D&D 5E One Shot #2 - Irongrad (Closed/OOC)


Can't believe this dagger has hit every character so far. Goes to show you that not all threats need to be huge and dragon-like. Even the little things can kill you.
[MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] if Al hits he will have been the only one, lol.

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OOC: Wizards have an ability called Arcane Recovery. Once per day, after a short rest, the wizard can regain extended spell slots equal to half their level rounded up. So a level 1 wizard can regain a 1st level spell slot.

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My guess is that we have taken long enough to get here, including out short rest already, that if he's going to use that he already has. I believe I used my 1 hd of healing already. I'm fine with a short rest for those that need it. Don't take a long rest on Bilkars account. If he's the only one that needs it then the Wizard is going to get a lot more out of it than we are.


Think a short rest would be best for Ssz'irac so he can spend a HD. Those that aren't resting may explore (if you dare, muhahahahah- lol)


Just to show how great those tiles look, here is a scanned copy of the original map from the mag.


Man I am going to use those tiles more often in pbp.


I got most of the 4e stuff from my local game store as it was on sell. I then scanned them into the computer (not easy) and am now pysk'ed as I am going to be buying those BAsic Dungeon Tiles from the advertisement to use as well.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
It does look awesome, those scanned tiles! I have some myself, but never bothered to digitalize them. Perhaps I will, if ever I start DM'ing my own PbP game...


the magical equivalent to the number zero
I'll be away from any internet connection next week. As I am generally only online on week days, that means that after tomorrow I'll be unable to post until Monday December 18th. The DM should feel free to play my character as an NPC until my return.

I'm posting this for all my current games, so possibly you'll see this message more often if we're in several games together. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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