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[OMENRPG] Struggle for Dominance


Durkim notes with disapproval the manner in which Lowapa flaunts his wealth. In the desert - source of the ancient Turtik legends - those who waste water are regarded as fools, and 'water waster' as a grave insult.

Nontheless, Durkim replies "The fee seems reasonable to me as well.

Now as to the file: How are we to know it? For supposing that we find an encrypted file, which are common enough, it may not be the one you want."

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Lowapa notices Durkim's displeasure, and other than giving him a rather condescending look does nothing.

He says while still looking at Durkim, "The file will be held on his person, more than likely a POD [personal optical device]. He doesn't keep it anyway on his networked computers, as he is aware that I could easily view such information if I wished. Bring me the entire POD, and that will suffice."

[If no one has any objection to the price, we will continue forward. If anyone has anything else they wish to say or contend, do so now or I might fast forward it.]

Walking Dad

First Post

"I accept your offer. DO we get a picture of the target? I know him by reputation, but never saw him. His cadre and recruits are from all species, right?" Motog asks further.


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Lowapa stands again, moving to the back wall. He gestures slightly, making a slight flicking movement with his fingertips. The images on the wall flip through like panels on a computer, and an image of a large and lithe burshdett appears. In the corner of the panel there is a close-up of his face, including the somewhat common but unique artistic burns in the bone-plates on his head.

"Excellent. This is Dekt. He is relatively thin for a burshdett, perhaps only a hundred and fifty kilos, and is known for these intricate etchings on his forehead and jaw plates." He turns to look at Motog as he asks his question. "Those closest to him are of the same descent, perhaps even related although that is unknown, but the majority of his men are a mixture of the species of this station."

He continues, "If you have no other questions, I will urge you to begin your mission immediately. I expect results within... five cycles [days.]" He curtly nods his head in a semi-respectful bow, and begins walking to the door on your left which you can presume to be an office or bedroom.

The human with the cybernetic implants uncrosses his arms, moving out from the corner closer to you. He reaches his hand out to the door out, bent slightly at the waist.

[Actions, questions?]


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"Five cycle... that's short preparation time, but with a team, sounds possible. And if it was that easy, I doubt you would have asked us." Nohome stands up and look at his new teammate to see if they have something else to add before leaving.


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[Alright, I won't wait as long to assume people have something new to say. Just so we can keep communication clear, go ahead and just OOC tell me if you're good and then we can move on. But for now, let's get to the good stuff. Post updated [MENTION=30034]ghostcat[/MENTION] , [MENTION=13739]Velmont[/MENTION] , [MENTION=59043]Walking Dad[/MENTION] , [MENTION=24234]kinem[/MENTION]]

As Lowapa strides out of the room into the one adjacent, the door opens behind you and the rest of the guards come inside. The human bent in a faux-courteous pose looks at the group of you, waiting for you to leave.

The group stands and is flanked by the original group of guards, and are walked through the halls. As you are walking away from Lowapa's suite, you see some of the VIP rooms to your left and right, full of high-powered individuals and lap dogs to Lowapa clustered around tables, watching nearly naked dancing girls and gambling with various card games.

The level of power and money all within this single building is somewhat staggering, and while most of you are well aware of Lowapa's reputation, you didn't conceptualize the amount of resources at his disposal.

The noise and heat of the club starts to become more apparent as you get farther from the VIP rooms and closer to the dark room full of heavily painted club goers. The black light and strobe lights in the club highlight the irradiated paint splattered and drawn all over the many nearly (some entirely) naked people moving to the bass of the rhythmic music.

You approach the door that exits into a staircase, bringing you down to a catwalk overlooking the club. A human guard nods at the group around you, and opens the door. The sound of the music whomps you in the face with a wave of air, the smell of sweat, and the humidity and heat of the dance floor.

The catwalk is also lined with guards who possess goggles to block out the crazy lighting, and compact sub-machine guns overlooking the club. As you approach a dead end, one of the goggled-guards points with his chin down the staircase to the floor level of the dance floor.

As you all walk down into the dance floor, you're completely and immediately surrounded by dozens of sweaty, paint-covered dancers. The thump thump thump of the music pulses deep in your gut and pounds in your ears, somewhat disorienting you and dulling your senses.

[I would like everyone to roll a Perceive please.]


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Nohome was over a head shorter than most of the people in the crowd. It made teh light less annoying, but he felt the air more suffocating, and with all that noise, he could barely hear someone shouting in this crowd.

As he advance, he try to find the nearest way out of the crowd and the club and try to avoid being crush by a drugged dancer Perceive (3d6+11=20).


Durkim has little interest in the club and its dancers; whatever rituals are being observed here are foreign to Turtik culture, and seem fairly crude and primitive.

He tries to keep an eye out for any dancers who might be foolish and desperate enough to try to take larcenous advantage of the close quarters.
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Walking Dad

First Post

Motog is (like most of the time) pretty oblivious to his surroundings, just using his mass to quickly find a way through the crowd.

OOC: The bonuses after the Specialties are already the totals, right?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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