll of 5 + 7 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 13, a miss).
Trooper #4 drags Trooper #2 as quick as he can towards the slingshot and moves to Z-22.
Trooper #5 (Fort save of 8 + 3 = 11 vs DC 20, fail) does not stabilize this round and looses a hp.
Robert (Fort save of 17 + 3 = 20 vs DC 20, success) does stabilize this round and will not loose anymore hp.
Carl double moves towards the squad, moves to R-11.
Sergeant Lawson knows that they need to evacuate so he grabs a canister with a worm in and races towards the slingshot, "Mel let's get going!", he shouts as he clears the launch and moves to AA-26.
Bug #1 races to AA-19 and as it scampers over some rough terrain it lashes out at Jacob with a claw, (Modified melee attack roll of 18 + 9 (AB) - 4 (NL) = 23, a hit doing 5hp non lethal damage!
Sergeant Lawson and Mel are surprised by Bug #2 as it races up and over the slingshot jumping to AC-23... "these bugs are behaving very strangely", says the sarge.
Bug #3 races around the downed launch and moves to V-31.

Squad actions please.

Squad status:
Name Ammo / Current HP / Non-Lethal Damage
Jacob 29 / 18 / 5
Cyrill 11 / 10
Carl 20 / 19
Mel 18 / 18


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